Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon Part 38

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Donax scortum, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

cuneata, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

faba, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

spinosa, _Gm_. Syst. Nat.

paxillus, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.

Cyrena Ceylanica, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

Tennentii, _Hanley_, P.Z. Soc. 1858.

Cytherea Erycina, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[6]

meretrix, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[7]

castanea, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

castrensis, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

casta, _Gm_. Syst. Nat.

costata, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

laeta, _Gm_. Syst. Nat.

trimaculata, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Hebraea, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

rugifera, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

scripta, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

gibbia, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Meroe, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

testudinalis, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

seminuda, _Anton_. Wiegm. A. Nat. 1837.[8]

Venus reticulata, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[9]

pinguis, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

recens, _Philippi_, Abbild. Neuer Conch.

thiara, _Dillw_. Descriptive Cat.

Malabarica, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

Bruguieri, _Hanley_, Recent Bivalves.

papilionacea, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Indica, _Sowerby_, Thesaur. Conch. ii.

inflata, _Deshayes_, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853.[10]

Ceylonensis, _Sowerby_, Thes. Conch. ii.

literata, _Linn._ Systema Naturae.

textrix, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.[11]

Cardium unedo, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

maculosum, _Wood_, Gen. Con.

leucostomum, _Born_, Tt. M. Caes. Vind.

rugosum, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

biradiatum, _Bruguiere_, En. Meth. Vers.

attenuatum, _Sowerby_, Conch. Ill.u.s.t.

enode, _Sowerby_, Conch. Ill.u.s.t.

papyraceum, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

ringiculum, _Sowerby_, Conch. Ill.u.s.t.

subrugosum, _Sowerby_, Conch. Ill.u.s.t.

latum, _Born_, Test. Mus. Caes. Vind.

Asiatic.u.m, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

Cardita variegata, _Brug_. Enc. Meth. Vers.

bicolor, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Arca rhombea, _Born_, Test. Mus.

vellicata, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.

cruciata, _Philippi_, Ab. Neur Conch.

decussata, _Reeve_ (as of Sowerby), C.I.[12]

scapha, _Meuschen_, in Gronov. Zoo.

Pectunculus nodosus, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.

pectiniformis, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Nucula mitralis, _Hinds_, Zool. voy. Sul.

Layardi, _Adams_, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856.

Mauritii (_Hanley_ as of _Hinds_), Rec. Biv.

Unio corrugatus, _Muller_, Hist. Verm. Ter.[13]

marginalis, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Lithodomus cinnamoneus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Mytilus viridis, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[14]

bilocularis, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Pinna inflata, _Chamn_. Conch. Cab.

cancellata, _Mawe_, Intr. Lin. Conch.

Malleus vulgaris, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

albus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Meleagrina margaritifera, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

vexillum, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.[15]

Avicula macroptera, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.

Lima squamosa, _Linn._ Anim. s. Vert.

Pecten plica, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

radula, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

pleuronectes, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

pallium, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

senator, _Gm_. Syst. Nat.

histrionicus, _Gm_. Syst. Nat.

Indicus, _Deshayes_, Voyage Belanger.

Layardi, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.

Spondylus Layardi, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.

candidus, _Reeve_ (as of _Lam._) C. Icon.

Ostrea hyotis, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

glaucina, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Mytiloides, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

cucullata? var., _Born_, Test. M. Vind.[16]

Vulsella Pholadiformis, _Reeve_, C. Icn. (immat.) Placuna placenta, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Lingula anatina, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

[Footnote 1: P. caerulesens, _Lam._]

[Footnote 2: Sanguinolaria rugosa, _Lam._]

[Footnote 3: T. striatula of Lamarck is also supposed to be indigenous to Ceylon.]

[Footnote 4: T. rostrata, _Lam._]

[Footnote 5: L. divaricata is found, also, in mixed Ceylon collections.]

[Footnote 6: C. dispar of Chemnitz is occasionally found in Ceylon collections.]

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Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon Part 38 summary

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