Amusements in Mathematics Part 36

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Stalemate, 106, 232.

Stamp-licking, The Gentle Art of, 91, 217.

Star Puzzle, The, 99, 226.

Stars, The Eight, 89, 215. ---- The Forty-nine, 100, 226.

Statical Chess Puzzles, 88.

Sticks, The Eight, 53, 186.

Stonemason's Problem, The, 25, 165.

Stop-watch, The, 11, 154.

_Strand Magazine, The_, 44, 116, 220.

Strand Patience, 116, 239.

Stream, Crossing the, 112, 236.

Strutt, Joseph, 59.

Subtracting Magic Squares, 124.

Sultan's Army, The, 25, 165.

Suppers, The New Year's Eve, 3, 149.

Surname, Find Ada's, 27, 168.

Swastika, The, 29, 31, 169.

"T" Card Puzzle, The, 115, 239.

Table, The Round, 80, 205.

Table-top and Stools, The, 38, 173.

Tangram Paradox, A, 43, 178.

Target, The Cross, 84, 210.

Tarry, 112.

Tartaglia, 25, 109, 112.

Tea, Mixing the, 111, 235.

Telegraph Posts, The, 139.

Tennis Tournament, A, 78, 203.

Tetrahedron, Building the, 82, 208.

Thief, Catching the, 19, 161.

Thrift, A Study in, 25, 166.

Thompson, W.H., 232.

Ticket Puzzle, The Excursion, 5, 151.

Time Puzzle, A, 10, 153. ---- What was the, 10, 153.

Tiring Irons, The, 142, 247.

_t.i.t-Bits_, 58, 79, 124, 251.

Torn Number, The, 20, 162.

Torpedo Practice, 67, 196.

Tour, The Cyclists', 71, 199. ---- The Grand, 72, 200. ---- The Queen's, 98, 225. ---- The Rook's, 96, 223.

Towns, Visiting the, 70, 198.

Trains, The Two, 11, 155.

Treasure Boxes, The Nine, 24, 164.

Trees, The Twenty-one, 57, 190.

Tremaux, M., 133, 135.

Triangle, The Dissected, 38, 173.

Triangular Numbers, 13, 25, 166. ---- ---- Check for, 13.

Troublesome Eight, The, 121, 242.

Tube Inspector's Puzzle, The, 69, 198. ---- Railway, Heard on the, 8, 153.

Turks and Russians, 58, 191.

Turnings, The Fifteen, 70, 198.

Twickenham Puzzle, The, 60, 194.

Two Pieces Problem, The, 96.

Uncla.s.sified Puzzles, 142.

Unicursal and Route Problems, 68.

Union Jack, The, 50, 69, 197.

Vandermonde, A., 58, 103.

Veil, Under the, 90, 216.

Verne, Jules, 249.

Victoria Cross Puzzle, The, 60, 194.

Village, A Wonderful, 142, 247.

Villages, The Three, 12, 155.

Villas, The Eight, 80, 206.

Vortex Rings, 40.

Voter's Puzzle, The, 75, 202.

Wall, The Puzzle, 52, 184.

Wallis, J., 142. ---- (Another), 220.

Walls, The Garden, 52, 185.

Wapshaw's Wharf Mystery, The, 10, 153.

War Puzzle Game, The, 118, 240.

Wa.s.sail Bowl, The, 109, 235.

Watch, A Puzzling, 10, 153.

Water, Gas, and Electricity, 73, 200.

_Weekly Dispatch, The_, 28, 124, 125, 146, 148.

Weighing Puzzles, Measuring, Packing, and, 109.

Wheels, Concerning, 55, 188.

Who was First? 142, 247.

Whyte, W.T., 147.

Widow's Legacy, The, 2, 148.

Wife, Find the Man's, 147, 251.

Wilkinson, Rev. Mr., 193.

Wilson, Professor, 29.

Wilson's Poser, 9, 153.

Wine and Water, 110, 235. ---- The Keg of, 110, 235.

Wotherspoon, G., 244.

Yacht race, The, 99, 226.

Youthful Precocity, 1, 148.

Zeno, 139.


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Amusements in Mathematics Part 36 summary

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