The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night Volume II Part 18

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[FN#121] Kafir means "black" as well as "infidel."

[FN#122] One of the Mohammedan legends represents Moses as seeking the water of life.

[FN#123] The allusion here is to the face of a beloved one, which is likened to a moon rising out of her dress.

[FN#124] An ornamental hand, said to be so called from the resemblance of the pen with which it is written to the leaf of the sweet basil.

[FN#125] lit. "the love of the Beni Udhra," an Arabian tribe, famous for the pa.s.sion and devotion with which love was practiced among them.

[FN#126] Syn. eye (

[FN#127] Syn. eyebrow (hajib).

[FN#128] i.e. including the two days that had already elapsed.

[FN#129] i.e. a graceful youth of the province in which Mecca is situate.

[FN#130] A small piece of wood used in a children's out-door game called tab.

[FN#131] The stone of the beleh or "green" date, not allowed to ripen.

[FN#132] Or drachm-weight.

[FN#133] An audacious parody of the consecrated expression used to describe the ceremonious circ.u.mambulation of the Kaabeh at Mecca.

[FN#134] Subaudiantur autem utriusque s.e.xus pudenda.

[FN#135] Subaudiantur autem utriusque s.e.xus pudenda.

[FN#136] Subaudiatur vas muliebre.

[FN#137] The word sac (leg), when used in the oblique case, as it would necessarily be here, makes saki, i.e. cup-bearer. A play upon the double meaning is evidently intended.

[FN#138] In the East, bathers pay on leaving the bath.

[FN#139] As a styptic.

[FN#140] Dunya.

[FN#141] s.e.m.e.n hominis.

[FN#142] i.e. the rolls of dirt that come off under the bathman's hands.

[FN#143] Paradise.

[FN#144] The cold room of the bath.

[FN#145] The hot room.

[FN#146] The door-keeper of h.e.l.l.

[FN#147] The door-keeper of Paradise.

[FN#148] i.e. Crown of Kings.

[FN#149] An obscure star in the Great Bear.

[FN#150] Zibl means "dung" or "sweepings." Can (Khan) means "chief."

[FN#151] i.e., Him who fights for the Faith.

[FN#152] A town on the Euphrates, on the borders of Syria and Mesopotamia.

[FN#153] i.e. recognized him as king by naming him in the public prayers.

[FN#154] i.e. the silky whiskers, which it is common, in poetry, to call green likening them to newly-sprouted herbage.

[FN#155] i.e. the Day of Judgment.

[FN#156] Ironical.

[FN#157] i.e. Kanmakan.

[FN#158] Meaning, apparently, poisoned.

[FN#159] i.e. with a blow worthy of the members of the family of Thaalebeb to which (see post, p. 368 {see ...Said he, 'I am Ibad ben Temin ben Thaalebh, and indeed...}) he belonged.

[FN#160] i.e. his sister.

[FN#161] i.e. benefits.

[FN#162] i.e. new moon.

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The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night Volume II Part 18 summary

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