Pinafore Palace Part 28

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_Watching Angels_

Angels at the foot, And Angels at the head, And like a curly little lamb My pretty babe in bed.

Christina G. Rossetti.

_The Story of Baby's Blanket_

Once a little Baby, On a sunny day, Out among the daisies Took his happy way.

Little lambs were frisking In the fields so green, While the fleecy mothers All at rest were seen.

For a while the Baby Played and played and played; Then he sat and rested In the pleasant shade.

Soon a Sheep came near him, Growing very bold, And this wondrous story To the Baby told:

"Baby's little blanket, Socks and worsted ball, Winter cap and mittens, And his flannels all, And his pretty afghan Warm and soft and fine, Once as wool were growing On this back of mine!

"And the soft bed blankets, For his cosey sleep, These were also given By his friends, the sheep."

Such the wondrous story That the Baby heard: Did he understand it?

Not a single word!

Emilie Poulsson.

_The Story of Baby's Pillow_

These are the Eggs that were put in a nest; These are the Goslings in yellow down drest.

This is the Farmyard where, living in peace, All the young Goslings grew up to be Geese.

Here's the Goose family waddling about-- In a procession they always walk out.

This is the Farmer who said, "Every Goose Now has some feathers on, ready for use."

This is the Farmer's Wife, plucking with care All of the feathers the Geese can well spare.

This is the Pillow the Merchant displayed: "Yes, of the finest Goose-feathers 'tis made."

This is the Mother who put on its case, Laid the wee Pillow away in its place.

This is the Crib with its furnis.h.i.+ngs white, This the dear Baby who bids you "Good-night."

Emilie Poulsson.

_The New Moon_

Dear mother, how pretty The moon looks to-night!

She was never so cunning before; Her two little horns Are so sharp and so bright, I hope she'll not grow any more.

If I were up there With you and my friends, I'd rock in it nicely, you see; I'd sit in the middle And hold by both ends; O, what a bright cradle 'twould be!

I would call to the stars To keep out of the way, Lest we should rock over their toes, And there I would rock Till the dawn of the day, And see where the pretty moon goes.

And there we would stay In the beautiful skies, And through the bright clouds we would roam; We would see the sun set, And see the sun rise, And on the next rainbow come home.

Eliza Lee Follen.

_Lady Moon_

Lady moon, lady moon, Sailing so high!

Drop down to baby From out the clear sky; Babykin, babykin, Down far below, I hear thee calling, But I cannot go.

But lady moon sendeth thee Soft s.h.i.+ning rays; Moon loves the baby, The moonlight says.

In her house dark and blue, Though she must stay, Kindly she'll watch thee Till dawns the new day.

Kate Kellogg.

_The Star_

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing s.h.i.+nes upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveller in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark: He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark-blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark Lights the traveller in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star.


_The Child's Star_

The star that watched above your sleep has just put out his light.

"Good day, to you on earth," he said, "is here in heav'n, good night."

"But tell the child when he awakes, to watch for my return, For I'll hang out my lamp again, when his begins to burn."

John B. Tabb.

_Do You Know How Many Stars?_

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Pinafore Palace Part 28 summary

You're reading Pinafore Palace. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Nora Archibald Smith and Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin. Already has 441 views.

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