Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:Stone eagle.

At this time the system notified:"Player Holy Devil is the first player leveling to 60, rewards prestige 1000. "

"Oh, there are more unimaginable player! This guys with 50+ grade is powerful enough. Lv.60, I even can't imagine what it will be." Tiger King said.

"Oh I am always thinking why he is staying in 50+ so long. He is attending today. Seems a little slower than I imagine. "

Tiger King sighs: "I am always one of the several powerful player in the game in my previous game. Now I realize there are so many players stronger than me. Maybe I should come back to my old game…"

"Oh Tiger King, my good friend, you can't throw our good friend here. We were decides to follow you in the game!" Lunar dance shout.

The Tiger King is smiling: "Oh, right, at least I have a group of friend like you and Lunar. Oh, I seemed miss the friend I know in the game before. But now they are all scattered in the different countries. It's hard for us to meet now. at least I can't come out tens of gold coins to make a long trip. I am poor after all. "

The Zhi in Justice is looking us with light in his eyes:"I also want to be your good friends, can I?"

"Oh of course you can. Be our friend, just like our brother, shared sorrow and happiness, can you?"

"Yes!" he said excitingly.

I feel a warm stream flowing in my heart. Make good friends in the game and close as brothers, that was I have not experience for such a long time.

At the time the Anu is shouting:"We are! There! Just under that mountain!"

The small mountain seemed very normal, but there are truly very rich in magic power.

We quickly find a small hole in a side of the mountain.

"En? There is a matrix in the front of the hole." Zhi said surprisingly.

"You know matrix?" I ask.

"No I can't make that because I don't have such skills. But my profession is Taoist, I can find out some matrix in low level. This matrix is made by stones, I think the grade of the matrix is really low. I think it will be easy to break it by power. We don't need to know the matrix."

Taoist is also a profession that very rare. This profession can drawing talismans and use them to get the function similar as the magic. But their magic is weaker than magician in the low level. Only if they get the high grade they will get the skill to control the zombies or ghost fight for them. But at least in lower level, they are harder than other profession.

This matrix is seemed placed by that witch. The Tiger King want to cut the stone with is sword. But I am using strong wind to blowout the stones, the matrix is also broke.

Oh the matrix seems not a very good skill. If we didn't coming into it we will be easy to break it. But maybe it is because the matrix maker's proficiency is too low.

We coming into the hole carefully, for fear that there will be some dangerous we don't know in front of us in the hole.

To our surprise this hole is formed by nature, just seemed a little widen by people.

It is imaginable. The tourists were only three. They can't build a large work.

When we coming into the end of the hole, there is a door made of stone. And there is a serious wired words in the side of the door. I am about to using it with "Archeology", the Zhi is already say it out:"If you are the one in good character. Push the door please. "

We are looking at him surprisingly, he seems a little shame:"Oh… that… that is Hebrew, I have learned it before…"

Oh is he only 15? Or is the children nowadays better for us so much?

We push the door, and it doesn't cost us too many strength. Then, there is a stone room in front of us. The room is not big, but the mural in the wall is really shocks us.

The content of the mural is a endless gra.s.sland, countless of bulls and sheep are eating The sun is s.h.i.+ning at cloudless sky and there are strong eagles flying on it.

I have staying in the gra.s.sland for a long time but what present in the mural is beautiful than real, let us can't move our eyes out.

All of us are shocked. The Zhi is even says that if there are truly that place, he will willing to staying here forever.

I am the first one wake up from the mural and searching in the room. There is a desk made of stone in the center of the room. On the desk there are three plates on it. The two of them are empty, but another one is having an eagle made of stone placed on it.

Tiger King is also turns his eyes to the desk. Suddenly, he shouts excitingly:"This … this status is so well! I can't imagine there is such a masterpiece in the world!"

The living profession of the tiger King is the sculptor. It is very imaginable that he will be attract by a good status.

He can't help himself coming to catch the stone eagle. I am feel a little uncomfortable, and warning the Tiger King:"Be careful!"

"Pong!" the Tiger King is rebound back. He lost some HP also, but not much.

"True warrior? I am not a true warrior? " Tiger king is saying something.

"What?" I said.

"The system is notified me that only true warrior can get the stone eagle. Or will be attack by the defense cover!" said Tiger King.

"Oh?" we are all understand, the stone eagle is a treasure; of course such a treasure can't be get easily. Now it seems that we must satisfied some conditions to get it. 

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Revived Warrior Volume 1 Chapter 37 summary

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