Quiet Talks on Power Part 9

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[13] 1 John i: 20, 27.

[14] 2 Cor. i: 22. Eph. i: 13; iv: 30.

[15] 2 Cor. i: 22; v: 5. Eph. i: 14.

[16] Romans viii: 23.


G.o.d's Highest Ideal.

A flood-tide is a rising tide. It flows in and fills up and spreads out.

Wherever it goes it cleanses and fertilizes and beautifies. For untold centuries Egypt has depended for its very life upon the yearly flood-tide of the Nile. The rich bottom lands of the Connecticut Valley are refertilized every spring by that river's flood-tide. The green beauty and rich fruitage of some parts of the Sacramento Valley, whose soil is flooded by the artificial irrigation-rivers, are in sharp contrast with adjoining unwatered portions.

The flood-tide is caused by influences from above. In the ocean and the portions of rivers under its influence by the heavenly bodies. In the rivers by the fall of rain and snow swelling successively the upper streams and lakes.

G.o.d's highest ideal for men is frequently expressed under the figure of a river running at flood-tide. Ezekiel's vision of the future capital of Israel gives prominence to a wonderful river gradually reaching flood-tide and exerting untold influence.

John's companion vision of the future church in the closing chapters of Revelation finds its radiating center in an equally wonderful river of water of life. When Jesus would give a picture of a christian man up to His ideal He exclaims, "Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." John's explanation years after was that He was speaking of the Holy Spirit's presence in the human life. Jesus' ideal would put our lives at the flood-tide. No ebb-tide there. No rise and fall. But a constant flowing in and filling up and flooding out.

Love is ambitious. G.o.d is love. And therefore G.o.d is ambitious for us.

In the best sense of the word He is ambitious for our lives. The old impression has been that salvation is for the soul, and for heaven.

Well, it is for the soul, and it is for heaven, but it is for the present life and for this earth. Some of G.o.d's most far-reaching plans have to do with this earth. To-night we want to get a glimpse of G.o.d's ambitious ideal for our lives down here; something of an understanding of the _results_ of the unrestrained presence within us of His Holy Spirit.

It is not surprising that there have been some mistaken ideas about the results. It has been a common supposition that somehow the baptism of the Holy Spirit is always connected with an evangelistic gift and, further, connected with marked success in soul-winning. Men have thought of Mr. Moody facing great crowds, who were swayed and melted at his words, and of people in great mult.i.tudes accepting Christ. Probably the world has never had a finer ill.u.s.tration of a Spirit-filled man than in dear old Moody. And it is not to be wondered at that the rare evangelistic gift of service with which he was endowed and the great results attending it should be so closely allied in our minds with the Spirit-filled life which he exemplified so unusually. In sharp contrast however with that conception will you note that we are told over here in Exodus of a man named Bezalel[17] who was filled with the Spirit of G.o.d that he might have skill in carpentry, in metal working, and weaving of fine fabrics, for the construction of the old tent of G.o.d. Will you note further that a company of seventy men[18] were filled in a like manner that they might be skilled in conducting the business affairs of the nation; and that Luke tells of Elizabeth[19] being filled that she might become a true mother for John.

A second misconception has been that marked success always accompanies the Spirit's control. In contrast with that will you please note the results in some of the Spirit-swayed men whom G.o.d used in Bible times.

Isaiah was called to a service that was to be barren of results, though long continued; and Jeremiah's was not only fruitless but with great personal peril. Jesus' public work led through a rough path to a crown of thorns and a cross. Stephen's testimony brought him a storm of stones. And Paul pa.s.sed through great danger and distress to a cell, and beyond, a keen-edged ax. These are leaders among Spirit-filled men.

Paul's teaching in the Corinthian epistle helps one to a clear understanding about results. He explains that while it is one Spirit dwelling in all who acknowledge Jesus as Lord, yet the _evidence_ of His presence differs widely in different persons. It is one G.o.d working all things in all persons, but with great variety in the gifts bestowed, in the service with which they are intrusted, and in the inner experiences they are conscious of.[20]

What results then may be expected to follow the filling of the Holy Spirit? It may be said in a sentence that Jesus fills us with the same Spirit that filled Himself that He may work out in us His own image and ideal, _and_ make use of us in His pa.s.sionate reaching out after others.

If we attempt to a.n.a.lyze these results we shall find them falling into three groups. First--results in the _life_, that is in the inner experiences, and the habits. Second--results in the _personality_, that is in the appearance, and the mental faculties. Third--results in _service_. Let us look a little at each of these.

A Transfigured Life.

First regarding the inner experiences. Without doubt the first result experienced will be a new sense of _peace_: a glad, quiet stillness of spirit which nothing seems able to disturb. The heart will be filled with a peace still as the stars, calm as the night, deep as the sea, fragrant as the flowers.

How many thousands of lips have lovingly lingered over those sweet strong words: "The peace of G.o.d, which pa.s.seth all understanding, shall guard your heart and thought in Christ Jesus." It is G.o.d's peace. It acts as an armed guard drawn up around heart and thoughts to keep unrest out. It is too subtle for intellectual a.n.a.lysis, but it steals into and steadies the heart. You cannot understand it but you can feel it. You cannot get hold of it with your head, but you can with your heart. You do not get it. It gets you. You need not understand in order to experience. Blessed are they that have not understood and yet have yielded and experienced.

"Peace beginning to be Deep as the sleep of the sea When the stars their faces gla.s.s In its blue tranquillity: Hearts of men upon earth That rested not from their birth To rest, as the wild waters rest, With the colors of heaven on their breast."

With that will come a new intense longing to do the Master's will; to _please Him_. As the days come and go this will come to be the master-pa.s.sion of this new life. It will drive one with a new purpose and zest to studying the one book which tells His will. That book becomes literally the book of books to the Spirit-dominated man.

With that will come a new desire to talk with this new Master, who talks to you in His word, and is ever at your side sympathetically listening.

His book reveals Himself. And better acquaintance with Him will draw you oftener aside for a quiet talk. The _pleasure_ of praying will grow by leaps and bounds. Nothing so inspires to prayer as reverent listening to His voice. Frequent use of the ears will result in more frequent use of the voice in prayer and praise. And more: Prayer will come to be a part of service. Intercession will become the life mission.

But I must be frank enough to tell you of another result, which is as sure to come as these--_there will be conflict_. You will be tempted more than ever. Temptations will come with the subtlety of a snake; with the rush of a storm; with the unexpected swiftness of a lightning flash.

You see the act of surrender to Jesus is a notice of fight to another.

You have changed masters, and the discarded master does not let go easily. He is a trained, toughened fighter. You will think that you never had so many temptations, so strong, so subtle, so trying, so unexpected. But listen--_there will be victory_! Truth goes in pairs.

You will be tempted. The devil will attend to that. That is one truth.

Its companion truth is this: you will be victorious over temptation as the new Master has sway. Your new Master will attend to that. Great and cunning and strong is the tempter. Do not underrate him. But greater is He that is in you. You cannot overrate Him. He got the victory at every turn during those thirty-three years, and will get it for you as many years and turns as shall make out the span of your life. Your one business will be to let Him have full control.

Still another result, of the surprising sort, will be a new feeling about _sin_. There will be an increased and increasing _sensitiveness_ to sin. It will seem so hateful whether coa.r.s.e or cultured. You will shrink from contact with it. There will also be a growing sense of the _sinfulness_ of that old heart of yours, even while you may be having constant victory over temptation. Then, too, there will grow up a yearning, oh! such a heart-yearning as cannot be told in words, _to be pure_, really pure in heart.

A seventh result will be an intense desire to get others to know your wonderful Master. A desire so strong, gripping you so tremendously, that all thought of sacrifice will sink out of sight in its achievement. He is such a Master! so loving, so kind, so wondrous! And so many do not know Him: have wrong ideas about Him. If they only _knew_ Him--that surely would settle it. And probably these two--the desire to please Him, and the desire to get others to know Him will take the _mastery_ of your ambition and life.

The All-Inclusive Pa.s.sion.

But all of these and much more is included in one of Paul's packed phrases which may be read, "the _love_ of G.o.d hath _flooded_ our hearts through the Holy Spirit given unto us."[21] The all-inclusive result is _love_. That marvelous tender pa.s.sion--the love of G.o.d--heightless, depthless, sh.o.r.eless, shall _flood_ our hearts, making us as gentle and tender-hearted and self-sacrificing and gracious as He. Every phase of life will become a phase of love. Peace is love resting. Bible study is love reading its lover's letters. Prayer is love keeping tryst. Conflict with sin is love jealously fighting for its Lover. Hatred of sin is love shrinking from that which separates from its lover. Sympathy is love tenderly feeling. Enthusiasm is love burning. Hope is love expecting.

Patience is love waiting. Faithfulness is love sticking fast. Humility is love taking its true place. Modesty is love keeping out of sight.

Soul-winning is love pleading.

Love is revolutionary. It radically changes us, and revolutionizes our spirit toward all others. Love is democratic. It ruthlessly levels all cla.s.s distinctions. Love is intensely practical. It is always hunting something to do. Paul lays great stress on this outer practical side. Do you remember his "fruit of the Spirit"?[22] It is an a.n.a.lysis of love.

While the first three--"love, joy, peace"--are emotions within, the remaining six are outward toward others. Notice, "long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness," and then the climax is reached in the last--"self-control." And in his great love pa.s.sage in the first Corinthian epistle,[23] he picks out four of these last six, and shows further just what he means by love in its practical working in the life. "Long-suffering" is repeated, and so is "kindness" or "goodness." "Faithfulness" is reproduced in "never faileth." Then "self-control" receives the emphasis of an eight-fold repet.i.tion of "nots." Listen:--"Envieth not," "boasteth not," "not puffed up," "not unseemly," "seeketh not (even) her own," "is not provoked," "taketh not account of evil" (in trying to help others, like Jesus' word "despairing of no man"[24]), "rejoiceth not in unrighteousness" (that is when the unrighteous is punished, but instead feels sorry for him). What tremendous power of self-mastery in those "nots"! Then the positive side is brought out in four "alls"; two of them--the first and last--pa.s.sive qualities, "beareth all things," "endureth all things." And in between, two active "hopeth all things," "believeth all things." The pa.s.sive qualities doing sentinel duty on both sides of the active. These pa.s.sive traits are intensely active in their pa.s.sivity. There is a busy time under the surface of those "nots" and "alls." What a wealth of underlying power they reveal! Sometimes folks think it sentimental to talk of love. Probably it is of some stuff that shuffles along under that name. But when the Holy Spirit talks about it, and fills our hearts with it there is seen to be an intensely practical pa.s.sion at work.

Love is not only the finest fruit, but it is the final test of a christian life. How many splendid men of G.o.d have seemed to lack here.

What a giant of faith and strength Elijah was. Such intense indignation over sin! Such fearless denunciation! What tremendous faith gripping the very heavens! What marvelous power in prayer. Yet listen to him criticising the faithful remnant whom G.o.d lovingly defends against his aspersions. There seems a serious lack there. G.o.d seems to understand his need. He asks him to slip down to h.o.r.eb for a new vision of his Master. And then He revealed Himself not in whirlwind nor earthquake nor lightning. He doubtless felt at home among these tempestuous outbreaks.

They suit his temper. But something startlingly new came to him in that exquisite "sound of gentle stillness," hus.h.i.+ng, awing, mellowing, giving a new conception of the dominant heart of his G.o.d. Some of us might well drop things, and take a run down to h.o.r.eb.

I know an earnest scholarly minister with strong personality, and fearless in his preaching against sin, but who seems to lack this spirit of love. He is so cuttingly critical at times. The other ministers of his town whom he might easily lead, shy off from him. There is no magnetism in the edge of a razor. His critical spirit can be felt when his lips are shut. I recall a woman, earnest, winsome when she chooses to be, an intelligent Bible student, keen-scented for error, a generous giver, but what a sharp edge her tongue has. One is afraid to get close lest it may cut.

When the Holy Spirit takes possession there is _love_, aye, more, a _flood_ of love. Have you ever seen a flood? I remember one in the Schuylkill during my boyhood days and how it impressed me. Those who live along the valley of that treacherous mountain stream, the Ohio, know something of the power of a flood. How the waters come rus.h.i.+ng down, cutting out new channels, was.h.i.+ng down rubbish, tearing valuable property from its moorings, ruling the valley autocratically while men stand back entirely helpless.

Would you care to have a flood-tide of love flush the channelways of your life like that? It would clean out something you have preferred keeping. It would with quiet, ruthless strength, tear some prized possessions from their moorings and send them adrift down stream and out. Its high waters would put out some of the fires on the lower levels. Better think a bit before opening the sluice-ways for that flood. But ah! it will sweeten and make fragrant. It will cut new channels, and broaden and deepen old ones. And what a harvest will follow in its wake. Floods are apt to do peculiar things. So does this one. It washes out the friction-grit from between the wheels. It does not dull the edge of the tongue, but washes the bitter out of the mouth, and the green out of the eye. It leaves one deaf and blind in some matters, but much keener-sighted and quicker-eared in others. Strange flood that! Would that we all knew more of it.

The Fullness of the Stature of a Man.

Now note some of the changes _in the personality_ which attend the Spirit's unrestrained presence. Without doubt the face will change, though it might be difficult to describe the change. That Spirit within changes the look of the eye. His peace within the heart will affect the flow of blood in the physical heart, and so in turn the clearness of the complexion. The real secret of winsome beauty is here. That new dominant purpose will modulate the voice, and the whole expression of the face, and the touch of the hand, and the carriage of the body. And yet the one changed will be least conscious of it, if conscious at all. Neither Moses nor Stephen knew of their transfigured faces.

It is of peculiar interest to note the changes in the mental make-up. It may be said positively that _the original group of mental faculties remain the same_. There seems to be nothing to indicate that any change takes place in one's natural endowment. No faculty is added that nature had not put there, and certainly none removed.

But it is very clear that there is a _marked development_ of these natural gifts, and that this change is brought about by the putting in of _a new and tremendous motive power_, which radically affects everything it touches.

Regarding this development four facts may be noted.

First fact:--_Those faculties or talents which may hitherto have lain latent, unmatured, are aroused into use._ Most men have large undeveloped resources, and endowments. Many of us are one-sided in our development. We are strangers to the real possible self within, unconscious of some of the powers with which we are endowed and intrusted. The Holy Spirit, when given a free hand, works out the fullness of the life that has been put in. The change will not be in the sort but in the size, and that not by an addition but by a growth of what is there.

Moses complains that he is slow of speech and of a slow tongue. G.o.d does not promise a new tongue but that he will be _with_ him and _train_ his tongue. Listen to him forty years after in the Moab Plains, as with brain fired, and tongue loosened and trained he gives that series of farewell talks fairly burning with eloquence. Students of oratory can find no n.o.bler specimens than Deuteronomy furnishes. The unmatured powers lying dormant had been aroused to full growth by the indwelling Spirit of G.o.d.

Saintly Dr. A. J. Gordon, whose face was as surely transfigured as was Moses' or Stephen's used to say that in his earlier years he had no executive ability. Men would say of him, "Well, Gordon can preach but--"

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Quiet Talks on Power Part 9 summary

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