Speeches and Addresses of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales: 1863-1888 Part 29

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What was thus said by Cardinal Manning has been since confirmed by his Eminence Cardinal Lavigerie, Archbishop of Algiers and Carthage, when recently in London, engaged in a righteous crusade to be preached by him in all the Capitals of Europe. This African prelate, from his own knowledge, during the last thirty years, as missionary and as prelate, gave terrible details of the slave trade, as the curse of that dark continent. The Cardinal says that the traffic can never be stopped, except by force, and if the Governments of Europe cannot effect this, he advocates a voluntary crusade of men, ready to form armed colonies of blacks to protect the missionaries of religion and civilization, and to defend the slave regions from the murderous raiders who invade them. The success of Emin Pasha who has for ten years kept the whole of his great Equatorial province free from the ravages of the slave-hunters shows what can be done. But for the shameful abandonment of Gordon at Khartoum, the slave trade would at this time have been almost at an end, and the grand desires of Livingstone for the peace and welfare of Africa would have been accomplished. Let us hope that Cardinal Lavigerie's visit may not be in vain so far as England is concerned. He came quietly and went quietly, only paying two visits after his public appearance at Prince's Hall, one to the Marquis of Salisbury, and the other to the Prince of Wales.

To return to the Guildhall, the loyal and hearty thanks of the meeting were offered to His Royal Highness, on the motion of the Lord Mayor, seconded by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, and carried by acclamation. The Prince, in reply, said:--

"I am not likely to forget this important day, and most sincerely do I hope that important results may accrue from it.

We have to-day celebrated the past, but we have the future to look to, as many speakers have said, and I cannot do better than agree with my right hon. friend on my left (Mr. Forster) that we must act with caution. But with due caution, and with the advice and good example which have been set, I feel sure that in time all countries will follow in the footsteps of England. The best chance of a complete abolition of Slavery will lie in civilisation, in opening up those great countries, Asia and Africa, many parts of which are now known to but few Europeans, and in disseminating education. In time people will see that they have derived no benefit from having Slaves, that the freeman will do his work far better than the one who is forced to labour. I mentioned, in first speaking, the names of many men connected with the subject on which we have met to-day. I will now add the name of one who was taken from us a few months ago, and who always had the deepest interest in this Society--I allude to the eminent and much regretted statesman, Sir Bartle Frere. And on this occasion his widow, Lady Frere, has sent to us these slave irons [pointing to the chains in front], which were brought some years ago from Zanzibar by Sir Bartle Frere, and you will, by looking at these implements of the slavers, be convinced more, perhaps, than by anything else, of the cruelty and hards.h.i.+ps which slaves in this part of Africa had to undergo. I will not detain you longer, but I must thank you once more for the kind support you have given me to-day, and also those gentlemen, many of them old and valued friends of my own, who have addressed you in such eloquent and exhaustive speeches."

The Prince vacated the chair, which was then taken by the Lord Mayor, and His Royal Highness left, amid loud cheers. His Royal Highness afterwards graciously consented to become Patron of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society.


_April 9th-17th._

Seventeen years had pa.s.sed since the Prince and Princess of Wales had been in Ireland, and had been received with generous and loyal enthusiasm. It was feared by many that the spirit of loyalty in the Irish people had died away and could never be revived. The selfish and treasonable agitators who had long stirred up hostile and disloyal feelings were vexed and angry when they heard of another Royal visit.

They used every means that a malign ingenuity could suggest to repress the generous impulses of the Irish race, and did all in their power to prepare for the Prince and Princess of Wales a reception different from that which had been given on their former visits. When they found that the ma.s.s of the people looked forward with joyful antic.i.p.ation to the coming of the Prince and Princess among them, they recommended, on the part of what they called the national party, to maintain a "dignified neutrality," and to abstain from joining in the loyal demonstration with which it was evident the Royal visitors would be welcomed. The design proved a failure. From the moment of landing at Kingstown to the day of their departure, not in Dublin only, but in the progress through the south of Ireland, the feeling of disaffection and disloyalty was overborne by the spontaneous and hearty enthusiasm of the people.

The first manifestation of loyal feeling was displayed at Kingstown, when an address was presented by the Commissioners of the towns.h.i.+p. The reply of the Prince shows how the spirit of the address was appreciated:--

"Mr. Chairman and Town Commissioners of Kingstown,--It has given me great pleasure to receive the address with which you have greeted me on my first landing in Ireland after some absence from your, and I am grateful to you for the welcome which you have accorded to the Princess of Wales and myself. I value, I can a.s.sure you, very highly the expression of loyalty and attachment to the Crown which your address contains, and I will not fail to communicate to the Queen the sentiments of loyalty and of devotion which you express towards Her Majesty. Most certainly do I hope that this may not be the last visit which we shall pay to a country where we have always been welcomed by kindness, and where the hospitality which we have invariably received on all former occasions has left so many pleasant recollections impressed on our minds."

On arriving at Dublin the first address was presented by the City Reception Committee, the citizens having, with the hearty co-operation of all, undertaken to pay the common courtesies of welcome, which rightly should have been done, and on former occasions were done, by the Lord Mayor and Corporation. An address was at the same time presented by the Chamber of Commerce. To both addresses the Prince thus replied:--

"Mr. Martin, Mr. Guinness, and Gentlemen,--On behalf of the Princess of Wales and myself, I thank you heartily for the address you have read to me, and I am very grateful to the citizens of Dublin who through you have welcomed me to their city. It gives the Princess and myself much gratification once more to visit a country where we have received so much kindness, and I regret the length of the interval which has elapsed since we last were in Ireland, and fully appreciate your sentiments of loyalty to the Throne and Const.i.tution, and I will take care to communicate to the Queen your expressions of devotion and attachment to Her Majesty. It will give me much pleasure to renew my acquaintance with Dublin and see the results of the civic and private enterprise to which you refer. The furtherance of the welfare of all of the realm is an object which is dear to me, and I trust that the efforts of the Commission of which I am a member will tend to the improvement of the dwellings of those who contribute by their labour to the prosperity of our great towns, and will thus add to their public utility as citizens as well as to their private and domestic happiness. I hope to visit many parts of Ireland and see much of the work, as well as share some of the amus.e.m.e.nts, of the Irish people. The kindness with which you have greeted me encourages me to look forward with pleasure to my visit to a country where courtesy and hospitality have ever been the characteristics of the people."

One pa.s.sage in the address of the Chamber of Commerce the Prince did not refer to, but it is of great importance. After the warm expressions of loyalty to the Throne and the Const.i.tution, and of devotion to the Queen and the Royal Family, the address continued, "We earnestly desire that your present visit may be productive of so much pleasure to your Royal Highnesses that you may feel encouraged to honour Ireland hereafter by visits of more frequent occurrence and of longer duration. We venture to a.s.sure you that it would be a great gratification to Her Majesty's loyal subjects in Ireland if a permanent Royal residence should be established in our country, and if some members of the Royal Family should see fit to make their home among us for some part of every year." About the permanent Royal residence in Ireland, the Prince kept a judicious silence, for it is a point which involves financial as well as political questions. But the opinion of the best Irish, of all, may well be considered, if the proposal is brought before Parliament.

The address of the Royal Dublin Society when the Royal party visited the Agricultural Show elicited another appropriate speech from the Prince.

After acknowledging the expressions of loyalty to the Throne, and of personal kindness in the welcome given, the Prince said:--

"The proceedings of your society have ever been a matter of deep interest to me, as they were to my lamented father; and, having been fortunate enough on many occasions to be a successful exhibitor at agricultural shows, I am able to appreciate the service rendered to agriculture generally, and to the rearing of cattle and horses especially, by your labours. In your att.i.tude towards the geographical survey I rejoice to see a determination which proves to me that the promotion of those objects which you consider to be for the best interests of your country is paramount in your minds. I most sincerely trust that success may attend each and all of your important undertakings, for they are designed to promote the prosperity of a people who, quick to grapple with the difficulties of science and always ready to take advantage of the benefits of commerce, are necessarily dependent to a large extent on highly taught and scientific agriculture."

Later in the day the Prince went to see for himself the condition of some of the poorest parts of the city. His kindly sympathetic, manners towards the poor, and the minute acquaintance which he showed with the whole subject of the housing of the labouring, in all the details of construction and sanitation, were the theme of universal surprise and admiration. Of this inspection of the "slums" a reporter at the time said, "The visit of the Prince to these parts of the city was not publicly announced. But the people were not long in discovering who their visitor was. He had come among them with his eldest son, unattended by any guard, and the event showed that his confidence was not misplaced. Cheers and welcomes and every outward demonstration of loyal good feeling attended him along his whole course. It was a reception which had been well earned, and it will certainly not be the least pleasant recollection which the Prince will carry back when his Irish visit is at an end."

The proceedings on the 10th of April were as many and as laborious as those of the preceding day. The first duty was the reception of addresses from various public bodies. There were no fewer than thirty different addresses, presented by deputations of five persons for each.

They were received by the Prince, who wore the Order of St. Patrick. The Princess of Wales was on his left, and Prince Albert Victor on her left.

All the addresses were handed in succession to the Prince, without being read, which would have occupied too much time, and then the deputations were requested to approach the das, when the Prince, in dear expressive tones, read the following reply:--

"Your Graces, my Lords, and Gentlemen,--I have thought it more for your convenience, as well as more within the compa.s.s of my ability, that I should, with your permission, make a general reply to the many kind addresses with which you have honoured me, and copies of which have already by your courtesy been before me, than that I should attempt a separate reply to each.

I feel myself highly honoured by having been welcomed in this historic hall by so many bodies representing so many and so varied interests as you do. Leaders of local administrations, heads of religious communities, representatives of learning and art, philanthropy and education, you have one and all greeted me with the kindness and good will which has made a deep impression upon me, and which I never shall forget. You have alluded in terms of loyalty, which have much gratified me, to your attachment to the Const.i.tution, and have expressed in a manner which I will not fail to communicate to the Queen your devotion to Her Majesty.

"In varied capacities, and by widely different paths, you pursue those great objects which, dear to you, are, believe me, dear also to me--the prosperity and progress of Ireland, the welfare and happiness of her people. That many difficulties from time to time impede you I can well understand. Such is the natural course of events. But I am glad to be able to gather from your addresses that you are advancing steadily towards the goal which you have in view. From my heart I wish you success, and I would that time and my own powers would permit me to explain fully and in detail the deep interest which I feel not only in the welfare of this great Empire at large, but in the true happiness of those several of the community on whose behalf you have come here to-day. You have referred to the Princess of Wales, who has accompanied me on this occasion, and for her I thank you for your welcome to a country, of the past visits to which we have pleasant recollections, and where we hope in future, as we have in the past, to spend happy days."

The several deputations listened with great interest to the reply, and at the close gave expression to their pleasure in cordial acclamations.

The next event set down in the programme of the day was one to which great national importance is attached--namely, that of laying the foundation stone of the new Museum of Science and Art in connection with South Kensington. Elaborate preparations had been made for it, and the grounds at each side of Leinster House, which is to be the central building, were adorned with gay flags and fitted up with stands, from which the entry of the Royal party and the ceremonial itself could be seen. A guard of honour, contributed by the Cornwall Regiment, with their band, was stationed on Leinster Lawn, opening upon Merrion Square, through which the Royal party entered. On the route from the Castle to Leinster House, the streets were everywhere densely crowded, and the houses decorated. An open pa.s.sage for the procession was kept by the police without any difficulty, the populace behaving with exemplary decorum. The Prince and Princess acknowledged most graciously the enthusiastic greetings of the crowds, which were largely composed of the working The first stone having been duly laid, and a statement having been made by Professor Ball of the objects of the new "Museum of Science and Art, and of the National Library of Ireland," the Prince replied:--

"Mr. Ball, my Lords, and Gentlemen,--I thank you heartily on behalf of the Princess of Wales and myself for the very cordial welcome which you leave given us to-day. It is peculiarly satisfactory to me to have been able to take part in the interesting ceremony of laying the foundation stone upon which the superstructure of the new museum will, I hope, before long be built. It gratified me to learn of the action which the Science and Art Department had taken in reference to this museum and to observe the support which that action received both from the Royal Dublin Society and from the Royal Irish Academy. It is by a united movement such as this that difficulties are overcome and success made possible of attainment. I am glad to think that the two great societies I have named have combined to smooth the way for an inst.i.tute which will, I trust, be useful to a large number of the people of Ireland. I hope some day to see in full working order the inst.i.tution of which the first stone has been laid this afternoon. When this is so, the magnificent collections, which have obtained a wide reputation, will be open to a public thoroughly capable of appreciating their merit and deriving advantages from their amalgamation under one roof. The Museum will worthily face the great library, where the efforts of a State Department have been successfully combined with a movement originated by the the citizens, and supported out of the rates, the object of which is to give free facilities for reading and study to the people of this metropolis. I am glad to have been a.s.sisted to-day by the councils of the great societies to which I have referred. To them, as well as to the visitors of the Museum, and the trustees of the National Library, I offer my warm thanks for the kindness of their reception, as well as for the opportunity they have given me for sharing in a movement calculated to make Leinster House even more worthy than heretofore of the pride of the Irish nation, and the admiration of literary and scientific bodies throughout the world."

After leaving the Leinster House the Royal and Viceregal parties drove to the Royal University, where another interesting ceremony was performed. The hall of the University was crowded with a brilliant concourse of graduates and spectators. Their Royal Highnesses and the Lord Lieutenant and Countess Spencer were met by the Chancellor, the Duke of Abercorn, and the Vice-Chancellor, Lord Emly. After their Royal Highnesses had robed they were conducted to the hall. After all had taken their seats in the hall, a formal announcement was made by Dr.

Meredith that the Senate had resolved to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws _honoris causa_ upon His Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince of Wales, and also the degree of Doctor of Music _honoris causa_ upon Her Royal Highness Alexandra Princess of Wales, and that their Royal Highnesses had been graciously pleased to intimate that they would accept those degrees. The announcement was received with loud applause by the a.s.sembly. The Chancellor then read and presented an address to the Prince, offering a respectful welcome and homage to His Royal Highness and his august consort. It also referred to the success of the University.

The degrees having been conferred, the Prince rose and said:--

"My Lord Duke, my Lords, and Gentlemen of the Senate of the Royal University,--I am very grateful to you for the manner in which you have received us in this hall, and on behalf of the Princess of Wales and myself I thank you for the kind welcome with which you have greeted us. The higher education of the people is a subject in which I learnt from my lamented father to take a great interest. It is a question to the solution of which your labours, I am happy to think, have contributed much. Though no considerable time has elapsed since the foundation of the Royal University, it has already had a marked effect among those people of this country who are especially open to the influence of a University career. I shall value the degree which you have conferred upon me, and I am proud to rank myself among the graduates of a University, the advantages of which I am happy to hear from you that all of the community avail themselves of.

"By the admission of women to your degrees you have supported the view that the gentler s.e.x are capable, not only of severe compet.i.tion in science, but of enjoying the benefits and using the power which a well-considered scientific education bestows.

It gratified me to learn that you were willing to confer upon the Princess of Wales the degree of Doctor of Music, which, Her Royal Highness wishes me to state on her behalf, she has received with pleasure not only because she felt that it was an honour to herself, but because she wished to show her approval of her action of the ladies of Ireland in accepting the facilities and advantages which you have offered to them. In Her Royal Highness's name and in my own, I thank you for the honour you have done me, and for the kindness with which you have received us to-day."

The Prince's speech was received with great cheering. The proceedings concluded with the National Anthem. The Royal and Viceregal parties returned to Dublin Castle amid renewed greetings from the citizens who still waited in the streets to see them.

Some of the incidents of the Royal visit must be pa.s.sed over with simple mention, the Levee held by the Prince, the Drawing-room held by the Princess, and the State Ball given by the Lord Lieutenant, of which it was said at the time that "no scene so animated and attractive has been witnessed in Dublin Castle since the former visit of their Royal Highnesses to Ireland." The opening of the new dock at the extremity of the North Wall attested the progress that has been made in the Port of Dublin, accommodation being now provided for s.h.i.+pping of the largest cla.s.s. The Prince congratulated the "Port and Docks Board" on the completion of this work, and the Princess performed the ceremony of opening and christening the new basin, which is called the Alexandra Basin in commemoration of the event.

This took place on, the 11th of April. On the same day the Royal visitors inspected the Artane Industrial School, with its workshops and farms, and its probationary inst.i.tution for the very young, a truly beneficent work carried on by the Christian Brothers. The Artane inst.i.tution is one of the best of its cla.s.s. The Government contribute 5_s._ a week for each boy trained there, the rest of the cost being provided by charitable donations, and the profits of the workshops.

Having described the visit to the Royal University, that to Trinity College must not be omitted. The reception was one of most enthusiastic loyalty. In the hall a vast a.s.sembly awaited the entrance of their Royal Highnesses, consisting of the members of the Senate, Fellows, Professors, and invited visitors. An address was read by the Vice-Chancellor, in which reference was made to the former visit of the Prince, when his name was enrolled among those of adopted sons of the _alma mater_. The Prince made appropriate reply for himself and for the Princess, and at the close of his speech asked the Provost, Dr. Jellett, to grant the undergraduates a term. "I cannot," added the Prince, "ask for the degree examination, but perhaps you will grant the college examination." To the request so graciously made, the Provost said that the Board of Trinity College acceded. The cheers from the undergraduates as the Royal visitors pa.s.sed into the hall had been enthusiastic, and were if possible more fervent as they left the College.

The last function performed by the Prince before leaving Dublin was presenting new colours to the Cornwall Regiment, then in garrison at Dublin. The ceremony took place in the Castle Gardens. The corps mustered 800 strong, under Colonel Stabb, the commanding officer. The Prince wore his Field Marshal's uniform, and his son that of the Norfolk Artillery Volunteers. The usual routine on such occasions was followed, after which the Prince addressed the regiment which had formed up close around the group of officers among whom he stood.

"Colonel Stabb, Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Men of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry,--I consider it a high honour to be permitted to present new colours to such a distinguished regiment as that under your command--one which ever since it was raised in 1704 has had as brilliant a record of services in the field as any regiment in Her Majesty's service. You first served with the great Duke of Marlborough in Flanders, and then in America. Dettingen is the first name inscribed on your colours. In the great Peninsular War you especially distinguished yourselves, and suffered heavy losses at Corunna and Salamanca. At Quatre Bras and Waterloo you lost more than any other corps engaged, and the gallant Sir Thomas Picton was killed at the head of your regiment. Your next service was in India, where you took part in the Punjab campaign. Later, in 1857, you gallantly distinguished yourselves in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny, and gallantly held the Residency of Lucknow during its defence from June till November.

You were on that occasion commanded by Brigadier-General Inglis, who for those services was created a Major-General and a Knight Commander of the Bath, while you received the honour of being made Light Infantry. You, Colonel Stabb, are, I believe, the only officer of the regiment present who served during the Mutiny. When some years ago I visited the remains of the Residency of Lucknow, my attention was especially called to the services of this regiment. On your return the Queen and my father inspected the regiment and personally thanked the officers, non-commissioned officers and men for their gallant conduct at Lucknow, and I feel doubly proud as their son to have the honour of presenting these new colours to you to-day.

The latest records on your colours are Egypt and Tel-el-Kebir. A second battalion, at this moment serving in the Soudan, has recently been added to you, which, with the Royal Cornwall Rangers Militia, of which I am the honorary Colonel, and the two Volunteer battalions, make up the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. From the t.i.tle I bear I am simply proud to be thus connected with this fine regiment. In confiding these colours to your care I feel that the honour of your Sovereign and your country will ever be before you as on former occasions, and that in the future, as in the past, the roll of honourable distinction of your colours will ever increase."

Colonel Stabb, in the name of all the officers and men of the regiment, thanked His Royal Highness for the great honour he had done them in presenting the colours, and said he could not do better than express a fervent hope, which he did with a great deal of confidence, that the regiment would as faithfully defend the new colours as they did their colours at Waterloo and Lucknow. He was sure the honour would be appreciated by the battalions of the regiment, and he tendered to His Royal Highness their grateful thanks.

On the afternoon of the 13th the Prince and Princess started from the Kingsbridge Station for Cork. At Mallow there were signs that the visit to the South might not be without unpleasant incidents. A loyal address was presented at the station, but Mr. O'Brien and other Home Rule leaders had brought a number of Nationalists with bands, to disturb the unanimity of welcome. The rioters had to be ejected by the Constabulary.

At Cork there were similar attempts at hostile demonstration, but it was shown only by the lowest rabble, and at the instigation of the political agitators. The patriots of the present time are of immeasurably lower type than Daniel O'Connell, even when he was most zealous for Repeal of the Union. He was always loyal as well as patriotic, and however bitter in words, he was always a gentleman in his actions. Whatever may be the views as to politics, the men who could incite their followers to insult the Prince and Princess of Wales, whose hearts are full of sympathy and love for Ireland, are unworthy the name of Irishmen. At Cork, several of the Home Rule members urged the people to resent the visit of the Royal party as a degradation to their city. At Dundalk on the same day, Mr.

Redmond, M.P., addressing a meeting of the National League, "expressed his joy at the difficulty of England with the Soudan and Afghanistan. He hoped that the Russian bear would soon stick his claw into the British lion. He was sorry that this Prince of Wales was not there to see what the real feeling of the Irish people was, instead of scampering about the country attended by military and police and b.l.o.o.d.y Earl Spencer."

In spite of a few jarring notes of this kind, the reception of the Prince and Princess in Ireland was worthy of the warm and hospitable character of the Irish Nation. Another proof was given that the disaffection is only temporary and partial, and due to the malignant influence of those who delude the ignorant with false representations.

No one understands this better than the Prince of Wales, than whom the people of Ireland have no truer friend.


_June 9th, 1885._

As one of the Trustees of the British Museum, the Prince of Wales was requested to represent them on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Charles Darwin, in the entrance-hall of the Museum of Natural History, now at South Kensington. The ceremony of unveiling was performed by Professor Huxley, whose address, after brief reference to the high claims of the author of 'The Origin of Species,' and other works of enduring fame, gave a statement as to the history of the memorial statue. Then addressing the Prince as representing the Trustees, he was requested to accept the statue from the Darwin Memorial Committee.

The Prince, in reply, said:--

"I consider it to be a high privilege to have been deputed by the unanimous wish of my colleagues, the Trustees of the British Museum, to accept, in their names, the gift which you have offered us on behalf of the Committee of the Darwin Memorial.

The Committee and subscribers may rest a.s.sured that we have most willingly a.s.signed this honourable place to the statue of the great Englishman who has exerted so vast an influence upon the progress of those branches of natural knowledge, the advancement of which is the object of the vast collection gathered here. It has given me much pleasure to learn that the memorial has received so much support in foreign countries, and it may be regarded as cosmopolitan rather than merely national; while the fact that persons of every condition of life have contributed to it affords remarkable evidence of the popular interest in the discussion of scientific problems. A memorial to which all nations and all of society have contributed cannot be more fitly lodged than in our Museum, which though national is open to all the world, and the resources of which are at the disposal of every student of Nature, whatever his condition or his country, who enters our doors."

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Speeches and Addresses of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales: 1863-1888 Part 29 summary

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