Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: the G.o.d of plague

According to the fighting just now I know that its agility is much more than me. The power of it is also very high, and can deal 130 HP damage to me.

Its special defense is also high that lead my fireball can deal with it 30 damage. When I fighting with normal monsters, it was usually deal about 60 HP damage to them. And now it just deal half of the damage to it. maybe the only weakness is its HP is not very high. And he avoid my attack with silver sword is saying that it is very timid and its defense is not as good as its special defense.

Also, it speed is very fast because it rushes a long way. If I don’t gives it a chance to accelerate. It won’t be so fast.

As I am thinking the G.o.d of plague is flas.h.i.+ng to my back. And rush to me. I try to turn back and cut it with my sword. It is cut by my sword on the back and decreases its 40 HP, but I also crashed by it and lose 100 HP.

So I realize that fight against it face to face, I have no chance to win. So I hide on a side of a pillar. When it comes to me, I avoid to the back of the pillar and stick it nose with my sword. Nose is the vital of almost every creature, so as the G.o.d of plague. This time I deal 80 HP damage to it.

It seemed scared by my action. Then backwards for some steps. Then walk around the pillar to find me and rush to me again. I use the same way, run to the back of the pillar then stick its nose with my sword.

Although the speed of it is very fast. But for fear to hit the pillar, it must slow down its speed. So at that chance I will able to hit its body.

Such a simple method is let the G.o.d of Plague lose many HP and I don’t suffer any damage. But others is can’t do as good as me except they have high intuition as me. Or they will can’t follow the action with the G.o.d of Plague and do a good response.

But the BOSS doesn’t show any irritability is his eyes. His eyes are cold and emotionless.

Once I am about to avoid to the back of the pillar. I suddenly feel a little strange.

My intuition is hardly wrong, so I just jump back as the instruction of my intuition. At that time I see a tail is. .h.i.tting to me from other side of the pillar. It is so powerful that the pillar is. .h.i.t to some cracks.

He feel that this time he missed, so he stop a second then rush o me again. But I am hiding in the back of another pillar already.

The pillars are the only things that I can use in this palace. And they are the only thing that can limit the speed of the G.o.d of Plague. So I must fight around the pillar in anyway.

I check my bag, there’s silver s.h.i.+ed in my bag. It is what I just pick up just now. I equipped it right away.

It arriving the front of me very fast. I use the same way. But this time my attack is avoided by it. At the same time the tail of it is slapping me in a very quick speed. I know he will do that so I blocked it with my s.h.i.+ed. This time I have s.h.i.+ed and use the skill: “Block” so it only deals me 50 HP damage. At the same time it is focus on slapping me with his tail, I hit it nose with my sword again.

The G.o.d of Plague now discover the damage of my sword is very weak. So he doesn’t backward again, instead. It just running around the pillar to fight with me just as the game hide and seek.

The damage of its tooth is so strong that I do not want to try it again. So I will rather suffer the attack of tail than bite by it. Even I use “speed up” to myself and give it many “strong wind” to decrease its speed. The gap of speed between is very much. But for fear my sword to hit it of crash on the pillar. It also dare to use its maximum speed while fighting.

So I just lock the damage from tail and hit it nose with my sword. Even I have never hit by the head of it. I suffer many times slapping by tails.

I can be very proud of myself to fight a BOSS that have high attack and agility in Lv.27, but it is not enough. I dealt almost 4000 HP damage in all. But now, there is a question. My healing potion is run out.

I am major in collecting material and use magic in the group. So in order to store more things in the bag. I am already giving many of the potions to the Tiger King and other one fighting with monsters face to face. And in the battle just now. My mana potion is also run out.

I see Tiger King and his friends drop some potion when they were died. If I can pick up their potions, I will still have a chance to win. And Tiger King is also dropped a gold sword. It might let me have a higher attack.

But there are 30 meters between me and the place they died. There is only a pillar to let me avoid. So in this places I will be hitting by uncountable times. Can I safely rush to there?

I use my left MP to give myself a Healing. Now my HP is full, 354 in all, can suffer 3 times biting. I hope I can rush to there.

Hitting the nose of the G.o.d of plague. It moves back a little. At this time, I shout:”Flying, come out!”

My horse suddenly appears on the palace. And it made the G.o.d of plague move back for some steps. At this time I ride on horse and rush to the gold sword.

The G.o.d of Plague sonly realizes that flying is a mounts, it won’t have any attack ability. So it rushes to the flying.

As a G.o.d pony, the speed of flying should used to higher than the G.o.d of Plague but now there’s no time to let it speed up. So the G.o.d of the Plague is arriving when we are at half of the route.

At that time, I decide, I rise up my s.h.i.+ed and shout:”Mystery Turtle, becomes Armor”

At that time, my silver s.h.i.+ed suddenly changing. Uncountable protrude is rising on the s.h.i.+ed. And they are s.h.i.+ning just as diamond. And at the top of the s.h.i.+ed, there’s a status just as the face of the Mystery Turtle.

“Ka!” the G.o.d of Plague bites on the s.h.i.+ed, and is rebounding back by the s.h.i.+ed. And I am decrease 50 HP by the crash.

The Mystery turtle now is Lv.5 because of sharing my EXP in the battle. And it can increase me 150 HP and 30 defenses.

I feel the mind that small Mystery Turtle express to me. He seems to blame why I didn’t call it out earlier. But I have no time to communicate with him because flying is rus.h.i.+ng to the place that Tiger King and his friend died. I quickly picking up the gold sword and some mana and healing potions.

The G.o.d of Plague is arriving again. I use my s.h.i.+ed to block it and use my gold sword to cut it.

The system notified: you do not arrive the Lv.30, so the gold sword can’t use by you.

Oh I almost forget. The equipment in gold grades can only used by the people above thirty. So this time I deal no damage to it. And I am crashed down from the back of flying while the attack of the G.o.d of the Plague, it is very pain that let me cannot move.

The G.o.d of the plague attacks me again and flying suddenly appeared in front of me to help me suffer this attack. I can clearly feel that the HP of flying is at least decrease about a half.

At that time, I have only one thing in my mind: I can’t let flying die. I just withdraw the flying back to the pet s.p.a.ce. It means I can’t call it again in three hours.

I withdraw my gold sword back and take my silver sword out of back. And in such a short time the G.o.d of Plague was rush to the front of mine. Raise my s.h.i.+ed but I was. .h.i.tting away again.

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Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 24 summary

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