Fire Island Part 37

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If you manage, we can."

"Better let me rest you, my lad."

"Thank-ye, no, sir, Billy and me lays it down in the dust now and then, and sits on the edge for a rest. We're doing pretty comfortable, and only wants to get down to the tent to tea."

"All right, then."

The darkness increased for a while, and they came dangerously near being struck by stones several times over, but escaped as if by a miracle.

Then just as they were approaching one of the worst of the gaps, the cloud of smoke and ashes floated gradually away, they obtained a glimpse of the bright blue sky and were able to cross the crevice in safety, though conscious all the while that a great body of suffocating vapour was now rising from the depths below.

The rest of the descent to the great rift was made in the bright afternoon suns.h.i.+ne, every nerve being strained to get that pa.s.sed before darkness fell, and as Wriggs, who came last this time, reached the edge where the others were hauling in the line they all set up a hearty cheer, and gathering up the rope, set off as if refreshed, for the dangers of the ascent were at an end.

"An hour will do it," cried Oliver. "Then a warm bath, a good meal, a night's rest, and we shall be all right."

"But we did not get to the top," said Panton.

"Well, what of that? We've found out that we are upon an island, and we have left something else to do another day, for we must get to the edge of the crater before we've done."

"And now what next?" said Drew, as they tramped on down the soft ash bed, after carefully mapping out their course to the hot-spring camp.

"Food and rest."

"No, no, I mean about our proceedings."

"Let Mr Rimmer construct a boat if he likes. It will keep him busy, and take I daresay a couple of years. During that time we can collect a cargo of specimens, and thank our stars that we have fallen in such good quarters."

In spite of marking down the trees and rocks where the hot springs lay, the natural darkness of night made their task by no means easy. Objects looked so different, and after they had reached the end of the ash slope, the inequalities of the surface were so great that they lost their way several times over, and at last it was decided to lie down and rest under the shelter of a huge tree, when Smith suddenly exclaimed,--

"Why, this here's where I got some of the firewood last night."

"Nonsense," said Panton pettishly.

"It was somewheres here as I broke a big branch off, one as was dead."

"If it were, you would find the stump," said Panton.

"Course I should, sir, and here it is," growled the man.

"What!" shouted Oliver. "Then the tent must be close by."

"Round at the back of a big mask o' rock, sir, as is the hardest and sharpest I ever broke my s.h.i.+ns again. It ought to be just about where Billy Wriggs is a-lighting of his pipe."

"Want me, matey?"

"Yes. Look if there's a lot o' rock behind you."

"Ay, I am a-leaning again it."

"There you are, sir! I'll go on and light the fire and set the kettle to boil," said Smith, and ten minutes after there was a ruddy blaze lighting up the rocks and trees; a good tea meal followed, and forgetting all perils and dangers, the little party lay down to rest and enjoy the sound sleep that comes to the truly tired out.



The night pa.s.sed peaceably enough, and though every now and then there was a violent hissing from close at hand, it was not noticed till just at daybreak, when Smith, who had grown brave and reckless with knowledge, drove his elbow into his messmate's ribs.

"All right," growled Wriggs, drowsily, "but t'arnt our watch, is it?"

"Watch? No, rouse up, my lad. Steam's up."

"Eh? What? Steam?"

_Css_, came loudly from a crevice in the rocks so suddenly and sharply, that the sailor sprang up in alarm.

"Oh," he grumbled, directly after, "it's them hot water works. I thought it was a snake."

"Who said snakes?" cried Drew, waking up.

"I did, sir, but it ain't. It's to-morrer morning, and we're getting up."

"I have raked the fire together, sir, and put the billy on to byle,"

said Smith,--"not meaning you, messmate."

"Time to get up?" cried Oliver, and he sprang to his feet. "Come on, Panton, who's for a bath?"

They all were, and coming back refreshed partook of a hearty meal which exhausted their supplies, all but the condiments they had provided, and necessitated an immediate return to the brig.

"Only it seems a pity," said Oliver, as the cries of birds could be heard in different directions, while b.u.t.terflies of bright colours darted here and there, and the trees were hung with creepers whose racemes and cl.u.s.ters of blossoms gladdened Drew's eyes.

"Yes, it seems a pity," said Panton, taking out his little hammer and beginning to chip at a piece of rock.

"There is so little to be seen close to the brig," said Oliver thoughtfully, as he took out his handkerchief and began to polish a speck of rust from the barrel of his double gun.

"And I haven't collected half so much as I should like to have done,"

said Drew.

"Think Mr Rimmer would be very uneasy if we stayed here for the day and did a little collecting?"

"Not he," said Panton. "But what about prog?"

"I'll shoot three or four pigeons," suggested Oliver.

"Three or four, why, I could eat half a dozen for dinner."

"Think so?" said Oliver, smiling; "I doubt it."

"But I'm getting hungry again already, although I've just breakfasted.

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Fire Island Part 37 summary

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