Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 34

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_Another knock, louder. She presses his head to her._

OLIVIA: It's all right. You won't die. I'll tell them I _made_ you do it. I'll tell lies--I'll tell----

_A third and louder knock at the front door. She realises she must answer, goes into the hall, opens the front door, and comes back, hiding_ DAN _from view._

BELSIZE (_in the hall_): Good evening.... Sorry to pop back like this----

_He comes into the room, followed by_ DORA _and_ MRS.

TERENCE, _both terrified_.

(_Looking around_) Everything looks all right here.

MRS. TERENCE: I tell you we _did_ 'ear her! Plain as plain! And we'd gone near a quarter of a mile----

DORA: Plain as plain----

MRS. TERENCE: Made my blood run cold. "Danny!" she screamed. "Danny, where are you?" she said. She wanted 'im back, she did, to save 'er----

DORA: Because she was bein' murdered. I knew it! I'd never a' run like that if I 'adn't 'eard----

BELSIZE: We'll soon find out who's right.... Now then----(_As_ OLIVIA _steps aside behind the sofa_) h.e.l.lo, Dan!

DAN (_quietly, rising and standing by the fireplace_): h.e.l.lo.

BELSIZE (_standing behind the invalid chair_): Second time to-day, eh?...

DAN: That's right.

BELSIZE: How's the old lady?

DAN (_after a pause_): Not so bad, thanks, inspector! Gone to bed, and says she didn't want to be disturbed----

BELSIZE: Smell of paraffin ...

DAN (_with a last desperate attempt at bl.u.s.ter_): You know what she's like, inspector, a bit nervy these days--

_As_ BELSIZE _goes to the bedroom and flashes a light into it_.

I'd no sooner got round the corner she screamed for me--"Danny, Danny, Danny!" she was screamin'--"Danny," she calls me, a pet name for Dan, that is--

_As_ BELSIZE _goes into the sun-room.

(Rambling on mechanically_) I told her so then. I said, "It's dangerous, that's what it is, havin' so much paraffin in the house."

That paraffin--she shouldn't ha' so much paraffin in the house--

_His voice trails away. Silence._ BELSIZE _comes back, his face intent, one hand in coat pocket. A pause._

BELSIZE (_to_ OLIVIA): What are you doing here?

OLIVIA: I'm concerned in--

DAN (_loudly, decisively, silencing her_): It's all right.

(_Crossing to_ BELSIZE _and swaggering desperately, in front of the women_) I'm the feller. Anything I'm concerned in, I run all by myself. If there's going to be any putting me on a public platform to answer any questions, I'm going to do it by myself ... (_looking at_ OLIVIA) ... or not at all. I'll manage myself all right--

BELSIZE: I get you. Like a bit of limelight, eh?

DAN (_smiling_): Well ...

BELSIZE (_as if humouring him_): Let's have a look at your hands, old boy, will you?

_With an amused look at_ OLIVIA, DAN _holds out his hands.

Without warning,_ BELSIZE _claps a pair of handcuffs over his wrists,_ DAN _stares at them a moment, then sits on the sofa and starts to pull at them furiously over his knee. He beats at them wildly, moaning and crying like an animal. He subsides gradually, looks at the others and rises._

DAN (_muttering, holding his knee_): Hurt meself....

BELSIZE: That's better.... Better come along quietly....

_He goes up towards the hall._ DAN _follows him, and takes his hat from the occasional table. As puts it on he catches sight of his face in the mirror.

(To the others, crisply, during this_) I've a couple of men outside.

I'll send 'em in. See that nothing's disturbed.... Coming, old chap?

DORA: What's 'e doin'?

MRS. TERENCE: He's lookin' at himself in the gla.s.s....

_A pause._

DAN (_speaking to the mirror_): This is the real thing, my boy.

Actin'.... That's what she said, wasn't it? She was right, you know ...

I've been playin' up to you, haven't I? I showed you a trick or two, didn't I?... But this is the real thing. (_Swaying_) Got a cigarette?... (_Seeing_ OLIVIA) You're not goin' to believe what she said? About helpin' me?

BELSIZE (_humouring him_): No. (_Putting a cigarette between_ DAN'S _lips and lighting it_) Plenty of women get a bit hysterical about a lad in your position. You'll find 'em queuing up all right when the time comes. Proposals of marriage by the score.

DAN (_pleased_): Will they?

BELSIZE: Come along----

DAN _turns to follow him._ DORA _is in the way._

DAN: Oh, yes ... I forgot about you.... (_smiling with a curious detached sadness_) Poor little fellow. Poor little chap....

(_Looking round_) You know, I'd like somethin' now I never wanted before. A long walk, all by meself. And just when I can't have it.

(_Laughing_) That's contrary, isn't it?

BELSIZE (_sternly_): Coming?

DAN (_looking at_ OLIVIA): Just commin' (_He goes to_ OLIVIA, _takes out his cigarette, puts his manacled arms round her, and kisses her suddenly and violently on the mouth. He releases her with an air of bravado, puts back his cigarette, and looks at her_) Well, I'm goin' to be hanged in the end.... But they'll get their money's worth at the trial. You wait!

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Night Must Fall : a Play in Three Acts Part 34 summary

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