The Optimist's Good Morning Part 16

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_But in his blindness and his sorrow, He looks to yesterday and tomorrow._

_You, and today! a soul sublime, And the great pregnant hour of time,_

_With G.o.d himself to bind the twain!

Go forth, I say, attain, attain!_


Infinitely wise and loving Father, our minds and hearts reach out to Thee in this morning hour thankful that the rest of the night has prepared us for the work of the new day, and that the light brings the call to service. The past cannot be recalled, but today is ours. I and today, with G.o.d and in the Spirit of Jesus! Priceless privilege! Grant us, O Father, to use it for Thee, for humanity and "In His name." Amen.


April 29

_Life is full of new beginnings. Some change may come, something is sure to come, to close one chapter and begin another. Life is planned just so, ... that there should be a break from former link and habit, often from imperfection and mistake, and a clear, clean start for the fulfilment of the best one has grown to, even in desire, unhampered by the poorest one has ever happened to be, or to get credit for._


O, Thou who dwellest in the light, help Thy children this morning to see the light of Thy truth and feel the warmth of Thy love. We thank Thee for the open doors of opportunity for helpful service; for the exhibition of kindness and for growth in the kingdom of Heaven. May we clearly see the way to the Eternal life and have strength to walk therein. May we so welcome Thy truth that we shall be free from error and sin. May Thy wisdom so guide our energies that we shall reach after greater perfection. May the evening of this day find us more in harmony with G.o.d than we now are. And may the evening of life find us rich in the treasures of heaven. Amen.


April 30

_True worth is in being, not seeming; In doing each day that goes by, Some little good--not in the dreaming Of great things to do by and by, For whatever men say in blindness, And spite of the fancies of youth, There's nothing so kingly as kindness, And nothing so royal as truth._

_We get back our mete as we measure: We cannot do wrong and feel right; Nor can we give pain and gain pleasure, For justice avenges each slight.

The air for the wing of the sparrow, The bush for the robin and wren, But always the path that is narrow And straight for the children of men._


Almighty Father, who with every morning dost give us a new day and with each day some fresh duty, mercifully equip us for every task that awaits us! Give us eyes to see, and hearts to love the truth and right, and the disposition that makes every duty a delight, and the doing of good to others a sacred privilege. Save us this day from angry pa.s.sions and low desires. Forgive us when we are selfish; recall us when we go astray; save us from wronging ourselves by thinking ill of others, and in all places and to all people give us the mind which was in Christ Jesus.



May 1

_To the Woods:--Whoso goeth in your paths readeth the same cheerful lesson, whether he be a young child or a hundred years old, comes he in good fortune or in bad, ye say the same things, and from age to age. Ever the needles of the pine grow and fall, the acorns on the oak, the maples redden in autumn and at all times of the year the ground pine and the pyrola bud and root under foot. What is called fortune and what is called time by men, ye know them not.

Men have not language to describe one moment of your life._


Thou G.o.d of Nature and of the human heart, we thank Thee for our human relations, but we thank Thee also for our kins.h.i.+p with the birds. We thank Thee for that instinct which makes us to sympathize with the mating of the bird lovers and for that music of the heart which makes us to love the song of the birds. We pray this morning for a life so simple and natural that we shall be able to enter into sympathetic relations with everything that lives--the flowers of the garden, and the field--the bees that sip the flowers' honey, and the bird that makes her nest among the trees. If Thou speakest to men in the glory of the heavens, Thou speakest also in the manifold voices of all Thy loving creatures. May our ears be trained to hear Thee when Thou speakest thus.



May 2

_Hail bounteous May, that doth inspire Mirth and youth, and warm desire; Woods and groves are of thy dressing, Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing, Thus we salute thee with our early song, And welcome thee and wish thee long._


Almighty and All-loving Father, who dost make all the earth to rejoice in the brightness of returning springtime, fill our hearts with like joy and renewal. Graciously awaken in us the life that the cold or care or trouble or sorrow of the world often has caused to fade and go out. As our eyes behold all this outward beauty and glory, give unto us that spiritual vision by which we behold the beauty and glory of divine things. Then when the springtime of our life with the summer and the summer ripens into the autumn, and our work is done, may we bring unto Thee the harvest of spiritual riches. Amen.


May 3

_Success! It is won by a patient endeavor, Energy's fire, and the flame-glow of Will; By grasping the chance with a "Now, now or never!"

Urging on, on! while the laggard stands still._

_Success! It is facing life's trials, undaunted; Fighting the present--forgetting the past: By trusting to Fate, though for years she has taunted, And bearing Time's scars; facing front, to the last!_

_Success! Would you win it and wear its bright token?

Smile and step out to the drummer's light lilt; Fight on till the last inch of sword-blade is broken.

Then do not say die. Fight on with the hilt!_


We thank Thee, Our Father, that Thou hast enriched our being with those faculties which prompt to n.o.ble endeavor. We rejoice in our power, guided by Thy free Spirit, both to overcome evil and to do good. Help us, dear Father, to recognize the great incentives of conscience and of duty, a.s.sured that in cheerful conformity thereto we shall find the sweetest zest of life. Increase our faith in Thee, O Lord. Enable us more clearly to realize that in the end truth and right will gain the victory. Thus may we be inspired to live brave, true and wholesome lives. May we fight the good fight of faith and win the crown of life promised to all those who follow the conquering Christ. In His name.



May 4

_The green gra.s.s is bowing; The morning wind is in it; 'Tis a tune worth the knowing, Though it change every minute.

'Tis a tune of the Spring; Every year plays it over._


_G.o.d does not send strange flowers every year.

When the spring winds blow o'er the pleasant places The same dear things lift up the same fair faces.

The violet is here._


O G.o.d, Father Almighty, who bringest light out of darkness and at whose word night yields to day, we offer Thee glad wors.h.i.+p and praise. We thank Thee for Thy gifts which are beautiful and good; for flowers which renew old friends.h.i.+ps and awaken new affections; for songs in which voices of all yesterdays sound through today's melodies; for rich memories of the past; for the joy of living now; for the hope of better days; for new expressions of abiding truth and fresh breathings of eternal love; for courage to do right and for confidence in righteousness. May we this day, mindful of earthly duty and of heavenly promise, humbly follow Him "who went about doing good" and "gave Himself a ransom for many." Amen.


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The Optimist's Good Morning Part 16 summary

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