Dramatized Rhythm Plays Part 15

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Inter.;-- Upon the word, "eating," children encircle imaginary plate with the left arm and imitate eating with the right hand.

3rd Line;-- He put in his thumb, And pulled out a plum,

Inter.;-- Upon the word, "put," children imitate the action of putting thumb in pie and pulling out a plum, making the action vigorous upon the word, "pulled," stretching the arm overhead. Look at plum.

4th Line;-- And said, "What a good boy am I!"

Inter.;-- Proudly pats the chest with the left hand.

Conclusion;-- Nice Plum! Nice Plum! Nice Plum! Nice Plum!

Inter.;-- Lowers plum to mouth, imitating eating, tapping the chest the while.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE SPIDER FRIGHTENING MISS m.u.f.fET (_See page 46_)]


Arr. by +J. N. Richards+

[Music: Little Miss m.u.f.fet sat on a tuffet, eating of curds and whey, Along came a spider And sat down beside her; And frighten'd Miss m.u.f.fet away.]


Formation;-- Double circle formation facing line of direction with hands on hips.

Inner circle:-- The Spider.

Outer circle:-- Miss m.u.f.fet.

Suggestion;-- In so far as possible have the boys form the inner circle and the girls the outer circle.

1st Line;-- Little Miss m.u.f.fet sat on a

Interpretation;-- Outer circle (Miss m.u.f.fet); starting with the right foot execute three steps in line of direction. (Right; left; right and close left to right.)

Inter.;-- Inner circle (Spider); No activity.


Inter.;-- [Outer circle] Bend knees deeply.

eating of curds and whey,

Inter.;-- Hold imaginary plate in the left hand (palm up) and imitate eating. Hands are replaced to hips upon the completion of the word, "whey."

Inter.;-- Inner circle (Spider); No activity.

2nd Line;-- Along came a spider

Inter.;-- Outer circle (Miss m.u.f.fet); No activity.

Inter.;-- Inner circle (Spider); Starting with the left foot execute five running steps in line of direction. (This should bring partners together.)

3rd Line;-- And

Inter.;-- Inner circle (Spider); Bend knees slightly.

sat down beside her;

Inter.;-- [Inner circle] Spring upward and upon return bend knees deeply and face partner. Raise hands, fingers extended and flexed.

(Eye height.)


sat down beside her;

Inter.;-- Outer circle (Miss m.u.f.fet); Turns head to the left, holds hands in position to ward off attack of the Spider.

4th Line;-- And

frighten'd Miss m.u.f.fet away.

Inter.;-- Outer circle (Miss m.u.f.fet); Place hands on hips; stretch knees and with six running steps encircle the Spider and return to place.

Inter.;-- Inner circle (Spider); No activity.


Arr. by +J. N. Richards+

[Music: Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after.

Boohoo! Boohoo! Boohoo! Boohoo!]


Formation;-- Double circle formation. Children bend knees deeply; place outside hand on hip and clasp partner's hand.

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Dramatized Rhythm Plays Part 15 summary

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