Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 5Part1

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Chapter: 5 The wolf king.  part 1

I talk with Abao once again and mention key words: "bow and arrow", "hunter skills" and "wolf king" many times, finally Abao told me that "he wants to find his lost arms". I reply hem at once that I will help him if he leading me to the place where he lost his arms. He agreed reluctantly.

Half an hour later, I made a wood bows and some arrow, they all have attack +1 because I don't have corresponding skills and methods. And I lend my unused copper sword to him. Then we come together.

We arrive a piece of small gra.s.sland in three hours. But I can't find any monster in the wild. It is very strange phenomenon. There usually is a large group of wolf if there's a wolf king. Not long after we arriving the gra.s.sland Abao find his iron bows and bronze fork. It's really good.

At the same time we successfully got Abao's weapon, I fell a little ominous atmosphere around me and I left the place I stay right now. At the same time, a silver figure flashed through the place I stand just now. at the same time, the system notified me: there's a monster have ten levels bigger than you appear beside you. I looked at my back, there is a big, silver wolf stand there. It has a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Oh it must be at least Lv.20. See it imposing manner and his name, it might be a BOSS (a monster have name king has high rate to be a BOSS). A boss in LV. 20, en, I'm sure that I can't win it. But it is my success to help Abao get his arms.

I rush to the wolf king bravely and hit it with my iron sword: MISS. Even I predict my failure, it made me really disappointed to know that I can even deal no damage to it. The wolf king's attack is very high that even I just be rubbed by its paw a little will let my HP bottomed out. I could only tie it up through my experience. One time I catch a chance dodge one attack of the wolf king through my inst.i.tute and flash to the side of it. then I catch its throat and jump up its body.

I see a little panic in its eyes. It tingle its body in a quick speed. And every time it does that, I will lose 10 HP.

At the same time the wolf king tries to get rid of me, Abao rush to another side and picked up his bow and shoot the wolf king: -1.

Oh, in this way his damage even can't exceed the self-recovering ability of the wolf king. I might be killed by it, a mind came to me. And a player who are LV.10 or above be killed in anywhere will lose the EXP same as the EXP you should get to level up in the last grade(means you will decrease a grade in the simplest explanation) and drop some things in my bag randomly. If I run away right now, I may escape? But I can reborn as a player, but Abao, a NPC, if he died, he will die forever!

He's just a NPC, a group of program that consists of a serious of 0 and 1! It is unworthy for me to die for them! I try to convince myself with those kinds of words. But I can't. especially in the thought of the days I get along with each other. When I woke up in a desolate village, they are the only person I can talk with. Even they are not real man and can only talk to me with their dull sentence. More or less, I find myself a man through talking to them. They also told me very information of many things that make me easier in the hardest times. All of the members of the forgotten village are important for me now I can't forget those things and just run away.

"Run!" I shout in my loudest voice:"Run away, I can reborn but you can't!"

Abao bite his lower lip, hesitate for a while, he finally knows he can't help me. Then he run away.

After some seconds, I run out of all my healing potion and my HP become 0. A white light flashed in front of me and I come back to the resurrection point of my village. 

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Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 5Part1 summary

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