The Optimist's Good Morning Part 49

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Two are the pathways by which mankind can to virtue mount upward; If thou shouldst find the one barr'd, open the other will lie.

'Tis by exertion the Happy obtain her, the Suffering by patience, Blest is the man whose kind fate guides him along upon both!


O Thou who hast kept us safely during the unconsciousness of our slumbering hours, and brought us refreshed to this morning light, prepare us for the duties of this day by filling us with the a.s.surance that we are Thine, and that Thou lovest us. Help us to be more like Thee, to love Thee more and serve Thee better. May we manifest our love to Thee by our willingness to be of service to our fellowmen. Make us warm-hearted and true, helpful and kind, reflecting Thy love and doing Thy will. We are glad to live in this beautiful world. And we pray that we may be faithful co-laborers with Jesus Christ, in being light, love and joy to all lives. Amen.


December 27

_Stronger, and more frequently, comes the temptation to stop singing, and let discord do its own wild work. But blessed are they that endure to the end,--singing patiently and sweetly, till all join in with loving acquiescence, and universal harmony prevails, without forcing into submission the free discord of a single voice._

_This is the hardest and the bravest task which a true soul has to perform amid the clas.h.i.+ng elements of time. But once has it been done perfectly unto the end; and that voice--so clear in its meekness--is heard above all the din of a tumultuous world: one after another chimes in with its patient sweetness; and, through infinite discords, the listening soul can perceive that the great tune is slowly coming into harmony._


Our Father, who art in heaven! We thank Thee that we are permitted to see the light, engage in the duties and enter into the experiences of this new day. We thank Thee for the order and harmony of this wonderful universe; that every force and law and being supports and balances every other force, law and being; that every life contributes to or may contribute to the welfare of every other life, and we pray, that each one of us may come into such relations with Thee, the great harmonizing soul of things, as to add our little note to the full anthem of perpetual and adorable praise. In Christ's dear name, we ask and offer all. Amen.


December 28

_It is said that a friend once asked the great composer, Haydn, why his church music was always so full of gladness. He answered, "I cannot make it otherwise; I write according to the thoughts I feel; when I think upon my G.o.d, my heart is so full of joy that the notes dance and leap from my pen; and since G.o.d has given me a cheerful heart, it will be pardoned me that I serve Him with a cheerful spirit."_

_Pardoned? Nay, it will be praised and rewarded. For G.o.d looks with approval and man turns with grat.i.tude to everyone who shows by a cheerful life that religion is a blessing for this world and the next._

HENRY VAN d.y.k.e.

Our Father in Heaven, we awake this morning with a sense of thankfulness for the beauty and glory of Thy creation. We praise Thee that as Thy children we can be conscious of the kingdom of heaven always about us.

So we pray for that att.i.tude of mind and spirit of soul that will unlock for us the divine life. Help us to be conscious of Thee in all the varied experiences of this day. If it shall be a day of burdens, give us strength to play our part uncomplainingly, if a day of joy to accept it with true grat.i.tude; and when the shades of night shall call us to our rest, may our memory of the day bring us peace. Amen.


December 29

_Ah, don't be sorrowful, darling, And don't be sorrowful, pray; Taking the year together, my dear, There isn't more night than day._

_'Tis rainy weather, my darling; Time's waves they heavily run; But taking the year together, my dear, There isn't more cloud than sun._


We thank Thee, heavenly Father, for the days just as they come. Nor would we measure the suns.h.i.+ne against the storm as if to test Thy goodness by some petty form of bookkeeping. Thou presidest over all our days, and whatever may be the face of nature we trust Thy love. Let us go forth today, not in critical mood nor despondent mood but in the mood of high Christian faith, anxious, not to test Thy providence, but ready to do our own part, taking care to hold our cup of blessing open-side up; so shall it catch the manna when it falls. Then shall each pa.s.sing day be full of blessing. Amen.


December 30

_Fades the rose; the year grows old; The tale is told; Youth doth depart-- Only stays the heart._

_Ah, no! if stays the heart, Youth can ne'er depart, Nor the sweet tale be told-- Never the rose fade, nor the year grow old._


Dear Father, we thank Thee for the year now coming to its close, and for all that has blessed us in it. Help us to keep the good wherewith it has done us good in lasting memory. By the flight of time which its pa.s.sing emphasizes move us to earnestness in the labors committed to our hands.

Beyond this help us that we may be undisturbed, remembering that Thou art our dwelling place, and that we are the children of Thy love and the sharers of Thy everlastingness. So may we keep the vision of youth, the vision to which endings are but beginnings, the good leading to the better, and the best forever more. May Thy blessing be upon all whom we love and should pray for in this and every day, in Jesus' name. Amen.


December 31

_Be not afraid, dear friend. What of sickness! What of sorrow! What of failure! What of misfortune! What of death! Is not this G.o.d's world? Are not you G.o.d's child? Go forth into the New Year with brave heart. When fortune smiles, smile with her. When fortune frowns, smile the more, and trust in G.o.d._


Our Heavenly Father, we stand upon the utmost verge of the old year.

Forgetting the things that are behind, we stand with our faces looking earnestly into the future. We do not despise the past, we do not forget its manifold blessings. We do not forget that Thou hast been with us in the old year; for all this we would be grateful. With clear vision and earnestness of purpose, we would stand looking into the future expectantly, ready for its duties and its responsibilities; yet not ostentatiously nor with over-confidence, for we know our own infirmities, our own weaknesses. We would enter upon the New Year with confidence, not because of our own strength, but because of Thy living presence. Thou art always with us, Thou art pouring out Thy spirit upon us. O Lord, let us believe in Thee, and believing, let us have a heart for any fate. Amen.


Services for Special Days

_Good Friday_ _Easter_ _Thanksgiving Day_ _Birth of a Baby_ _Child's Birthday_ _Father's Birthday_ _Mother's Birthday_ _General Birthday_

Good Friday

_Why dost thou glare so fierce O Death, as thou wouldst pierce, With thine uplifted dart, My sinking heart?_

_Yet though men fear thee so Wherever thou dost go, And tremble at thy feet, Thou art a cheat!_

_Though men thy pity crave, Though naught from thee can save, Thy Master rules above, Thou servest Love._


O Thou, who didst not spare Thine own Son, but didst deliver Him up for us all, we cannot ask Thee to withhold us from our Gethsemane nor even from our Calvary. But when Thou callest us to go down into the gloom or up to the cross, remember, O G.o.d, that we are dust. Might we so dwell with Thee in Thy secret place, as to abide under Thy shadow! There, sheltered and unafraid, we should sustain the rod as eager for its chastening stroke, praying only for wisdom to learn its lesson and acquire its discipline. With the picture of the crucified Savior before us, we only cry this day as He taught us, Thy will be done. Amen.



_See, in that rock-hewn garden sepulchre, The Holy One of G.o.d, despised and slain, With nail-torn hands and feet, and spear-pierced side, His gentle brow by mocking thorns defaced; See where He lies, obedient unto death.

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The Optimist's Good Morning Part 49 summary

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