Dramatized Rhythm Plays Part 22

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rode him through the mire;

Inter.;-- Clasp partner's hands, raising arms to shoulder height and bend and stretch knees six times.

4th Line;-- I would

Inter.;-- Step dip, right, clapping hands three times.

not lend

Inter.;-- Step dip, left, clapping hands three times.

my pony now

Inter.;-- Face line of direction; replace hands to hips and execute two steps forward. (Right; left and close light to left.)

For all

Inter.;-- Step throw, right.

the lady's

Inter.;-- Step throw, left.


Inter.;-- Mark time, in place, three counts. (Right; left and right.)


_Permission to use words and music:-- McLoughlin Bros._ Arr. by +J. W. Elliott+

[Music: Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of Rye; Four and twenty Blackbirds Bak'd in a Pie.

When the Pie was open'd, The Birds began to sing; Wasn't that a dainty dish To set before a King.]


Formation;-- Single circle formation facing counter clockwise (right) in close order formation. Hands are placed upon the shoulders of the pupil in front.

1st Verse

1st Line;-- Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of Rye;

Interpretation;-- Starting with the inside foot (left) moving in line of direction execute point step forward and step, left; right; left and right. During this movement, bend the trunk slightly to the left and right as the activity proceeds.

Cues;-- Point and step; point and step; point and step; point and step.

2nd Line;-- Four and twenty Blackbirds

Inter.;-- Turn the head to the left; step sideward, left and close right to left and repeat.

Cue;-- Step and close; step and close.

Bak'd in a Pie.

Inter.;-- Turn the head to the right; step sideward, right and close left to the right and repeat.

Cue;-- Step and close; step and close.

3rd Line;-- When the Pie was open'd,

Inter.;-- Facing inward (left); clasp hands to the right and left and starting with the right foot execute three steps backward. (Right; left; right and close left to the right.)

Cues;-- Step; step; step and close.

The Birds began to sing;

Inter.;-- Three steps in line of direction. (To the right.)

4th Line;-- Wasn't that a dainty dish

Inter.;-- Extend arms forward slightly flexed, clapping hands seven times, and step bend, left and right. (Step to the left; place the right toe behind the left heel, bending both knees slightly. During this movement the head is turned to the left, the trunk bending slightly as the knee bending occurs. (Counterlike as to movement of head and trunk when executed to the right.)

To set before

Inter.;-- Replace hands to hips; step sideward, left and close right to left.

a King?

Inter.;-- Bow and a.s.sume erect position.

_Second Verse_

[Music: The King was in the counting house, Counting out his money; The Queen was in the parlour, Eating bread and honey; The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes; There came a little Bird, And popp'd upon her nose.]


Formation;-- Single circle facing inward with hands on hips.

1st Line;-- The King was in the counting house,

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Dramatized Rhythm Plays Part 22 summary

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