Dare to Love: Dare to Rock Part 19

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"This is icing," Tyler muttered, pointing to the computer.

"Shut up," Scott muttered to his brother before turning his eerily Avery-like eyes on Grey. "As far as I'm concerned, jury's out on you until you prove yourself with my sister. This jacka.s.s over here"-he gestured to his brother-"he doesn't know what it's like to be in love. You are in love with her, right?"

Leave it to a Dare brother to put his cards on the table. "Yes, I love her."

"Hearts, flowers, who gives a s.h.i.+t? The fact is-" Tyler began.

"My relations.h.i.+p with Avery is my business, not yours," Grey said. "I've already told you you can trust me with your sister's welfare, and you can. The rest is not up for discussion unless it involves keeping her safe."

Scott eyed him with respect. Tyler ignored him.

Grey could live with that. "I hired you to do a job because I have to shut Simon down," Grey said. "What did you find out about Mills' widow?"

"Dawn Mills is in seclusion in the mountains. To contact her, you have to leave a message at the town store. They wait for her to come down and give her messages. Then it's up to her whether or not she returns them."

"Sounds great," he said sarcastically.

"Yeah, but we started that process on your behalf," Tyler said.

Grey nodded. When it came to the professional, he knew he could count on the man. "Good. Keep me posted. Is that all?"

"No," Tyler said. "The longer my sister lives with you, the more chance she'll end up emotionally invested and hurt."

Grey shook his head. "You're so determined not to trust me. I think it's time you took a harder look at yourself than me." Grey stuck his hand out for Scott.

The other man shook it.

He merely nodded at Tyler. "You need me, you know where to find me."

He needed to get home so he'd be there when Avery returned. Because she was what mattered in his life right now.

With her ever-present bodyguard, Rick, by her side, Avery picked up Ella from the airport. Rick drove her car, and Avery chatted with him from the pa.s.senger seat. When she got past his business personality, she liked the man. But he always kept an eye out for danger, which she appreciated. Not that she antic.i.p.ated any issues. Simon causing Grey trouble seemed to be the main thing going on at the moment. Avery was no longer the flavor of the month, for which she was grateful.

She'd had time to think and realized that as scary as some of the moments had been, she'd survived them quite well as an adult. She was proud of herself. Happy she could be with Grey and give this thing a real chance.

Avery and Rick waited for Ella at baggage claim. While she'd been away for work, Avery had explained what had happened with one of Grey's groupies or a stalker getting as close as their front door. And she'd told her friend that she was temporarily living with Grey. She'd also informed Ella that Tyler had declared their shared apartment off-limits to single women living alone. Because Tyler had set down the mandate, Ella had immediately disagreed. She didn't want to disrupt her life at Tyler's demand.

Grey had grabbed the phone from Avery and offered Ella the use of his extra condo across the hall because he didn't think it was safe for her to be there if someone came looking for Grey or Avery and found Ella there instead.

Avery wanted to kiss her sweet man. She couldn't believe he was willing to put off his studio renovation, but he swore he didn't mind. Avery liked knowing not only was Ella safe but she was across the hall, and her friend had given in.

Ella walked into the arrival area, looking tan from her island trip and the photo shoots outdoors. Floppy brimmed hat in hand, she pulled Avery into a hug. "I am so glad to be back!"

"Glad to have you back."

"We have a lot of catching up to do," she said, eyeing the tall, broad, imposing-looking bodyguard by Avery's side.

Avery grinned. "We do, but not now." She wasn't going to discuss her love life and especially not her s.e.x life in front of Rick. "I have many other things to tell you. I met with Dr. McCann this morning."

She patted her bag, her calendar secure inside. "We have dates for the kids to choose their dresses, and another for the fittings, so we don't wear the kids out."

Ella nodded. "I can't wait to go visit them. It's been awhile, and I want to see their faces in person. See how they're doing."

Avery nudged her side. "I'm sure they'll love to hear about your adventures on the island."

Ella grinned. "I brought back fun gifts for them too."

"That's so sweet." But no surprise to Avery. Ella was a good person. "And don't forget I have to give you the dates for everything. I need you there."

Avery met Ella's gaze. She'd hated booking things without her friend there, but Dr. McCann was leaving on vacation tomorrow. It had to be done today.

Ella waved a tanned hand through the air. "I'll make it work. My boss is flying high after this successful a.s.signment. It'll be fine."

They walked to the carousel and waited for Ella's luggage. "Your bodyguard is hot," Ella whispered.

"Are you interested?" Avery asked, thrilled her friend seemed to be actively looking at a man, not keeping her feelings hidden as usual.

"No," Ella said too quickly.

Avery blew out a frustrated breath. She was tired of the evasion and lies. "Who is he?" Avery asked her friend. "Who's got you tied up in knots, and why are you hiding things from me?"

Ella grasped Avery's shoulders and met her gaze. "Maybe one day I'll be able to talk about it," she said. She looked over her shoulders and scanned the metal carousel. "Oh, look! My duffel." She pointed to a black bag with a huge pink bow.

A lucky diversion this time.

Rick rolled his eyes at the huge decoration that marked the bag before plucking the luggage off and gesturing for the women to walk beside him. They followed him toward the car, and both did their best not to laugh as the big, strong man wheeled the bag with the tacky pink ribbon on the handle, mumbling about the indignities of the job as he walked and kept an eye on everything around them at all times.

The next stop was their apartment, so Ella could pack clothes for moving into Grey's. On the ride, Ella went on about her trip to Turks and Caicos and the photo shoot, the crazy photographer, and the models. Avery loved her stories, and even Rick seemed mildly amused.

Until they pulled into the parking lot and exited the car, only to run into Avery and Ella's neighbors.

"Hi, Gary," Ella said.

Avery smiled at the man.

Rick tried to keep them moving indoors, but Gary liked to talk. He always had. He was prematurely bald, not bad-looking, just not Avery's type. He was in his thirties and lived with his girlfriend in the apartment next door, and they'd always been nice, good neighbors.

"I'm sorry to hear the papers are dredging up the past," he said, looking at Avery.


Even Rick tuned in now, stepping in closer.

"What do you mean?" Ella asked.

Gary's cheeks burned red. "I'm sorry. I thought you knew."

Avery believed him. Gary wasn't a gossip. He was a solid neighbor and decent man. "Tell me what you know," she said.

"This morning's paper. They're rehas.h.i.+ng your father's dirty laundry. The second-family story." He glanced away, unable to meet Avery's gaze.

Since that story was old news, Avery just knew there was more. "Gary, please. I'd rather hear it from you than some stranger."

"Come on, hon. Maybe we should go upstairs and let me pull it up on my laptop," Ella said.

"That's a good idea." This from the usually silent Rick.

"No. I'd rather get it over with. What are they saying?"

Gary sighed, obviously resigned. "Stupid, mean things, Avery. Uncalled for and untrue, I'm sure. Things about your father using you to save the sister he loved more." Gary forced a laugh. "See? Ridiculous."

Not so much, Avery thought. Lights flickered behind her eyes, and she suddenly couldn't breathe well. Anxiety. She drew in deep breaths.

"I mean, anyone who knows you knows how amazing you are. Same with Olivia and your brothers. Of course your father loves you all." He was rambling now.

"Thank you, Gary. We'll read the rest ourselves," Ella said, grabbing Avery's hand and pulling her along.

Avery couldn't believe her father's past was coming back to haunt her again. But it was her father's past, she reminded herself. Not anything she'd done. She'd survived the gossip, the talk, the speculation then, and she'd survive it a second time.

They reached the apartment. Rick deposited Ella's suitcase in the apartment and locked the door behind them. "Pack now. I'm getting you ladies out of here," he said.

"No. I want your laptop," she said to Ella.

Rick shot Ella a warning look, but Ella was Avery's best friend. She pulled her computer from her bag. "I think it would be smarter to ignore it."

"And not know what I'm in for the next time a reporter ambushes me? No." Avery settled into a chair in the living room and began tapping on the keys.

She found an article with today's date immediately.

Kingston's Girl Holds on with Iron Grip. She read the headline and winced.

She felt Ella looking over her shoulder. Drawing strength from her friend, Avery read on. After a rehash of Avery's sad past, her father's betrayal of his wife and kids, and the existence of another life and family, the article went on to say that Avery had visited Grey at his Miami concert in the hopes of rekindling their high school romance. Grey had a weak spot for Avery and always had, according to a source who'd asked not to be named.

And because of her past, Avery was too insecure to keep any of the more recent men in her life. They'd managed to get a quote or two from the few guys she'd dated and gently let down. They'd obviously held a grudge or had been paid well, because they claimed she was clingy and needy, all stemming from the daddy issues she had, and they'd been the ones to dump her.

Once she'd gotten her hooks in Grey Kingston, the wealthy, beloved member of Tangled Royal, she held on for all she was worth. She was, in fact, the reason for the breakup of the much-loved band. Again, quoting a source who'd asked not to be named.

"What the ever-loving f.u.c.k?" Ella yelled, obviously finis.h.i.+ng the offensive article at the same time as Avery.

Avery shook her head, unable to clear the spots that had taken up permanent residence in front of her eyes. Her hands were clammy, her skin damp.


She heard Ella's voice as if from a distance before she collapsed, everything going dark.

Chapter Twelve.

Avery came to with a cold cloth on her forehead, Ella standing over her with a worried expression on her face.

"I can't believe I pa.s.sed out."

"Emotional triggers can do that to you," her friend said gently.

"Well, I'm sick and tired of dealing with the emotional fallout from my past." Avery yanked the cloth off her forehead and struggled to a sitting position.

Ella put a hand on her shoulder. "Stay put until you know you're okay."

Avery brushed at her now-damp hair that stuck to her forehead. "I feel fine. Can we just forget this ever happened?"

"Umm ... I don't think so." Ella trailed off and winced. "I called Grey."


"I was worried and so was Rick." She glanced over her shoulder at the bodyguard, who stood against the wall, arms folded across his chest. "I didn't want to upset Olivia, her being pregnant, so it was either Grey or one of your brothers. I made a judgment call."

Avery nodded. "I'm not upset with you. I'm angry with myself. I hate that I still let him get to me," she said of her father.

"I have to ask you something." Ella scooted closer on the couch and leaned in so they could speak quietly. "Have you ever had it out with him? Told him how you feel about what he did, how his actions affected your life?"

Avery shook her head. "My mom was my rock, and she made sure I got help. And he wasn't around much, especially right after ... By the time he tried reaching out to us again, I'd built up all these walls so I couldn't be hurt again."

Ella wrinkled her nose in confusion. "Then why did you go to his birthday party every year?"

Avery sighed. Her father held a yearly birthday bash at The Meridian Hotel, a formal affair for family, friends, and business a.s.sociates. Avery and her immediate siblings always felt the event was more to show the outside world that things in the Dare family were fine, when in reality, all of Avery's full brothers and her sister, Olivia, had their issues with Robert Dare.

"I know it's hard to understand, but I just never wanted Sienna or the others to feel bad for something they'd had no control over." Even if she and Olivia had to twist their brothers' arms, they all made an appearance, usually to support each other.

"I always said you're too good a person," Ella said. "And in this case, I think you need to get those damaging emotions off your chest before you lose the things most precious to you."

Avery's cell rang. Noticing her bag on the table, she pulled out her phone and glanced at the incoming number. "Speak of the devil." She wondered why he'd be calling now. "Might as well get it over with."

She accepted the call. "h.e.l.lo?"

"Avery, it's your father."

She didn't mention that she'd already figured that out. "Hi, Dad."

"Where are you?" he asked, sounding extremely stressed and unhappy.

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Dare to Love: Dare to Rock Part 19 summary

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