The Optimist's Good Morning Part 9

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Once more we face the day that can be dreadful only to our poor sight and trembling faith. For Thou hast made flame and pain, the hurricane and quaking earth to be Thy ministers of grace. Shall trust depart when shadows fall? Thou art "in the shadow keeping watch above Thine own." As truly in severity as in gentleness, Thou art the All-Loving and All-Wise. Shall we fear to go anywhere? Lord, Thou art everywhere!

Defend us only from the blindness and fear of ignorance and sin. Draw us nearer to Thee, this day, by any means in Thy good pleasure, so that at last, truly knowing Thy way, we shall rise above the worst that circ.u.mstances may do into joy unspeakable and peace unbroken. In the name of Him made perfect through suffering. Amen.


March 8

_We complain of the slow, dull life we are forced to lead, of our humble sphere of action, of our low position in the scale of society, of our having no room to make ourselves known, of our wasted energies, of our years of patience. So do we say that we have no Father who is directing our life, so do we say that G.o.d has forgotten us, so do we boldly judge what life is best for us, and so by our complaining do we lose the use and profit of the quiet years._


Infinite and Holy One, by the tender mercies of Thy great love show us this day the true life that is hid in Thee. Feed us with Thy spirit that we hunger not. Make us strong and merciful in Thee. Help us to be simple, brave, and true. Give us to speak and live the truth. Make us content with life while ever dreaming of the more perfect day. Fix our lives in a great and brave integrity. Humble us in our pride, lift us from our despondency. Keep our hearts pure and our lips from speaking guile. Send us forth in perfect faith that here and now our lives may be patterned after that of Jesus without loss of influence over men. Make us not ashamed to be good and forgiving and gentle in all our ways.



March 9

_Count each affliction, whether light or grave, G.o.d's messenger sent down to thee; do thou With courtesy receive him; rise and bow; And, ere his shadow pa.s.s thy threshold, crave Permission first his heavenly foot to lave._

_Grief should be Like joy, majestic, equable, sedate, Confirming, cleansing, raising, making free.

Strong to consume small troubles; to commend Great thoughts, grave thoughts, thoughts lasting to the end._


Our Father, we would learn to trust Thy love, to live so that Thy grace shall have in us its perfect work. Not the easy thing is what we ask, but strength for duty. Give us the confidence that Thou art by our side.

Let Thy strong touch be felt, Thy blessed presence seen. In all the turmoil that rages within, without, grant us Thy peace. In childish helplessness, grant us the Father's help. To grow like Jesus is our heart's desire. All things that Thy great heart permits or sends, we would receive with grat.i.tude, that so our wills and lives may be in harmony with Thine. And so day by day may something of the Saviour's glory s.h.i.+ne through us and bless and brighten other lives in need. Amen.


March 10

_Dawn and its silence draw a silver sigh Far in the east where early shadows lie All flocked and folded like soft peaceful sheep.

The spirit of the spring stirs in its sleep, Breathes into life a misty floating sheen; The willows dreamy drip of constant green; Exultant beats a bird-heart o'er a nest, Where dim, vague stirrings 'neath the tiny breast Spell fresh the miracle of motherhood.

Ah, how the world is young! ah, how 'tis good!

To feel the new life flutter mystic wing; Like to a lark to feel one's soul upspring, Transpierce the very limit of the sky, And toss its challenge to Eternity!_


O G.o.d, our heavenly Father, make our hearts exultant, as the earth in the spring morning, with the radiance of Thy Presence. Fill them with the joy and hopefulness of eternal youth, and cause them to be uplifted in grat.i.tude and thankfulness to Thee. We have seen earthly faces so beaming with the light of love that we never shall forget them. We have spoken names that are so endeared to us that they will linger in our memory as long as we live. So, O Father, may it be with Thy face and Thy name. May Thy face beaming upon us as the sun of righteousness win our love to holiness and virtue, making us fruitful of good works, and Thy name be so woven in our affections that we shall cherish and hallow it forever. Amen.


March 11

_You must be serving something, some one, that needs your help in order to really appreciate the Divine care. It may be the parents'

care of their children; the teacher and her scholars; the charity-worker and the poor, the friendless, the benighted; it may be friend helping friend--in some way the life of loving service must be there as something out of which G.o.d can help us think of and value the care which infinite love bestows upon us._


Heavenly Father, with the opening of a new day we thank Thee for father love and mother love, for love of patriot and philanthropist, and for the love which that has called into being in our own hearts. Through this love and the service of mutual helpfulness to which we have been led thereby, Thou openest our eyes to behold the world pervaded and overruled by a spirit of infinite goodness, society resting upon mutual services, and through that service mankind rising to a n.o.bler and diviner civilization. Help us to be mindful of this heavenly vision, and so make our feet swift to run and our hands eager to work in the service of righteousness and mutual helpfulness. We ask in His name, who loving us, has taught us the divinity of service. Amen.


March 12

_Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat._


_But only he whose judgment never strays Beyond the threshold of the right, learns this-- Not always is it good to have one's wish; What seemeth sweet full oft to bitter turns; Fulfilled desire hath made mine eyes to weep.

Therefore, O reader of these lines, if thou Would'st virtuous be, and held by others dear Will ever for the power to do aright._


G.o.d of the morning light, with the dawn of another day we come to Thee with prayer for help in the steadfastness of our manifold duties. The cares that oppress us, the burdens we carry, the obligations that fall upon us, are too much for our little strength without Thy help. That help we crave from Thee, the only source of all-availing strength. Let us not be dismayed by the powers of this world or busy ourselves in vain ambitions seeking the praise of men, but may we seek that Divine approval which is of more worth than all the favors of earth. Make us brave and strong to follow in the way of Thine appointment, and grant that we may so sincerely feel and act in the busy times of this day that when the evening comes no wasted hours may be laid to our charge. Amen.


March 13

_You are in G.o.d's world; you are G.o.d's child. Those things you cannot change; the only peace and rest and happiness for you is to accept them and rejoice in them. When G.o.d speaks to you, you must not believe that it is the wind blowing or the torrent falling from the hill. You must know that it is G.o.d. You must gather up the whole power of meeting Him. You must be thankful that life is great and not little. You must listen as if listening were your life. And then, then only can come peace. All other sounds will be caught up into the prevailing richness of that voice of G.o.d. The lost proportions will be perfectly restored. Discord will cease; harmony will be complete._


Almighty G.o.d! We thank Thee for the peace and comfort of the night; for the new day and all the hope and peace and promise that it brings to us.

Help us that with glad faces and joyous hearts we may take up its every privilege and duty, doing, in the spirit of the Master every good and helpful thing our hands find to do. And when the evening shall have come may we look back on a day of plenty, service, and peace, retiring to our rest with songs in our hearts and thanksgiving on our lips because Thy blessings have been on this, as on all other days new every morning and fresh every evening. Amen.


March 14

_It is the first mild day of March: Each minute sweeter than before, The red-breast sings from the tall larch That stands beside our door._

_There is a blessing in the air, Which seems a sense of joy to yield, To the bare trees and mountain bare, And gra.s.s in the green field._


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The Optimist's Good Morning Part 9 summary

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