The Optimist's Good Morning Part 34

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September 7

_I come under your windows, some fine morning, and play you one of my adagio movements, and some of you say,--This is good, play us so always. But, dear friends, if I did not change the stop sometimes, the machine would wear out in one part and rust in another. How easily this or that tune flows! you say, there must be no end of such melodies in him. I will open the poor machine for you one moment, and you shall look. Every note marks where a spur of steel has been driven in. It is easy to grind out the song, but to plant these bristling points which make it was the painful task of time._


We thank Thee, Father, for Thy love which, like the morning light, fails not to greet us at each opening day. While its radiant beams light up the pathway from our hearts to Thine, we come, with eager steps, for morning wors.h.i.+p and for praise. Take Thou, we pray, the hand outstretched out to Thee and lead us safely through another day. Grant us the strength to do our very best and leave results with Thee. We do not ask for ease, but victory; not for the praise of men, but for the blessing of our G.o.d upon our heaven-appointed task. Grant us the joy supreme of knowing, when the sun has set, that we have left undone no duty to our G.o.d or fellowman. Amen.


September 8

_Admit into thy silent breast The notes of but one bird And instantly thy soul will join In jubilant accord._

_The perfume of a single flow'r Inhale like breath of G.o.d, And in the garden of thy heart A thousand buds will nod._

_Toward one star in heaven's expanse Direct thy spirit's fight, And thou wilt have in the wide world, My child, enough delight._


Our Father In Heaven, as Thou turnest the earth once more toward the light to give us another day may we not forget that all things come of Thee. Thou givest us this beautiful earth, adorned with a thousand varied beauties, crowded with opportunities and possibilities, for our home. Day and night, suns.h.i.+ne and the rain, labor and trial, joy and victory, all are from Thy hand. Whatever the circ.u.mstances of our life, whatever our labor and place, help us to remember that life is a school in which to learn, an arena where we may fight and win. May we gain wisdom and strength to win the victory which is life eternal, and in finding that may we find peace and content in Thee. Amen.


September 9

_Give me the gospel of the fields and woods-- The sermons written in the book of books; The sweet communion of the things of earth Fresh with the warm baptism of the sun.

Give me the offertory of bud and bloom, The perfect caroling of happy birds.

Give me the creed of one of G.o.d's fair days Wrought in the beauty of its loveliness; And then, the benediction of the stars, His eloquent ministers of the night._


Heavenly Father, we praise Thee for the breaking day, the singing birds, the dew in the meadows, the fragrance of the flowers, ascending like old-time incense from Jewish altar, the sun gilding the hill-tops, the veiled stars, the gliding river, mirroring in its depths, sedge and tree and overhanging sky. Thou hast ordained that we nestle in the bosom of nature and feel the touch of G.o.d. Pour strength into our beings from bird and flower, and Thy spirit which moves in them, that our youth may be renewed like the eagle's. So shall the memories of earth enrich our heaven. We praise and supplicate in the name of Jesus. Amen.


September 10

_Just whistle a bit if the day be dark And the sky be overcast: If mute be the voice of the piping lark, Why, pipe your own small blast._

_And it's wonderful how o'er the gray sky-track, The truant warbler comes stealing back.

But why need he come? for your soul's at rest, And the song in the heart,--ah, that is best._


Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the a.s.surance that all things work together for good to them that love Thee. Help us to live this day in joyous faith in that promise. May we realize that behind all clouds the sun still s.h.i.+nes, and that the Father's wisdom never errs, and his love never fails. Give us courage for this day's conflicts, grace for its trials, and strength for its duties. Guide our feet in the way of Thy commandments and fill our souls with the joy of Thy presence. May our lives no less than our lips praise Thee. Amen.


September 11

_For each true deed is wors.h.i.+p; it is prayer, And carries its own answer unaware.

Yes, they whose feet upon good errands run Are friends of G.o.d, with Michael of the sun; Yes, each accomplished service of the day Paves for the feet of G.o.d a lordlier way.

The souls that love and labor through all wrong, They clasp His hand and make the Circle strong; They lay the deep foundation stone by stone, And build into Eternity G.o.d's throne!_


Our Heavenly Father, we, Thy children, turn to Thee in grat.i.tude and hope for this new day of opportunity. May our high calling in Christ Jesus loom large before our eyes. Deliver us, we humbly beseech Thee, from making ourselves and our concerns chief in thought and effort. May we find our lives in saving those whose sky is dark, whose burdens are heavy, and whose faith is peris.h.i.+ng. With zest, as do the angels, when we hear Thy Spirit's voice, may we turn and obey. To let these hours of service prove to us, not only that Thou art, but that Thou art the rewarder of them that diligently seek Thee. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


September 12

_Good name, in man or woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls.

Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed._


G.o.d of all righteousness and charity, breathe upon me the spirit of thine own charity and righteousness, that I may deal worthily with the good name of every human being with whom I have to do. Help me, that I may bring no injury to the fair fame of any. May the law of kindness be in my lips, and the spirit of helpful justice in my heart. Inspire me to come, whenever I ought, to the rescue of the slandered, that I may deliver them into the liberty of human fellows.h.i.+p. And not to me alone, O G.o.d, but to all men, teach this divine lesson of fair judgment and sweet help, that they may live together as children in thy gracious family. Amen.


September 13

_I searched for love in heart of city's hum; I searched for love upon the s.h.i.+ning sand Of ocean beach; and then on towering cliffs I sung A pleading song that love unto my heart might come; But love came not._

_I searched for love no more, but labored sore To ease those hearts whom sorrow'd touched before, Faint hope that in sweet work I'd surely find Some compensation for a fate unkind-- When, lo! love came._


For love and life and light and breath and ease, For work, success and hope, for power to please, For conscience clear, for faith without alloy, For common share in common human joy, I thank Thee, gracious G.o.d!

For loneliness and shadow, sickness, care, For failure, doubt, remorse, death, and despair, For sleepless nights, for aching heart and brain, For common share in common human pain, I thank Thee, gracious G.o.d! Amen.


September 14

_In fallow fields the goldenrod And purple asters beck and nod.

The milkweed launches fairy boats; In tangled silver the cobweb floats.

Pervasive odors of ripening vine, Fill the air like a luscious wine.

The gentian blooms on the browning waste; With coral chains is the alder laced.

The blackbirds gather, and wheel and fly, The swallows twitter a low "Goodbye!"_

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The Optimist's Good Morning Part 34 summary

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