A History of the French Novel Volume I Part 39

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_Nouvelles du 13'e et du 14'me Siecle._ Ed. L. Moland et Ch.

d'Hericault. Bibliotheque Elzevirienne. 2 vols. Paris, 1856.


_Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, Les._ Numerous editions in the cheap collections of French cla.s.sics.

_Fabliaux._ Ed. A. de Montaiglon et G. Raynaud. 6 vols. Paris, 1872-88.

_Jehan de Paris._ Ed. Montaiglon. Paris, 1874.

_Pet.i.t Jehan de Saintre._ Ed. Guichard. Paris, 1843.

_Roman de la Rose._ Ed. F. Michel. Paris, 1864.

_Roman de Renart._ The completest (but not a complete) edition of the different parts is that of Meon and Chabaille (5 vols., Paris, 1826-35).

The main or "Ancien" Renart was re-edited by E. Martin (3 vols., Paris and Strasbourg, 1882-87).


Rabelais. Editions of the original very numerous: and of Urquhart's famous English translation more than one or two recently. The cheapest and handiest of the former, _without_ commentary, is that in the Collection Garnier. Of commentaries and books _on_ Rabelais there is no end.


_Amadis_ Romances. No modern reprints of Herberay and his followers.

Southey's English versions of _Amadis_ and _Palmerin_ are not difficult to obtain.

Desperiers, B. _Contes et Joyeuse Devis_, etc. Ed. Lacour. 2 vols.

Paris, 1866.

Marguerite de Navarre, The _Heptameron_. Editions again numerous, including cheap ones in the collections.

_Moyen de Parvenir, Le._ Ed. Jacob. Paris, 1860. (For Helisenne de Crenne see text, and Reynier--_v. inf._ on next chapter.)


The general histories and bibliographies of M. Reynier and Herr Korting, as well as the monographs of MM. Chatenay, Magne, and Reure, will be found registered in the notes to text, and references to them in the index. The original editions are also given in text or note. Modern reprints--except of the fairy stories and one or two others--are almost entirely wanting. For the Greek Romances see above under Chapter I. The _Astree_, after its first issues, appeared as a whole in 1637 and 1647, the latter being the edition referred to in "Add. and Corr." But the later eighteenth-century (1733) version of the Abbe Souchay is said to be "doctored." I have not thought it worth while to look up either this or the earlier abridgment (_La Nouvelle Astree_ of 1713), though this latter is not ill spoken of. For the _Cabinet des Fees_ (41 vols., Geneva, 1785-89) see text.


Sorel. _Francion_ is in the Collection Garnier, _Le Berger Extravagant_ and _Polyandre_ only in the originals.

Scarron. _Le Roman Comique._ The 1752 edition (3 vols.) is useful, but there are reprints.

Furetiere. _Le Roman Bourgeois._ Collection Jannet et Picard, 1854.

Cyrano de Bergerac. _Voyages_, etc. Ed. Jacob. Paris, 1858.

Mme. de la Fayette. _La Princesse de Cleves._ Paris, 1881.


For those who wish to study Lesage and Prevost at large, the combined Dutch _Oeuvres Choisies_, in 54 vols. (Amsterdam, 1783), will offer a convenient, if not exactly handy, opportunity. Separate editions of the _Diable Boiteux_ and _Gil Blas_ are very, and of _Manon Lescaut_ fairly, numerous.

Marivaux. _Oeuvres._ 12 vols. Paris, 1781.

Crebillon _fils_. _Oeuvres Completes._ 7 vols. Londres, 1772.


The work, in novel, of Voltaire and Rousseau is in all the cheap collections of Didot, Garnier, etc. Of that of Diderot there have recently been several partial collections, but I think no complete one.

It is better to take the _Oeuvres_, by a.s.sezat and Tourneux, mentioned in the text (20 vols., Paris, 1875-77).

Marmontel's _Oeuvres_ appeared in 19 vols. (Paris, 1818), and I have used, and once possessed, a more modern and compacter issue in 7 vols.

(Paris, 1820?). The _Contes Moraux_ appeared together in 1770 and later.

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. _Oeuvres_. 12 vols. 1834. Very numerous separate editions (or sometimes with _La Chaumiere Indienne_) of _Paul et Virginie_.


Minor "Sensibility" novels. Most of them in a handsome 7-vol. edition (Paris, _n.d._) in Garnier's _Bibliotheque Amusante_. This also includes Marivaux.

X. de Maistre. Editions numerous.

B. Constant. _Adolphe._ Paris, 1842; and with Introduction by M. Anatole France (1889); besides M. de Lescure's noticed in text.

Restif de la Bretonne. Selection of _Les Contemporaines_, by a.s.sezat. 3 vols. Paris, 1875-76.

Pigault-Lebrun. Edition mentioned in text.



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