Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 18

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OLIVIA: But when you're alone?

DAN: Then I act more than ever I do.


DAN: I dunno; 'cause I like it.... (_Breaking the scene, pulling a chair round to the table_) Now what d'ye say if _I_ ask a question or two for a change? (_Sitting in the chair facing her_) Just for a change.... Why can't you take a bit of an interest in some other body but me?

OLIVIA (_taken aback_): I'm not interested in you. Only you don't talk. That's bound to make people wonder.

DAN: I can talk a lot sometimes. A drop o' drink makes a power o'

difference to me. (_Chuckling_) You'd be surprised.... Ah....

_He returns to his work._

OLIVIA: I wonder if I would....

DAN: I know you would....

OLIVIA: I think I can diagnose you all right.

DAN: Carry on.

OLIVIA: You haven't any feelings ... at all....

_He looks slowly up at her. She has struck home._

But you live in a world of your own.... A world of your own imagination.

DAN: I don't understand so very well, not bein' so very liter-er-airy.

OLIVIA: You follow me perfectly well.

_He shrugs his shoulders, laughs, and goes on whittling._

DAN: D'you still think there's been a bit o' dirty work?

OLIVIA: I don't know what to think now. I suppose not.

DAN (_intent on his work, his back to the audience_): Disappointed?

OLIVIA: What on earth do you mean?

DAN: Disappointed?

OLIVIA (_laughing, in spite of herself_): Yes, I suppose I am.

DAN: Why?

OLIVIA (_the tension at last relaxed_): Oh, I don't know....

Because nothing much has ever happened to me, and it's a dull day, and it's the depths of the country.... I don't know....

_A piercing scream from the bottom of the garden. A pause._

MRS. BRAMSON (_shrieking from the other side of the house_): Danny!... Danny!

_The clatter of footsteps in the garden_. DORA _runs in from the hall, breathless and terrified._

DORA: They're diggin' ... in the rubbish-pit ...


DORA: There's something sticking out....


DORA: A hand ... Somebody's hand!... Oh, Miss Grayne ... somebody's hand....

_She runs whimpering into the kitchen, as_ OLIVIA _rises and runs to the left window and looks out._

MRS. BRAMSON'S VOICE (_calling off_): Danny!

DAN _rises slowly, his back to the audience._

OLIVIA _turns and suddenly sees him. Horror grows in her face.

The blare of music. The lights dim out._


_The music plays in darkness for a few bars, then the curtain rises again. The music fades away.

Late afternoon, two days later._ OLIVIA _is seated above the table snipping long cuttings from newspapers and pasting them into a ledger.

A knock at the front door. She starts nervously. Another knock._ MRS. TERENCE _comes in from the kitchen carrying a smoothing- iron._

MRS. TERENCE: If it's them police again, I'll bash their helmets in with this. If it lands me three months, I will.

OLIVIA: They're from Scotland Yard, and they don't wear helmets.

MRS. TERENCE: Then they're going to get 'urt.... (_Going into the hall_) I can tell by their looks what they think. And they better not think it, neither.

OLIVIA: And what do they think?

MRS. TERENCE (_over her shoulder_): They think it's me. I know they think it's me.

_She goes into the hall and opens the front door._

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Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 18 summary

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