Yandere Love Theatrics Chapter 1

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Soojiki’s note: Released early (my timezone) as I have a project due tomorrow and want to dedicate my time on it. Looks like there would be no specific storyline besides describing bits of the character and the type of Yandere that is being “featured”. (Will confirm as soon as I start reading ahead in the raws).  This Type may be the shortest out of all(judging from the raws).

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy Yanderes as much as I do.


Author’s note:
Because the point of view is of a new character, the previous character
introduction, Tagami, will not be appearing yet. Orz

I awoke in the library as it seems that I dozed off and it already became late in the evening, 6pm to be exact.

Judging by how messy my hair is, I've probably napped for three hours or so. No, wait…I was supposed to finish my homework in the library after finis.h.i.+ng cla.s.s but…..Eh, whatever, might as well go back home. Grabbing my school bag, I started walking towards the library exit.

"Ahh, Hasegawa-san, are you going home? Then, I'll also head home too."

As I was walking towards the exit, sitting at the reception desk and in the same cla.s.s as I'm in, is Sodeguchi Miyo who's grabbing her bag as she was speaking to me.

Ah, that reminds me that she's a library committee member. That explains the reason why she's staying late in the library, as its probably her turn to close. If my memory serves right, the library usually closes around 5pm. In short and by all rights, Sodeguchi could have returned home. But because I slept an hour extra, it extended her job by an hour too. Thinking that, I apologized to the gentle, braided hair and circular gla.s.s wearing Sodeguchi.

"Because of me, a lot of time has already pa.s.sed when you could have gone home. Sorry Sodeguchi, if I'm being a bother"

I apologized to Sodeguchi while we were about to exit the library. Thereupon she showed me a smiling face.

"That's no such thing Hasegawa-san. I also was deep into reading and I didn't notice that it pa.s.sed 5pm."

She continued as she locked the library.

"This is also part of a library committee task, so don't worry"

As she said so, she turned to me with a gentle smile. Sodeguchi's face is quite beautiful and showing that smiling face to me, my heart couldn't help beating rapidly Doki Doki.

c.r.a.p, she's cute.

An unthinkable thought floated inside my head for just a moment but she won't perceive it. Though I was troubled the entire time as we both walked the same way to the school's gate.

"Well then, I'll be leaving from here"

"O, Oh, later! See you tomorrow!"

While I was in distraught, we've already reached the school's gate in which she separated and I returned to the dorm.

By the way, for the sake of my future dreams, I entered another school in a different prefecture. But from my house, the time it takes to get to school is too long. Because of that, for the first time in my life I began living in the dorms.

From the beginning one year ago, I was constantly hara.s.sed by the things called cooking and cleaning. Thanks to changing myself, I now find it fun.

And while thinking of that to myself, before I noticed, I've already arrived at the door of my dormitory room. I took the key out from the bag, unlocked the door and opened the door.

"Ah, welcome ba~ck."

"Ah, I'm bac—….wait! Like I said, stop trespa.s.sing into my room!! It's embarra.s.sing!"

"Eeee~h, no wayyy. We're a loving couple right—."

"Loving yes, but there some restrictions that are necessary!"

Yup, the biggest thing that changed was first being a.s.sociated with this trespa.s.sing woman, Akimori Yuu.

Simply by chance, she was my kouhai in the club that I belonged to and Yuu abruptly called out to me.

"I, from a long time ago, all along and more than anyone love Senpai. Please go out with me!"

was her confession and with no reason to reject, I said OK on the spot. Thus everyday, living in the same dorm, Yuu would always come over to my room.

By the way, Yuu and I both quit the club activity but its not cause Yuu and I are in a p.u.b.escent age where we flirt all day. Yup, its not like we are in the p.u.b.escent age where we might flirt all day…maybe.

I looked at Yuu once more, took off my shoes and stepped onto the entrance floor. Yuu who sat on the floor cus.h.i.+on while kneeling suddenly stood up, walked towards me and embraced me.

Pasaa as Yuu's small pigtails flickered, similarly, Yuu buried her small body into mine. Yuu's abrupt actions gave me quite a shock.

"Ah, umm, yu, Yuu?"

"Welcome back Senpai. I made food already.

Yuu spoke as she looked up past my uniform and I felt her lukewarm breath, Doki Doki making me more excited.

With that, Yuu and I sat down near the small and low dining table where food covered the surface and began eating. Today's menu consist of the main dish being j.a.panese styled fish, as I praised Yuu 『Being given this to eat……makes me happy!』while taking a bite.

In reality, I hated eating fish in the past. Though if I eat Yuu's home cooked meal, just like that, it magically changed.

Yuu's food are always delicious, as it's on par to the family restaurants in flavor and cuisine. (I've heard that Yuu knows a lot of countries' cuisines ever since she was in grade school. Chinese, French, Italy, and j.a.panese cooking compet.i.tion, she has won them all. Evidence could be found in her room, as it's decorated with a great amount of trophies.)

And like that, we finished eating dinner, finished cleaning the table and ended up starting at the table together. All of a sudden, Yuu

"Nee Senpai, since it about time I start calling you something different besides
Senpai, as you're no longer a Senpai anymore right,…can I try?"

At that time, I casually replied

"Different way? For example?"

While being half serious, I heard Yuu

"Hmmmm……… 『Yuuma』……..then"

Dokiiiiiin I lost myself and once again almost fainted. Eh, abruptly calling my name like that…..I like! I REALLY like! It sounds s.e.xy.

And as I was aroused, Yuu dropped another bomb.

"Then, Oniichan♪ , whats wrong? Oniichan♪"

O, O, O, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONIIICHAN!? Loli Yuu called me Onichan! W, why that? M, my mind is breaking down!!

I felt drunk on that unhealthy emotion and felt something hot flowing down my nose. Seems like my excitement pa.s.s the breaking point, as my nosebleed ran wild. It's cause this is the pinnacle! THIS!

In the end, Yu left to her own room. According to Yu, if I reach too high of a level from excitement today, I won't be able to sleep at all tonight.


Daybreak and in another neighborhood, Sodeguchi is frantically running for her
life. Her clothes torn and blood flowing from many cuts.

Keep running, keep running. That's the thoughts that ran through Miyo's mind as she running pa.s.s a curved right corner. But, no matter how much she ran, she found herself blocked by a tall fence. That did not stop Miyo from hesitating even for a minute. Her hands started climbing the fence,


That moment, as her hand was hanging on the fence, a knife struck onto the exposed back side of the hand.


Pain shot through her arm and she unintentionally released her hands from the fence. She landed flat on the ground.

And then Miyo saw

She was trying to get away from 『That』. That was holding a long kitchen knife in its hand. Miyo was able to see That grinning broadly. The knife glistened as the street lights shone on it.

"No…..NOooo! Please! Stop! StoPpppppp!!"

Miyo's body shaking in terror while she cried and begged for her life. But That saw Miyo's current self grinned even more as it got closer, enjoying the moment as there were no hesitation and the knife swung at Miyo.

"S—someon…..e, help!……."

Her blood splas.h.i.+ng together with her screams forever fading.


The next day, I came to school and heard an unbelievable news.

"Wa, what did you say!? Sodeguchi was murdered?"

"Ya, it was gory. Heard that her small and large intestines were out and she
was repeatedly stabbed. By the way, the suspect is currently unknown so of course they're not caught yet."

This was the harsh reality I heard in the morning, especially coming from an expressionless voiced Is.h.i.+ Wataru. I knew Wataru ever since I came to this school and already knew he was a person capable of making a dark joke over someone's life. Still, I clung onto whatever hopes there were in that Wataru was wrong.

"Regretfully, it's as Wataru says. Yuuma"

And with that, my childhood friend, Orihara Yuri, erased all traces of my hope. In addition to calling out to me, Yuri's facial expression was dark. I understood how certain this truth was.

In the end, as if being knocked down, I felt my body becoming heavy.

A wake was held at school for Sodeguchi.

Sodeguchi's parent, not knowing what to do, cried along with those who were close with her at school. As a man, I resolved myself to not shed a tear.

Yuri cried as it was time for the burning of incense.

"Miyo, you're always, always so diligent…… so why did you"

And her words were blocked off. On the other hand, Wataru was really expressionless

"You are to me, a person who referred to me some very interesting books. It sucks that I won't be able to read your referred books anymore"

He said. And then there was me.

"I'm sorry for that time, Miyo."

I said as I packed my feeling into it. Yu was nowhere to be found, but I just want some peaceful sleep at this point.

Though the wake was over, my heart still did not clear. Yuu went to go buy ingredients at the super market by herself while I was together with Wataru and Yuri on our way home. On our way, Wataru had to go meet with his girlfriend so he parted ways and I continued to walk Yuri to the train station.


Yuri's legs stopped. I kept on moving.

"Hey, Yuuma."


She starts speaking

"Why………why was Miyo murdered"


"Like I said! That girl, she was extremely nice and yet! Why did she had to be murdered!? How can something like that happen!?"

She cried while shouting.

I want to help Yuri whole heartedly so I hugged Yuri as if desperately clinging to life.


"It's alright, everything's for sure alright. Surely…….no, they'll absolutely be caught. Because people are not supposed to be killing each other. "

"Un…Yea….You're right…….."

Yuri cried as she held on my chest. She's really warm.

As I saw her off, I returned back to my dorm.

While I was eating the delicious food that Yuu made, I recalled things about Miyo and tears fell down. Eventually I made it to bed.

That time, I thought that would be the end of having to think about sad events happening in my life.

Those sweet, sweet thoughts were abrupt as I learned the next day.


The next morning, I woke up as someone was calling the phone. While
irritated, I rubbed my eyes as I reached for the phone.

"h.e.l.lo, who is it?"

"Yuuma right? I……………."

It's Wataru that's calling. Wataru expression seemed unusually serious.

"You have to believe in 100% of what I'm going to say……this is true. It's necessary for me to tell it to you"

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

I don't understand what's going on, but I can't help but feel anxious and fear as my voice naturally raised. The next moment, Wataru resolves himself to say it

"Yuri…….was murdered………."


…..Oi Wataru, enough with the jokes. What did you say? ……..Yuri is…….I…….this……

"The criminal act is exactly the same, being repeatedly stabbed……The police suspect it’s the same perpetrator. By the way, the location was…….."

Wataru's voice no longer reaching my ear. It feels as if I'm pushed into darkness. It became pure white before me. I soon…….fainted as I crumpled down on that spot.


I don't remember much of what happened after that. It felt like I went to the hospital and may have sobbed or it even felt like I became a corpse in the morgue. To that extent, I feel like I'm at the bottom of the pit called despair.

"Se~n, pai♪"

My body stiffened like a corpse and before I knew it Yuu came into the room.

Why is Yuu wearing such a pure smile? As she sat near me.

"Senpai, there's no more hindrances bothering the both of us at last♪"

"What……do you mean!?"


Her tone for sure had changed from the usual and not only that, she would never say those words as I shouted at her

"It's exactly what I said♪"

Yuu turned to me, with her lovely smiling face shown. That smiling face was supposed to be the same and yet, why am I'm getting goose b.u.mps.

"Taking advantage of the good for nothing Senpai, I killed Sodeguchi and Orihara♪"

I could not say anything.

"Because senpai belongs to me right? Naturally, I should be the to have all of Senpai's love. And yet that filthy woman! Well, two of them, were like tattered ragged clothes and were easy to deal with♪Ufufufufufufufufu♪"

I could not say anything. But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, the murder was right in front of me, as if I saw a demon boastfully speaking.

"The only person Senpai should love is me but… I myself not enough? Why are you getting along with other women?"

I could not move and tried concentrating in my head, trying desperately in deny the thing in front of me. This is a dream right? But of course, expecting this to be a dream was futile. Yuu continued

"Ah right. From that time Senpai was with Orihara, why did that woman cling on to you? That's why she receive a light punishment!"

As Yuu was saying that, she took out the kitchen knife she was behind her back, turned the edge of the blade towards me, and came closer.

"W—what…..are you going to do….."

"This is punishment♪ it's all right. I will absolutely not kill Senpai as long as I live. It's because Senpai and I are one existence, right"

Saying that, Yuu with her smiling face slashed the knife at me.

The knife missed me by a hair breadth and slightly cuts my face. I fell towards the ground.

"Aa~aa, it's bad if Senpai tries to avoid. If you avoid my skillful cuts, it'll hurt even more, right? For now, lets start with one hand or one leg or one ear or one eye or nose or lips or one long finger or one internal organs and I'll forgive you if you give me one, Senpai. Please wait a moment until I obediently cut one off and make sure you don't move again, ok? Promise me"

Yuu was still smiling as she lightly wiped the blood off my face using the knife. Her eyes dark and stagnate.

"Ook Senpai, here I go. It's all right, the pain will go away immediately. If Senpai endures it, I'll give you all of my love after, ok♪"

What! What's wrong with Yuu!? While I was in the middle of thinking, Yuu's dark eyes and smiling face shone as she prepared her knife and thrust it at me. The only feeling I possess from Yu is just terror now.

"Uu, UWAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"



And, and, and after several minute or hours pa.s.sed, the conclusion came.





I'm currently holding Yuu's kitchen knife in my hand. Yuu's bright red blood covered the kitchen knife. Though I have injuries all over my body, they're mostly scratches.

Yuu was still smiling with her eyes opened as I thrust the knife deeply into her chest from which blood spewed. Since she has a small body, roughly all her blood has gushed out so she should be dead. Her pigtails dyed completely in red.

I killed the girl I loved.

Whether I'm calm or spiraling down into maddens, this was the first thing I

『I have to hide her body』

I remembered that within the club I was in, there was a huge ice box that could be taken out from the closet.

I can easily force Yuu's small body into the large icebox. Leaving in the middle of the night, locking the door, draining the key in a public toilet, and in a short while there would be no one there.

I happened to know where I could hide the icebox. There's an abandoned factory near the club practice grounds. There, I can leave the icebox with Yuu inside and can call Wataru to beg for him to shelter me for a short while. I'm expecting him to easily give me the OK as I wait for his answer.


"You finally came, well, take your time."

I arrived at Wataru's house as he gives his usual greeting and took out some tea. But, when I entered his house,

"You……Did you kill Akimori Yuu?"

No one was supposed to know.


"I don't want to believe it but….. A b.l.o.o.d.y Akimori is embracing your head while grinning and smiling."

"Stop joking………"

"My bad, but you should know I'm bad with these kind of jokes"


"I want to think it’s something else but still, if it comes that far, I'll pretend like nothing happened…..sorry"

After that, embracing me was Yuu who was supposed to be dead. She's also materializing from my field of vision here and there while I was talking. I want to go to the hospital but I can't. This continued on for two weeks.                              I did not expect this.

RIGHT….., this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination, this IS a hallucination.

ThaT was when I Noticed the truth. Yuu for Sure Exists. This Is Yuu's revEnge.
WaTaru saiD

"Its dangerous! Stop Yuuma!!"

as He shouted but I IgNored it. Down TherE, I'lL go conFirm the TrutH mySelF. I hid Yuu somewhere, so i FinallY stRuGGled my waY therE. And ThEN I found the icebox. InsIde of here, Yuu is supposeD to be. I OpenEd the LiD.

YuU is ThEre.

Yuu is SupPosEd to bE skins and bones now, that's Strage.


Yuu's eye's opened. That's strangE.

"Senpai, I knew you'll come back to this place! Now, lets both depart from this world together, ok? We'll be together forever!"

YuU caught aNd dragGed me into the ICEBOX. DrAggeD into the icebox, it shuts futa and YUu clung onto my Neck.



"Senpai, did you perhaps thing that I resent you? That's wrong, rather, I'm thankful for you. Really…….teaching me a method so that Senpai and I can be together for all eternity, so sweet……"

My neck hurts, someone save me, it hurts, save me, someone, it hurts.



A few days after later, there was meeting for an inspection due to the factory pipes. The report stated that as they were discussing how to dispose of the factory, the people there found two corpses.

At the crime scene, the detective arrived in spite of being late. Detective Nagare Yamato made his rude entrance as he pushed aside the investigation members and entered the crime scene, where he able to see the two corpse.

"Hmmmmm, this is……"

"Embracing each other as they die…..lover's suicide right?"

Standing next to Yamato was police officer Takagi muttering. Yamato sighed in amazement while speaking to his a.s.sistant.

"Inside the icebox? Use your head a little you idiot"

"R—right……Then, it’s the usual deed of a random attacker…right…?"

Officer Takagi said as he once again carefully inspects the body.

Inside the huge icebox and embracing each other were a two corpse consisting of a boy and girl. While seeing that, Takagi's thoughts continued swirling in his head.

"Oi, Takagi, some interesting results came"

While Takagi was in the middle of his thoughts, Yamato received the written forensic results and while reading it called out to his partner

"From the corpse, the autopsy showed that the girl died two weeks ago. For the boy, though I don’t understand it in full detail, the autopsy reported that he died two, maybe three days ago."

That is when Takgai was aware

"Eh……Then, Then why are these two embracing each other as they died……..?"

"Moreover, after examining the boy's clothes, they found a feminine handwriting in a section of it. In summary, she was that much stronger than the boy as she embraced him………She was supposed to be dead two weeks ago though."

Officer Takagi, while dumbfounded, stayed silent as he listened to Yamato's report.

The two corpse embracing each other in the narrow icebox look as if they were both happy.

They could not imagine what happened in the darkness.
Author's note:
The hiragana part is where Yuuma began his descent into madness as he became consciously aware. If it was hard to read, I apologies. I believe the next story will be on the sports girl!

Soojiki’s note: I also want to apologies if you had trouble reading the odd portion. Wanted to “recreate” a insanity kind of feel as the author used Hiragana. Tell me what you think, use Italics? Bolds? All Caps? All lowered case? Mix and match?

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Yandere Love Theatrics Chapter 1 summary

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