Golden Numbers Part 91

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STODDART, THOMAS TOD [1810-1880]: _The Angler's Invitation_, 207.

STORY, WILLIAM WETMORE [1819-1895]: _The English Language_ (Extracts), 346.


SWIFT, JONATHAN [1667-1745]: _A Riddle_, 372; _Baucis and Philemon_, 375.

SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES [1837-1909]: _etude Realiste_, 139; _Swimming_ (from "Tristram of Lyonesse"), 201.


TABB, JOHN B. [1845--]: _The Tax-Gatherer_, 114.

TATE, NAHUM [1652-1715]: _While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night_, 649.

TAYLOR, BAYARD [1825-1878]: _The Song of the Camp_, 284; _A Night With a Wolf_, 471.

TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD [1809-1892]: _The Brook_, 40; _The Eagle_ (Fragment), 109; _The Merman_, 177; _The Mermaid_, 178; _Bugle Song_ (from "The Princess"), 181; _Leolin and Edith_ (from "Aylmer's Field"), 218; _Olivia_ (from "The Talking Oak"), 247; _The Sh.e.l.l_, 270; _The Lady of Shalott_, 431; _The Charge of the Light Brigade_, 537.

TENNYSON, FREDERICK [1807-1898]: _The Skylark_, 101.

THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE [1811-1863]: _Pocahontas_, 303; _The End of the Play_ (from "Dr. Birch and His Young Friends"), 623.

THAXTER, CELIA [1836-1894]: _The Sandpiper_, 107; _Nikolina_, 248.

THORNBURY, GEORGE WALTER [1828-1876]: _The Cavalier's Escape_, 479.

TROWBRIDGE, JOHN TOWNSEND [1827--]: _Midwinter_, 23; _Evening at the Farm_, 136.

UNKNOWN: _Mother's Song_ (West of England Lullaby), 123; _Love Will Find Out the Way_ (Old English), 133; _When Banners Are Waving_, 509; _Christmas Carol_ (Old English), 650; _Old Christmas Returned_ (Old Carol), 657.

VAN d.y.k.e, HENRY [1852--]: _The Angler's Reveille_, 203.

VAUGHAN, HENRY [1621-1695]: _Peace_, 627.

VERY, JONES [1813-1880]: _The Latter Rain_, 35; _The Tree_, 65.

WATSON, WILLIAM [1858--]: _Song to April_, 7.

WESTWOOD, THOMAS [1850-1888]: _Mine Host of "The Golden Apple,"_ 64; _Little Bell_, 234.

WHITMAN, WALT [1819-1892]: _O Captain! My Captain!_ 323; _Two Veterans_, 340.

WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF [1807-1892]: _Snow-Bound_ (Extracts), 46; _The Corn-Song_, 82; _The Barefoot Boy_, 214; _Song of the Negro Boatman_, 335; _Barbara Frietchie_, 337; _The Pipes at Lucknow_, 514.

WILDER, JOHN NICHOLS [1814-1858]: _Stand by the Flag_, 342.

WOLFE, CHARLES [1791-1823]: _The Burial of Sir John Moore_, 295.

WOODBERRY, GEORGE EDWARD [1855--]: _At Gibraltar_, 343, 344.

WOODWORTH, SAMUEL: _The Needle_, 228.

WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM [1770-1850]: _The Daffodils_, 79; _We Are Seven_, 141; _Skating_ (from "The Prelude"), 207; _Lucy_, 245; _The Solitary Reaper_, 249; _Faith and Freedom_, 345; _In a Child's Alb.u.m_, 602.

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