Wife is Outrageous: His Evil Highness Comes Knocking Chapter 136

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[136] Don’t hate me……

“Why didn’t you dodge?!”

The moment the words spilled out from her mouth, Qi Luoer instantly regretted it!

It was like a melodramatic love drama ah. Her words were actually just like a cliche actor’s!

‘There was once a true love that I had, but I did not treasure her. Only when I lost her, did I feel regretful.

It was the most painful thing I felt in this world.

If the heavens can give me one more chance……

I would tell her 3 words: ‘I love you.’

If there has to be a time limit to this love,

I hope it lasts for 10,000 years……’

Now, not knowing why, Qi Luoer froze as she recalled Stephen Chow’s cla.s.sic lines1……

>~<””[footnote] raws="" actually="" said="" sweat,="" but="" i="" took="" a="" bit="" of="" liberty="" with="" the="">~<””[ ootnote].="" her="" and="" yue="" wushang="" weren’t="" like="" that,="" right?="" qi="" luoer="" somehow="" felt="" a="" cold="" wind="" brush="" past="" her.="" “is="" this="" considered="" as="" you="" venting="" your="" anger?="" don’t="" hate="" me="" anymore……”="" yue="" wushang="" suddenly="" smiled,="" and="" under="" the="" twinkling="" moonlight,="" his="" smiling="" face="" held="" the="" same="" beauty="" and="" allure="" as="" brilliant="" peach="" blossoms.="" it="" was="" that="" kind="" of="" uncaring="" smile.="" if="" it="" wasn’t="" for="" the="" unending="" torrent="" of="" blood="" gus.h.i.+ng="" out="" from="" his="" stomach,="" qi="" luoer="" would’ve="" believed="" that="" her="" dagger="" had="" hit="" air.="" her="" hands="" trembled="" slightly.="" had="" she="" really="" just="" killed="" him?="" although="" he="" was="" the="" demonic="" sect’s="" leader,="" but="" he="" was="" also="" bai="" li.="" the="" same="" bai="" li="" that="" was="" always="" inseparable="" from="" her.="" qi="" luoer’s="" tears="" flowed="" out.="" her="" heart="" tightened,="" as="" if="" it="" was="" being="" tightly="" squeezed.="" could="" this="" be="" how="" it="" feels="" to="" murder="" somebody?="" the="" sharp="" pain="" felt="" as="" if="" she="" had="" been="" pierced="" by="" an="" arrow…...="" hesitating="" for="" a="" moment,="" yue="" wushang="" brought="" his="" finger="" to="" stroke="" her="" cheek,="" his="" eyes="" dimming:="" “little="" luoer,="" you’re="" grieving="" for="" me?”="" qi="" luoer="" also="" didn’t="" know="" what="" kind="" of="" emotion="" she="" was="" feeling.="" her="" tears="" flowed="" down="" endlessly,="" her="" mind="" unable="" to="" think.="" her="" dagger="" hit="" his="" heart.="" was="" he="" trying="" to="" seek="" death?="" although="" his="" appearance="" was="" different,="" wasn’t="" he="" still="" bai="" li?="" although="" her="" ambiguous="" words="" often="" left="" her="" speechless,="" but......="" but="" in="" her="" heart,="" bai="" li="" was="" like="" a="" dear="" sister.="" and="" now,="" she="" was="" going="" to="" die="" under="" her="" own="" sword?="" watching="" as="" yue="" wushang’s="" face="" turned="" paler="" and="" paler="" with="" blood="" flowing="" from="" his="" body,="" qi="" luoer’s="" heart="" almost="">

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Wife is Outrageous: His Evil Highness Comes Knocking Chapter 136 summary

You're reading Wife is Outrageous: His Evil Highness Comes Knocking. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Mu Dan Feng,穆丹枫. Already has 1083 views.

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