First Marriage Then Love Chapter 49

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this chapter edited by midoriha, kwkx and I.

In the office, Anran concentrated on painting the building design. After an afternoon, although it was just the bulk sample or a large sample, however, she was able to see part of the solution.

Anran held a brush and carefully observed, and suddenly took the eraser to wipe at good part of the drawing. She took a look at the drawing again for a moment before tossing a slightly satisfied nod. Anran was ready to begin drawing again when suddenly the office door was opened. She looked up, and saw Xiao Xiao with perfect makeup swinging her hips towards her desk. The outfit she wore seemed different than the one she wore in the morning a.s.sembly. Sometimes Anran really didn’t understand. She also worked at the same company with the same job and was doing the same thing. However, why did Xiao Xiao have so much time to pour herself into having different makeup, different clothes and different handbag for different occasions. Xiao Xiao lived a very exquisite life, but for Anran, Xiao Xiao’s lifestyle really made her feel tired.

“Well, Are you ready? Zongjian let me to tell you it’s almost time.” Xiao Xiao said while she was standing in the doorway. Her mouth slightly upturned.

Anran looked at the time on the computer screen, then she turned around and looked out the window. The sky was dark.  She sighed, the time had flown by really fast.

Anran nodded towards Xiao Xiao while she tidied up the things on her table. She said ” Ok. I’ll go there immediately. Has Zhongjian said where the place is? I’ll drive there myself.”

Xiao Xiao glanced at her, just smiled and asked “Do you not intend to go to the toilet to retouch your makeup?”

Anran then realised that she just concentrated on designing the whole afternoon. While drawing, she always liked to scratch her head. Her original not very securedly tied hair should now look like a mess. She looked at the time, then she threw the partially done task of keeping the drawings to the side. She brought out her red bag and took the cosmetics inside. She hastily went to the bathroom. As she was pa.s.sing Xiao Xiao’s side, she did not forget to say “Just give me the address. I’ll drive there by myself. ”

Xiao Xiao picked her eyebrows and said “Youranju.”

Anran could not help but groan, why did it have to be ‘Youranju’? In this huge River City, could they really not find another place to eat?

Looking at her reaction, Xiao Xiao asked with disdain “What? You don’t like that Youranju? ”

” No. “Anran smiled lightly and shook her head. She hoped that she did not meet Su Yi Jiao there.

Xiao Xiao did not say much, just looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

Anran avoided her eyes, only saying “Don’t wait for me. I’ll drive by myself there.” She went into the bathroom.

Xiao Xiao watched Anran’s figure disappear around the corner in the bathroom, then she turned around and looked at Anran’s drawing on the desk. There was gleam in her eyes.

Anran went to the bathroom. She simply ran her fingers through her hair and then faintly fluttered her makeup. She went back to the office and saw that Xiao Xiao had left. She finished tidying up the remaining half of the items on the desk, took the briefcase, and then took the phone on the table. She directly went out the office door.

From the time Anran left her office right up to the time she reached her company’s parking lot downstairs, Anran’s eyes kept staring straight at the phone in her hand.

She kept on feeling that something was wrong, but she did not know what it was. Later, when she got in the car, she remembered. Today, Su Yi Cheng did not phone her and did not say that he would come pick her up. When she started the car ready to leave, she then remembered that when Su Yi Cheng pa.s.sed her breakfast to her in the morning, he had said that he had to go do the inspection authorities today.

While the car engine was running, Anran stared at the phone for a while before getting her mind back. The phone suddenly rang. It was from Xiao Xiao. Anran quickly picked up the call. Before she could say anything, she heard Xiao Xiao asking “Anran, have you left? Zongjian and I are already on the way. We will be on the second floor, room 208,. Come up when you arrive. Tong Juzhang had almost arrived. Don’t delay/waste time.”

“Ah, I know.” Anran nodded, then hung up the phone. She could not help but shake her head. Then she looked at her phone, shook her head and smiled bitterly. How long has it been?

She’s now accustomed to Su Yi Cheng’s calling every day and the daily sending/picking from home/work.

Habit was really a terrible thing.

Anran drove there. When she arrived in the hall, she coincidentally met with Manager Zhang, who called out to her with a warm att.i.tude as has previously received instructions from Su Yi Jiao. His face was full of smiling greeting, asking whether has reservations, any more dinner partners arriving, etc. Anran quickly said that it was an official gathering with the leaders.h.i.+p of the company to socialize, then she rushed up to the second floor. She knocked on the door when she saw Xiao Xiao and Huang Dexing sitting inside at the other end. Xiao Xiao was looking a little bit messy, but also looked a little red. The lip gloss on her mouth was gone, somehow. Sitting decently on the other side was Huang Dexing, who was looking at his phone. Seeing that Anran had come, he just smiled and nodded. Xiao Xiao suddenly got up and said that she had stomach discomfort, then she took her handbag and went directly to the bathroom.

Anran was aware of the ambiguous situation. It seemed unusual, but that was someone else’s business. She did not say anything, only looked down at the table cloth which was of exquisite workmans.h.i.+p.

Tonight’s guest that Huang Dexing invited, Tong Juzhang, who arrived before Xiao Xiao returned, which surprised Anran, is none other than the one that she met here last time and also seemed to have been a little familiar with her mother.

Tong Wen Hai also recognized Anran. He had an impression of Anran because, firstly, she was Su Yi Cheng’s wife, and secondly, she was the daughter of Lin Xiao Fen. Regardless of which of these two ident.i.ties, she was someone he could not ignore.

“You ……” Tong Wen Hai was about to speak, but behind him, Huang Dexing stood up to interrupt.

“Tong Juzhang, I have not seen you for a long time and you are still handsome, ah.” Huang Dexing grinned over at Tong Wen Hai.

Tong Wen Hai answered quickly, glancing at Huang Dexing, he only smiled and said “Huang Zongjian is joking”

“Tong Juzhang, you are too modest.” said Huang Dexing. He turned to the side. To Anran, he said, “Anran, this is the newly appointed Urban Construction Bureau Secretary, Tong Juzhang. You have to drink a few out of respect for Tong Juzhang. ”

Anran smiled, nodded towards Tong Wen Hai, and said “Good evening, Tong Juzhang.”

Tong Wen Hai nodded, looking at her eyes, he felt a bit complicated.

Then the door behind Anran was opened again. Xiao Xiao enters while joking with the people who were coming in. When Anran finally saw clearly the man who came in together with Xiao Xiao, her eyes suddenly widened and her face unexpectedly looked frightened

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First Marriage Then Love Chapter 49 summary

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