Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 0 part2

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But as a profession player, I should get the rewards first. I am starting attack the Devil Xueke. I swing the sward to Xueke, a beam of light of the sward stick through the left part of the Xueke's body. The game manifest: you attack the weakness of Xueke. His HP-10000

Xueke jumped up with tens of shadow beside him. He beamed tens of "dark fire from evil". But they all manifest "MISS" when they are arriving my body.

"s.h.i.+t!"Xueke cruse "The designer of the game is so unequal! Why there are only half damage when dark type attack light type, but when light type attack dark type, the damage doubled? WHAT THE s.h.i.+T SETTING!!!"

I smiled slightly, the Holy Set equipped on my body and the Holy Sward in my hand is the reward for me to beat 6 BOSS that have Lv.90 or above. The Holy Spirit Set can let me have 100% dark resistance, plus 5000 point of defense, and the Holy Swards can let me gave Devil more damage. The thought of the designer of this game is let one or several warrior collect all of those things and defeated the devil then they will open next stage of plot.

I started to use "The Holy Light Swordsmans.h.i.+p", this is a group attack skill. The Devil Xueke can't avoid it although there are many phantoms with him. His HP decrease 5000 once I hit him and he even have no time to restore his HP. Finally he got angry, and use his ultimate magic "Dark World"! The whole palace become black and countless of black lightening are hitting to me.

After the skill end, I find I only lost 10 HP in the large skill. I even don't need to care about it because I have 2000 HP in all.

The devil screaming with unwillingness:"WHY!!!!! Why all of the monster in this game have suffered such an unequal treatment! Why we can't learn skills ourselves, why we can't leveling up by kill human! Why we can't make our weapons and medicine ourselves! Why we can't group up to fight against human being! WHY!!!!!!"]

After hear those complain I suddenly see the eyes of Xueke are becoming reader and reader. His strange smile suddenly let me fell very dangerous through my intuition that more than ordinary people.

"What's that&h.e.l.lip;in your eyes?"I said surprisingly.

The Devil Xueke laughing crazily: "Lonely Star, It's you who force me to do like that! I must destroy you for me to survive. During the long and boring period of time waiting player to come here, I create a new skill aim at the player like you. Now, I'll try it on your body!"

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Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 0 part2 summary

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