Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: antibody.

Although it is just a set of equipments but to losing it I just like losing a good friend. Because it just come with me in the toughest time in the game.

Troubles never come single. The system notified: you infected malaria; you infected smallpox, you infected AIDS; you infected SARS&h.e.l.lip;

Oh my G.o.d! How can I get infected in so many diseases? And those diseases are even not spread in the same way. Some spread by air some by food and some spread by blood. How can I get infected by them in the same time?

The speed of the developing of the diseases is also very fast. I suddenly feel my body cold and hot alternating, my throat become very thirsty and my brain becomes very pain that will let me doubt that it will explosion, my internal organs seems pressed by a very heavy thing and I even cannot breath.

I have to cut off all of my senses in the menu of the game. But my intuition is also influenced by it. I feel that my blood is very dirty just as the water in the sewer and my internal organs are all become pieces of rotten meat. And my bones and muscle are all with uncountable bugs living in it. My brain now is only occupied by one thought: Let me die, Let me die.

I try my best to keep my mind clean. I remind myself that the death of the G.o.d of Plague is not everything. I should sealed the Devi G.o.d of Disease.

I try my best to move my arm to bag to take out two pieces of skin of Bright Mong and cover it in the cracks that were tearing by the G.o.d of Plague. And finally prevent the bacteria to erode my body. I try to open my eyes and creeping into the side of the dead body of the patriarch. And I try to get off the set of G.o.d of Grazing. At that time I see my hand is filled with small measles and abscesses it almost let me vomiting.

I get off the set of the G.o.d of Grazing, and looking at the body of the patriarch that is also covered by small measles and abscesses, I finally vomiting out, with the debris of my internal organs and blood with my vomit coming out together.

Wearing the set of the G.o.d of the Grazing, I feel the bacteria in my body are oppressed by the power of G.o.d and can't be as active as they do just now.

At that time, I hear system notified: the antibody of malaria is becoming effective; the antibody of smallpox is becoming effective; the antibody of AIDS is becoming effective&h.e.l.lip;

I am hearing those notifications with surprise. When did I had those kinds of antibody? The vaccine that I have injected while childhood? I don't think that I had injected so many vaccines. And some of the vaccine were not coming out at that time.

I suddenly realize a possibility: the blood of the G.o.d of the Plague.

There are so many bacteria in the palace. But the G.o.d of the Plague is not have any symptom to caught disease. It means it has antibody in its body. I was sucking almost all of the blood of it. so I might receive all of the antibody also.

I opening the window of my ability. It shows all of the ability is rising. It is clear that my disease is truly cured little by little.

I sitting down slowly and use myself curing one by one. I now have no mana potion. So I have to waiting my MP to recover. It makes me really impatient.

After I feeling that I am okay. I standing up slowly and starting to checking the situation around me. I checking the dead body of the NPC, I see that they all died for a long time. So I have no way just group them together and burned them to ash and collect their ashes in a box. I don't know if their customs allow them to be burned. But I think that they won't want their dead body lying in the palace and polluted by the bacteria.

Then I turn back and find the dead body of the G.o.d of Plague is refreshed by system already. Oh my materials! But on the other side, the body of the G.o.d of Plague is so dirty. Even if I will have a chance to cut it body. I may not willing to do that.

According to the monsters in the cave I have experience there might be three kinds of G.o.d here. There might be "the G.o.d of Malaria", "the G.o.d of Rabies" also. But it seems that they all defeated. If there aren't those two G.o.ds only a BOSS in 27 can't kill them all.

Checking my ability, I find that my ability I get to leveling to 30 is all five. And y get an additional explosion power also. My rate of sick is decrease to 0.

Now my ability is: HP310, MP97, power 89, physique87, agility 86, and mental power 95.

Mystery Turtle is rising to 10 and can add me 200 HP and 40 defenses.

The set of the G.o.d of Grazing including a hat, a robe, a pair of shoes and two rings and now it decrease to the gold level because I am only 30. It can add defense 80, special defense 130, mental power 50, agility 10, HP 30 and MP 50.

It can produce primary defense cover automatically. It can defense weak attack or some magic that lead to abnormal state and weaken a little strong attack.

The set can let "horse riding", "grazing", "singing", "zither playing", "weather controlling" raise a level. So I learned some new skills.

4 ultimate skills that added by the set is all unusable. Maybe it is because that my level is not high enough.

But to my surprise, the "badge of the patriarch of Aima" is also effect on me: charisma +2, the power of magic in ground type +20%.

Is it means I get the patriarch automatically? I think not, I am only get the badge only.

Getting rid of all of the ma.s.s idea, I walking to the throne that covered by darkness.

The cover that set added is really useful. At least the bacteria can never come closer to me anymore. I arrived the deepest part of the palace finally.

There are many dead body of Aiman in the rout I am coming to the throne. It seems that there are many monsters ten years ago. And at those bones in the cave, the bones of women and the children occupy the most of them. Actually, it started from the cave that is outside of the palace.

The patriarch of Aima tribe bring here all of its members to sealed the devil G.o.ds. At the beginning, it must be the men who rushed in the front. But as time goes by, the numbers of dying is increasing. When they arrived in the palace of the Devil G.o.d of Disease, most of the men were died. So it turns to the women and child who rush in front of the group. I can sure the fighting was really tough they were not only facing the uncountable monsters, powerful traps and devil G.o.d that fully waken up. They also need to face the disease that formless but erode their body and their brave. All in all, every step they went ahead was built on the dead body of the partners in the patriarch. But they did not backward a little, although the bones of the dead body consist a mountain, although the blood of them consist a river. They did not look back. So the only people went back to the village are all weak and low level that let them still don't recover even ten years.

They are truly warrior. I admire them.

As I am walking alone through palace, I found more and more equipments that with silver grade. I even pick up some magic wand that I want for many times. The best of them can add me 8 mental powers and magic use speed +20. It seems that the more and more people in high level were died here. But none of the equipment is higher. Weird, I heard from the patriarch they used have the equipments in star grade. (Actually the equipments will downgrading through the time. The silver grade equipments that I see now might be the star grade equipments at that time. And silver grade equipment at that time was already become ash.)

I believe that the members of the Aima tribe at that time would think to pick the dead body back to the tribe. But tens of the members were alive in the action ten years ago. But they did not do that, what was happened? Why they didn't come back to get those dead body and their equipments back?

I am coming closer to the throne. But suddenly I hear the sound of crying that very slight coming from the deeper part of the cave. It is a sound of a woman. This sound made me can't helping make a chill.

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Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 26 summary

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