War God Asura Vol 1 Chapter 4

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Penance Year(One Year Of Self-Torture)


” Xing Jue …! ” Zhang Lao said with a excitement on his face looking at the the youth, who was slowly walking towards them from the taverns door. Xing Jue’s strength is definitely a senior warrior, although the strength have no value in his clan, but in this small town he might be a very strong master. As Xing Jue arrived at the scene, the matter cab be solved easily.


” d.a.m.n You…….., a moment ago you sneak attacked me…?” the middle aged man asked the young looking boy entering the tavern.


” Zhang lao………are you alright ? ” Xing Jue said by showing concern and walked to the sinde of Zhang Lao. However for the guys question, Xing Jue paid no attention to him and ignored his question.


” Ha… Ha.. you came in right time …otherwise the matter might be……….. ” never looked so concerned about Xing Jue , Zhang lao’s  face gave a touch of comforting smile. Then he looked at meaningful middle aged man who was behind Xing Jue.


” d.a.m.n You…………. answer my question….” the middle aged man exclaimed and shouted as he saw Xing Jue was ignoring him, although his hand was seriously wounded. But as he was looking at Xing Jue , he was unable to beleive the fact that he was wounded by Xing Jue.


” You…!.. Shut up ……..” Suddenly xing Jue shouted by turning his head towards the middle-aged man, Xing jue’ cast a killing intent from both of his eyes.


” Amount…..! you….you…. want to do…? “,Xing Jue said this by  casting his vision on the the man. Immediately The man has became like a deflated rubber ball and was discouraged as that moment he felt a murderous intent from the young guy. For many years he has run amuck in this small town and met many masters, but till now no body has given him the fear for his life, as the youth was giving to him.


” Amount……! “, the bullied child Ping Yueli said to the middle -aged man in high peach,infront of the youth, the waiters in the tavern had their mouth open up with surprise. The little girl who was hidding behind Zhang lao glance a admire look on Xing Jue.


” lick the wine that is fallen on the floor……………………” , Xing Jue said by casting a cold star the guy.


” What….? You……..! ” After hearing the Xing Jue’s words, the middle-aged man’s face  became purple colour like eggplants. By asking him to lick the liquor of the floor, if this matter spreads through out the city ,can he be able to roam freely in the city / or can he be able to live this small city ?


” Whoosh…..! ”


When the middle man was going to say something, Xing jue jumped in-front of him at a very high speed. when the man tried to reflect over, saw numerous fists infront of him and felt a heavy blow on this left cheek, as if he was. .h.i.t by a heavy hammer .


” Puff…..! “, as Xing Jue finished hitting him……., three tooth in blown out from his mouth with some amount of blood , came to rest on the floor of the tavern.


” d.a.m.n you………….now  we both fight…..” the man said this by spitting out the front tooth and fiercely crawling to stand up. . At that moment the middle-aged man has became angry and has made a decision to go all-out(full power) against Xing Jue to kill him.


” Puff ……………………..!!!! ”


But the moment he stood up…… in a flash he was. by Xing Jue’s kick. He flew away in a upside down position, like a arrow being shot from the bow by help of the string. The furnitures of the tavern also flew along with him like a pool of mud, and finally hit the wall witha huge bang. He stayed on the wall for some time, and gradually fell down on the ground in fainted condition.


” Wow…..! ” ,after seeing the middle aged man being kicked llike kicking a rubber ball, the two build-up, those who came with the man , stood up and left the servants alone. they were no match for Xing jue. Even if the middle-aged man is is a middle-stage warrior , he doesn’t have the streangth and ability that Xing jue is having. What kind of strength is it……………?….!!!! Could it be the legendary martial art……!?…!!


After seeing the middle-aged man fainted and fallen on the ground, the combative stare now falls on the two sub-ordinates of the man.


” Thump……”


” Xia Oye(young master)…………… Xia Oye(young master………we are wrong….we are wrong…….” seeing Xing Jue staring at then , they immediately kneeled down on there knees, and pleading to spare them and not to hit them.


” Roll…………………….. go away……” seeing they are good-for-nothing types, Xing jue warned them not to bother him or the people in the tavern again, but the man who ever start the fight with Zhang lao, he will not tolerate them, he said in a coldly voice.


After hearing Xing Jue’s words, both the man hurriedly step out to move out of the tavern running.


” Wait……! carry the waste who is lying there unconscious along with you ” Suddenly Xing Jue shouted at the men running away.


” Yes ………….sir……” the frightened man said while sweating heavily, Xing Jue’s never changed his mind till he heard the reply from them. It was a relief feeling to them, they turned around to help the unconscious man to get up and immediately leave the tavern.


After the guys escorted the middle-aged man out of the tavern, the atmosphere in the tavern become unusually quiet, as the boy standing in-front of them is a young boy, but he is letting out murderous intent due to which every person in the tavern start to fear him as they all are in-front of him now.


” Hey…..! Zang Lao let’s eat meal…, I am quite hungry….” as Xing Jue see that no body is talking in the tavern for very long time, he turned around towards Zhang Lao and says it with a smile on his face which let the people to keep the fear aside, as they were seeing the person now infront of them is completely opposite to the person they saw before, as if they are two peoples.


” Ha…Ha …. good let’s have the meal ” Zhang lao says it with laugh. They all gather together and start to have their meal, in-between the meal Zhang Lao introduce Xing Jue to every body in the tavern. Once they hear that Xing Jue have come out of the clan to emphasis on training the girl and the servant present there in the tavern in their vision they start to wors.h.i.+p him.


” Zhang Lao ….I think i should practice quietly in the mountain for some time….” Xing Jue says to Zhang Lao while Shredding the meat in between both of his teeth.


” Practice….?’ Zhnag loa says it with surprise when he hear the word from Xing Jue. Even though Xing Jue is a High-order warrior without the Seq Of Qi there will be no progress. If Xing Jue has the Sea Of Qi in his body then the practice will be worthy of the time .


” Yes …….. Practice ” Xing Jue says to Zhang Lao with a smile


” Good………. starting today i will block the back side of the mountain, so that no body disturbs you while you are practicing ” Znag Lao says it in a slow voice after remaining silent for some time. Zhang Lao have seen Xing Jue growing up, so he will help help in any way as possible.


” Hey…. this is a communication symbol, if anybody cause trouble again you can send out the message with this, i will descend down the mountain immediately as soon as possible to help….”, during the speech Xing Jue have taken out a trigonometrical shape transparent card on which a very special symbol is carved which is used for communication.


” Well………….” Zhang lao says it with a smile while taking the card from Xing Jue’s hand.


Later Xing Jue returns to the mountain, it was already late night. he immediately decide not to sleep and take a look on the book with the name ” Devouring Wind Palm “, then he started practicing the martial art. Xing Jue’s aim is to obtain the rank of Senior-order Martial Artist within one year and then move out to explore the world.


However his goal is so difficult he don’t have time to relax a bit, as he wants to become strong******* unusually strong, so that he can earn respect and able to protect important person and to have no limits, what he wants to be is to become the strongest person in TianWu Continent. How ever to Xing Jue becoming the strongest person is vague concept.


After all there are many power houses in the mainland, to become as strong has them, he has to self-torture himself again and again. The pay has the repayment, as there is a saying – To get something you have to sacrifice some thing. Although he has the talent far superior than normal peoples, Xing jue never been convinced by the truth for the past 15 years and still is.


Therefore in the dark night when every body goes to sleep………….., youth of 15 yr old starts the a.s.siduous practice under stars hanging in the sky.


But for this difficult practice that Xing jue has Started, is one year actually enough for it……….?


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War God Asura Vol 1 Chapter 4 summary

You're reading War God Asura. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Kindhearted Bee,Shan Liang de Mi Feng,善良的蜜蜂. Already has 4080 views.

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