Dare to Love: Dare to Rock Part 9

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After taking Avery home, Grey worked out in the gym of his building, opting for a hard-core treadmill run instead of going outside and dealing with fans stopping him along the way. Sweating and tired, he walked back into his apartment and picked up his cell to check messages. He wondered if Avery's meeting had been successful, but he hadn't heard from her, but he did have a s.h.i.+t ton of alerts.

He glanced at Lola's text first. Read and call me ASAP. He clicked the accompanying link, took one look at the photo she'd sent from the local morning paper of Grey and Avery, and his blood pressure soared through the roof.

"f.u.c.k!" He barely stopped himself from throwing his phone into the nearest wall. Just when things were falling into place with Avery, this happened. Publicity she didn't want with a negative spin guaranteed to cause her trouble and pain.

His blood boiling, he scrolled through the rest of his texts, including one from Simon with a thumbs-up, way-to-go message. All publicity is good publicity.

"a.s.shole," Grey muttered. The man made money off them any way he could and knew that any media attention sold music.

Grey looked at his email next, scrolling through until something that looked like fan mail stopped him cold. His email went through Simon's agency. Always. Grey's personal address was off-limits, and he went to great lengths to keep it that way.

Chills traveled through him as he read: Dear Lover, You betrayed me. You know we are meant to be together, but you are f.u.c.king that wh.o.r.e. I saw her leave your apartment this morning. That should be me. It will be me. I tried to be nice, to send her messages on her blog, but she isn't getting the hint to leave you alone. Don't worry. I will take care of things so we can finally be together.

Love, now and forever, Emerald Emerald. Emerald. He racked his brain for a connection, and suddenly he remembered one. At the fan event Simon had arranged before their last few concerts in Miami, Grey had been in a particularly good mood since their touring days were coming to an end. He'd had his game face on, flirting with female fans, keeping them happy and engaged.

A woman had approached him wearing a sparkling green s.h.i.+rt, extremely low cut, her red hair sprayed hard. She'd leaned over the table, getting too close as she'd asked for an autograph. Marco had stepped forward, and Grey had known he had to get the woman out of there fast.

He'd winked at her and asked, "What's your name, or should I just call you Emerald, to match your s.h.i.+rt ... and your eyes." Corny but she'd eaten it up.

Unfortunately he'd had to sign her chest and not a photo, after which she'd deliberately flashed not just her t.i.t but also her nipple before Marco had grabbed her elbow and escorted her to the next guard at the exit. It wasn't a sight Grey wanted to remember, and he'd put it and her out of his mind almost immediately. But clearly she recalled the meeting much differently and put much more meaning into it. Now all the crazy in his life was invading Avery's.

Grey swore out loud. Could this f.u.c.king day get any worse? It was like the universe was conspiring to keep them apart, placing every potential obstacle in their path. This Emerald chick had been stalking and sabotaging Avery's blog, and to make matters even worse, the media had painted a target on her back by accusing her of breaking up the band. The exact kind of publicity she sought to avoid.

He didn't know if she'd seen the article yet. If not, he wanted to tell her in person. If so, he needed to get over to her place and exercise some damage control as soon as possible.

While Ella showered and finished packing in preparation for overseeing a two-week photo shoot on a Caribbean island, Avery returned concerned phone calls. When disaster and insanity struck, the Dare family banded together ... well, all of them except her father. Apparently he only surfaced when he needed Avery's help for his other kids. Checking on her after she became front-page news must not be a priority for him, she thought, pus.h.i.+ng the painful reality away. She didn't need him. She had the rest of her clan circling the wagons. Even her half siblings checked in, Alex threatening to kick Grey's a.s.s-an act she didn't need or want-and Jason, Samantha, and Sienna had all offered her a place to hide out if things became too much.

Olivia and her mother had left messages for Avery on her cell and at home. She'd already called them back and promised she was dealing well with the publicity on her end. They didn't have to know she'd already had a mini-panic attack and taken her pills, or that crazy photographers were still camped outside her apartment. They'd just worry, and her mother had a wedding to plan, and her sister was pregnant. Neither needed added stress.

She'd called her brothers back too, reaching Ian and Scott but not Tyler. And that scared her because there was a very good chance Tyler would take one look at the article and, when he couldn't immediately reach Avery on her cell, head right over.

A loud knock sounded on the door. "Avery, open up. It's Tyler."

"And right on time," she muttered, letting her brother in.

"Jesus, there's a ma.s.sive group of paparazzi out there. Is this what being with that a.s.shole is doing to your life?"

Tyler stood in the doorway, looking less than pleased and ready to take over, something she would not let happen. "If you want to talk to me, back off Grey. That's not going to help matters."

"Who's causing all the racket?" Ella asked.

Avery turned. Ella had joined them wearing a short silk bathrobe, towel drying her hair as she walked. "Tyler!" she stopped short and stared in shock. Her hand slowly lowered, and the towel dropped to the floor.

"Yes," Avery said. "My bossy brother's here to-"

"Check up on you," Tyler said to Avery ... but his gaze never wavered from Ella, whose cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink.

"You, go put some clothes on," Tyler ordered her.

"Tyler!" Avery called him out for bossing Ella around in her own apartment.

Ella, meanwhile, frowned at him, then bent to retrieve her towel. Her robe gaped open, exposing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, something she didn't realize until a low growl came from Tyler's throat.

Ella rose and glanced down. "s.h.i.+t." She spun around and stormed out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Avery asked her brother. "Are you trying to be an a.s.shole today? Oh, wait, it just comes naturally."

Tyler blew out a frustrated breath. "Don't change the subject. I'm here to talk about you."

Avery shook her head, feeling like she was missing something. Ella knew Tyler, just like she knew the rest of Avery's siblings, from the two weeks every summer and occasional holidays she'd spent visiting. Had this just been embarra.s.sment? Or something more?

"Avery, I'm worried about you," he said, his voice softening. "You have a history of anxiety-"

"And I'm on daily medication." And had Xanax for emergencies like today. "I'm fine." Or she had been until Grey's life had exploded around her. But she didn't want her brother to worry. "I'm not nine years old anymore," she added as a means of rea.s.suring them both.

Tyler ran a hand through his dark hair. "Between the picture in the paper, the nasty insinuation about breaking up the band, and now the photographers stalking your apartment, you're in the center of the storm. And considering I do security for a living, I should know."

Another loud knock sounded on her door.

"Ask who it is."

Avery shot Tyler a disgusted look. Did he really think she didn't know how to take care of herself?

Instead of asking, she looked through the peephole and groaned. "It's Grey," she said to Tyler and winced inwardly.

The very last thing she needed was a confrontation between Grey and her overprotective brother. But it seemed that was exactly what she was about to get.

Chapter Six.

Grey couldn't believe he had to cut through paparazzi to get into Avery's building. If he'd known, he'd have found out whether there was a back entrance or brought Marco. The a.s.sholes yelled rude questions and tried to crowd him, and it took too d.a.m.n long to make his way inside. His stomach churned as he imagined what Avery was thinking or feeling. She hated the overzealous female fans, and she'd never been one for large groups of people in general. He just wasn't sure how she'd handle this. Nor did it help to know that getting rid of him would be the easiest option.

He knocked on her door, unsure if she was home. She hadn't answered her phone when he'd called on his way over.

The door opened wide. One look at her face and he swore out loud. "I'm sorry," he said before she could utter a word.

"You d.a.m.n well should be, Kingston."

He glanced over her shoulder to find one of her brothers standing behind her, arms crossed over his chest as he glared at Grey.

Avery, her face already pale and makeup free, groaned and gestured for him to come inside. "You remember my brother Tyler" she said.

Grey inclined his head at the p.i.s.sed off man. Tyler, the brother who'd been in the Army, who ran the security company, and who rightfully hated Grey's guts. Good to see you, man, wasn't going to cut it.

"What do you want?" Tyler asked.

Avery turned to her brother. "I have enough to deal with without you making things worse. If you can't be civil to Grey, you can leave."

Well, at least she wasn't throwing him out yet. "I came as soon as I saw the article. I had no idea the paps had found you."

"Well, now you know," Tyler said. "And you showing up here is only going to make things worse. We're going to have to put a security detail on you," he said to Avery.

She shook her head. "No way. I can't live like that."

Grey remained silent as the siblings went at it. Until he knew where everyone's head was, he wouldn't step in.

"Well, can you live like this?" Tyler swept an arm toward the window. "Going through that crowd by yourself every time you want to come and go?"

"No, I don't want that." Avery clasped her hands around her forearms in a protective gesture that gutted Grey.

He'd put her in this position. Somehow he needed to get her out. Though he might agree with Tyler about security, her brother's strong-arm tactics were only hurting her more, taking away any feelings of control she was holding on to.

Grey shot Tyler a warning look and moved in, leading her to the couch in her living room. He sat down beside her, keeping her close. "Listen, your brother's right. We have to talk about security for you, but we can figure out something that will make you comfortable."

"None of this would be necessary if you'd just disappear," Tyler added. "She could stay with one of us for a little while, they'd forget all about her, and that would be that."

Grey stiffened, bristling at her brother's words, which had too much truth in them for his peace of mind.

"Tyler, go home, please? I'll figure out what I want to do and let you know."

His gaze softened as he looked at his sister. "I'm worried about you. Did you have a panic attack getting through those jackals?" he asked.

Grey narrowed his gaze. "Panic attack?"

Avery tensed. "I handled it."

Tyler placed a hand on her shoulder. "I never said you didn't. I just want to protect you from having to deal with it at all."

"Well, you can't protect me from everything."

But Grey wanted to. He had the overwhelming need to pack her up and move her in with him, into his doorman building, where she'd be protected and safe.

"I'll call the cops to clear them off of private property," Tyler said.

Grey nodded. "That'll be a start, but it won't hold off the more determined ones. And it won't keep them away from public areas where Avery goes."

"h.e.l.lo, can you stop speaking about me as if I'm not right here?"

Grey met her gaze. "Sorry, sugar."

Tyler scowled at the endearment. "You need a bodyguard. Someone who can follow you at a distance but who will be there just in case you need him. I'm a.s.suming Mr. Rock Star here has one."

Grey stiffened but let the insulting tone slide. "When I know I'll be in public, yes, I have security."

"I want my guy on you when you're together."

"Fine," Grey said, knowing better than to argue. He didn't care who watched their backs as long as she was safe.

"Are we in agreement?" Tyler met his sister's gaze.

Avery groaned. "Fine."

Grey didn't like what he had to do next, but he looked at Tyler. "Can I have a word with you?"

Avery's gaze shot between them. "What? Why?"

"It'll be fine." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She stood and he rose with her.

"I'll go see if Ella's okay." She looked between them one more time. "And I expect an explanation later."

Grey waited until she'd disappeared down the hall before turning to Tyler. "Look, you don't have to like me, but can we agree we both have Avery's best interests at heart?"

"That remains to be seen."

Grey swallowed a curse. The man wasn't going to make anything easy. "There's another security issue you need to know about."

"What's going on?" Tyler asked.

"I got a fan mail ..." Grey went on to explain the connection between the email he'd received from Emerald and Avery's blog, and the woman's implied threat to break them apart.

He wanted nothing more than to hide the information that would give Avery's brothers even more reason to dislike him and want him away from their sister. But he wouldn't put his self-interest above Avery's safety, and he wasn't foolish enough to think he could handle things on his own.

He rolled his shoulders, tension settling there like lead. "I don't know what it means, but I don't like what my gut's telling me."

"f.u.c.k. And you can't just walk away and leave my sister alone?" Tyler muttered.

Grey had had enough. He stepped into Tyler's personal s.p.a.ce. "Listen carefully. I may let you get away with the occasional insult because I know I brought this s.h.i.+t into her life."

"Not to mention how badly you hurt her when you left? Who do you think picked up the pieces? The same people who are going to have to do it when you bail on her again."

"I'm not going anywhere," he said through gritted teeth. "I'm serious about your sister, and you'd better get used to it. In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you'd use your expertise to help keep her safe."

Tyler eyed Grey warily, but Grey thought he caught a hint of admiration in the man's gaze when he didn't back down.

"Fine. I'll do my job and keep an eye on you at the same time," Tyler said.

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Dare to Love: Dare to Rock Part 9 summary

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