Hero Blessed By The Demon King, The Largest Human Traitor!? Volume 1 Chapter 6

Hero Blessed By The Demon King, The Largest Human Traitor!? -

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Chapter 6: Everyday's occurrence

The day after he became friends with Ariane, s.h.i.+nichi came to the table at the bar and decided the future action policy at once.

“For now, I'll get you a weapon."
“Eh, weapon?” 

Ariane, who was given a stomach pouch for doing a favor, basically received a candy ball from s.h.i.+nichi that was too sweet. Ariane, who wore a downcast face, shook her head.

“Ah, your arms are too poor for your strength."
“Is that so?” 

Ariane pulled out her sword from the waist sheath and looked at it again. The length of the blade was a little short so that the iron two-handed sword could be swung even in a narrow forest. However, it is made considerably thick so that this sword could endure the strength of Ariane. Therefore, although it was made out of st.u.r.dy material, the sharpness was bad and it was blunt rather than sharp like a sword.

“You're not making use of your strength well because of your equipment, so you have to get a better weapon."
“Uuuh, it might be, if you say so......" 

Ariane had been fighting with devil beasts for a long time and understood the importance of equipment. However, because she was too strong, she didn’t have to struggle much and was not the one to cling to things. The blade was strong and did not break, therefore she did have to think too much while performing with it.

“Even if you get a lighter, sharper sword, you could become a lot stronger.”
“But, how can you say that I really got stronger?"
“That's why you're so stupid!"

To the suddenly angry and perplexed Ariane, s.h.i.+nichi preached while folding his arms with an aura of superiority.

“You know, strength is not only ‘to swing a sword and apply muscle’, or ‘to raise magic by volleying a spell.’ The ability to find good equipment, the financial resources to get the equipment, that is also『Strength』"
“Is, Is that so?"
“For example, you seem to have scratched yourself when you fought with the demon king."
“At that time, what would have happened if the sword you used wasn't a cheap piece of metal, but a devil sword that could cut through anything?"
“Yes, you may have won, but you could have done better." 

A good carpenter does not quarrel with his tools, though there is a proverb『Kukai choose a writing brush』.

“Even if an inexperienced person gains an excellent weapon, which is 『Pearls before swine』 he may not be able to use it to its full extent. But if you are strong, you have a strong weapon and you are exactly 『as strong as you can be』then you can live without enemies!"
“U, Uhh!” 

Even if Ariane doesn't know the meaning of this proverb well, she is roused anyway and nodded.

“So, do you have the money to buy a magic sword?”
“Money? I'm saving a little, but......"

Ariane looked down at the shopkeeper who just brought us the dish and lowered her voice. The owner responded with a light sigh.

“Youngster, do you know how much a magic sword costs?"
“No, not at all"
“Even if it is cheap, 1,000 gold coins."

It was Ariane who shouted unexpectedly. As a soldier's annual salary was about 15 gold coins, it was a natural reaction.

“I, I, I don't even have 50 gold coins!"
“So it's impossible"

s.h.i.+nichi answered lightly and calculated in his brain.

(Is it about 100 million yen when converted to j.a.panese yen? If it is a national treasure sword, billions of yen will be charged, so it is not so bad)  

Art and goods are different, prices and values are also different, so it cannot be said unconditionally.

“In the first place, a magic sword is something no one can make anymore, as it's too valuable to the owner, I can't afford to buy it."

“Heee, is that so?"

“Did you say that you wanted to buy a magic sword without knowing it?”

The shopkeeper sighed again, s.h.i.+nichi laughed and smiled, sending a "gossip" to the maid next to him who had been eating black bread without regard.

(Ceres-san, is a magic sword precious in Makai?)

(No, especially not. The dark elves make them every day.)

(I see......)

(Do you know the hoe that Gyuzu-san is using? That was made by the dark elves.)

(Demon hoe!? Dangerous, super-rare!)

The technology gap between the human world and Makai seemed to be the opposite to the level of meals.

(However, no matter how many weapons the dark elves can make, Maou-sama is much stronger with his bare hands, so they are all gathering dust at the warehouse)

(It’s too pitiful......)

While getting fired up with the so called romance of the strongest trained fist, sympathy was not forbidden to the dark elves. However, with this, came the goal of this strategy.

“I don't have time to earn thousands of gold coins......"
“It's all right, I have a good idea!" 

s.h.i.+nichi strikes the shoulder of the depressed Ariane with a sly smile.

“Actually, I know a cave where a certain sword is sleeping."

"Eh, is that true!?"
“Yes, I accidentally heard that this cave, that was protected by a heinous guardian, was forgotten without anyone getting the treasure."
“Great, there is magic sword inside!” 

Ariane truly believed the story and that made her eyes sparkle.

“So, we’re going to pick up the sword and get ready for the journey."
“Wait, I will finish at once!"

To Ariane, who rushes up to the second floor in a hurry, s.h.i.+nichi laughed and waved his hand, as the owner who saw it smiled with a third sigh.

“Totally, when I first saw a poor little boy following Lady Ariane suddenly and thinking that he became her companion. This time searching for a magic sword he is a truly magical person."
“Call me Mysterious Boy s.h.i.+nichi."
“Don't say something stupid and quickly finish eating."  

The shopkeeper had beaten his head on the tray, while s.h.i.+nichi drank the soup which had cooled.

“......Why are you so suspicious?"
“I wonder if this innocent maiden isn't deceived by the sc.u.m."
“If relieved──Heeyy!" 

To make it impossible for the shopkeeper who returned to the back of the kitchen, s.h.i.+nichi makes a Tsukkomi with a loud voice.

“So, when did you find the cave?"
“No, I want to know if there is such a thing."

When s.h.i.+nichi said things Ceres didn’t understand in translation, s.h.i.+nichi responded to Ceres that surprised her iron surface skin with a usual bad smile.

“There is no magic sword cave. So, I will make one now. As far as Ariane's positive likelihood breaks down, it's a thrilling dungeon."

Without knowing the explanation, Ceres stopped thinking about it.

“The weather is good today and it's the best day for a trip!”

“Ah, it's a little hot.”

s.h.i.+nichi, who purchased preserved meals and left the town, was walking from the kingdom to the mountainous region in the west.

“However, you’re strangely energetic. You that eager for the magic sword?”

“Since it's been a long time since I’ve traveled with someone, I'm very pleased.”


“What is that a pitiful thing to see!? No, I already have a lot of acquaintances now!”

“Saying『Now』 or 『Acquaintance』, it was seriously a batch......”


Ariane who hit s.h.i.+nichi’s shoulder out of mercy becomes sulky and has tears in her eyes.

(What are you going to do, make her your s.e.x slave?)

(I wouldn’t write such a thin book!) 

s.h.i.+nichi doesn't forget to follow Ariane while trying to say something to Ceres which sends the invective to a precaution story.

“But, now we are friends so we’re not alone anymore."

“U, uh......” 

Carefully taking his hand, Ariane blushed and released it. As though to confirm the warmth of s.h.i.+nichi’s hand.


(Um, Ceres-san? Because this is also for the Maou, will you stop being so silent?)


s.h.i.+nichi endured the glance like midwinter. Ceres threw out a sigh and changed the topic.

(You told me to make a cave for a magic sword, so please explain its intention and method.)

(Ah, in order to explain that, will you tell the story to Maou-sama?)

(Maou? Please wait a moment.)

Unlike s.h.i.+nichi, who is a novice mage, Ceres concentrates for a moment, and connects the channel of consciousness with the Demon King who is in his castle several kilometers away.

(Ceres, s.h.i.+nichi, is the mission going well?)

(We are still in the process of turning the hero down.)

s.h.i.+nichi will explain the strategy to persuade the Demon King to be intimate with Ariane.

(I'd like you to dig a suitable cave with the power of the demon king in the west mountain we are heading now, and stab a magic sword there.)

(Hmm, there is no need to say that.)

In the past, when the demon king practiced special training he dug up a mountain, while telling his terrible past work, the Maou tells his doubt.

(However, would it not only strengthen the hero?)

(Though magic swords are better than iron, it doesn't matter as it doesn’t pose a threat to the Maou. It is an omake to give appeal to rely on gifts of magical swords, what’s important is the『Trap』in the cave.)


s.h.i.+nichi laughs evilly.

(I trap Ariane and get her into a pinch, if I rescue her fiercely she will fall in love at first sight with me and she would say "Dear, hold me!")  

It is a human’s called "Suspension Bridge Theory" that misunderstands the pounding feeling felt in a crisis of life as a high sounding of love.

(Will it work so well?)

(Well, love at first sight is overwhelming, but would she hear the story a little if I became her life benefactor?) 

Only for Ariane who is serious and has a strong sense of justice, the effect will be tremendous. As evidence, s.h.i.+nichi stops the mind talk once and shakes the topic to the next girl.

“By the way, was Ariane invited by that bishop to be a Hero?"

“That's right, Bishop Hugh said, I could receive the sanctification of the G.o.ddess”

“I see.”

“Even after I became a hero, he was a really good person, worried, about me bought me meals. If I had a father, it would be like this, ehehee”

“Hee, is that so?”

“Yes! Therefore, for the bishops also, we must do our best to defeat the Demon King!"

“That's right.”

s.h.i.+nichi resumes the talk with the Maou while hitting the appropriate hammer.


(Thus, Ariane is simple and is easy to feel indebted. If I don't sell my kindness to the bishop at least, the persuasion will fail)

(Well, I understand, but......)

(You're not doing a big deal with that Bishop, are you?) 

As the Demon King says, what Bishop Hugh did is not so deeply indebted. Ariane was chosen to be the hero of the G.o.ddess, and it was due to the ability and the character of Ariane herself to the end. The bishop who invited her to receive the protection, might just want an excellent p.a.w.n. It is a situation that the desire of a middle-aged man to a pretty girl is caught, and it is reported to the police if it is in j.a.pan who will deal with this matter.

(What does this hero say)

(Yes, I think so, too......)

They were a little worried about the future though it was thankful as the capture side.

(Anyway, what kind of traps do we have?)

(First of all, it's better for her to be alone with me──) 

s.h.i.+nichi hasn't forgotten the conversation with Ariane while exchanging the discussion in his mind.

“When I’m with Ariane, I feel really calm”

“Is, Is that so?”

“Ariane is the first person to be so relaxed”


“Ah, I'm so happy to be friends with you”

“Ehehee, I’m also glad that I became friends with s.h.i.+nichi” 

s.h.i.+nichi was not able to be relied on as a hero and praised Ariane, who had long lived a loner’s life.

“......Guess it is ……”  

s.h.i.+nichi didn't notice the mutter of Ceres who had been busy and the huddle with the Maou.

“This is the cave where the magic sword sleeps”

Everyone stayed overnight in the forest, and a big hole was open on the hillside where they finally arrived.

“This? It feels strangely new, but......”

Moss does not grow on the bedrock, and it looks like the cave was forcibly dug with powerful magic yesterday. Ariane tilted her head.

“It's just your imagination”


A shake was issued by s.h.i.+nichi who denied the fact completely before he and Ariane stepped into the dark hole.

“Please take care of your feet”

Ceres also put the magic of 『Light source』and chase after those two.

“By the way, it may be the first time to explore a cave."

“It's surprising, you certainly had exterminated demon beasts before, right? Have you not killed monsters sleeping in the depths of the cave and were about to rob the treasure?"

“I’m not a thief! I only get rid of dangerous demon beasts that have come down to the country and in the first place there are not many demon beasts in the first place."

In addition, demon beasts are animals who have mutated by magical power but still have the intelligence of animals. They could not have a treasure useful for humans.

“Because you’re really strong, don’t you have a romance like getting rid of a dragon and aim for fortune?"

If the story heard from Ceres is true, then a dragon is equal to, or better than the Demon King, so it is not easy to get rid of it, but it would be worth challenging as a G.o.ddess's hero. s.h.i.+nichi thought so and told Ariane as a topic without a deep meaning──


Ariane makes a vague reply and suddenly clouds her face.

(Uh? Did I say something annoying?)

(She doesn't like reptiles?) 

Not knowing that a faux pas was made, s.h.i.+nichi and Ceres look at each other's faces. To ease those two, Ariane tried to put out a bright voice.

“Ah, I see something!"

It was a rough door just to the rocks that appeared to stop going. There, it was written in common language understood by Ariane, that──In the future, only one pair of man and woman can enter.

“What does this mean?"

“I don't know, but it seems that only two people can enter. Ceres-san I'm sorry, but can you wait here?"


When he exchanged words with Ceres, s.h.i.+nichi took Ariane's hand and put his other hand on the door.

“Then, shall we go?”

“U, Uh”

It's almost like a wedding, so Ariane turned red and shut her mouth. When both put their hand on it, the door of the rock which seems to be heavy opens easily. And, as soon as they pa.s.sed through, it closed again without making a sound.

(This, how does this work?)

(Of course, it's my magic)

In the head of the doubtful s.h.i.+nichi, the voice of Maou, the creator of the cave, echoes.

(I couldn't make magic tools and I didn't have time to make the dark elves do it, so I moved it with 『Thought power』 a little bit away)

(What is that, a manual automatic door) 

While being amazed by the advanced low tech, s.h.i.+nichi moves forward as if he were scouting.

(By the way, what have you prepared for what I wish for the future?)

s.h.i.+nichi who had demanded that "Ariane was cornered in a pinch" to the Demon King, but doesn’t know the details yet. However, the Demon King does not answer and only laughs.

(Huhuhuu, it'll be fun to watch)

(Well then I will not ask but can it be defeated by me properly?)


(Ah, what!?)

s.h.i.+nichi feels a great anxiety when he came here, but he has no time to rethink the strategy and has reached the goal early.

“Look at that!"   

A sword stuck in the center of a large s.p.a.ce that appeared beyond the narrow corridor. It was as s.h.i.+ning as the holy sword which selected King Arthur, and it was understood by s.h.i.+nichi at a glance from a distance.

“Amazing, it was really!”

Ariane rushes out with excitement alone and holds the handle of the sword. At that moment, a black translucent liquid came down from above and swallowed her body.


Despite the sudden commotion, Ariane desperately struggles to escape from the liquid. However, the liquid moves against gravity and struggle is useless.


(It is also the kind called the worst slime, 『Erosion』. It was taken in at a young age and it was a bit handy)

“And you are saying that so carefree huh!" 

The black liquid──gluttony slime begins to dissolve the prey early in front of s.h.i.+nichi who shouts aloud instinctively. Therefore, first of all the clothes that Ariane wore dissolved.

“Ga, Gabagababa......!! (Do, Dont look!)" 

s.h.i.+nichi doesn't believe that one of the three fantasy erotic thoughts can be seen with his eyes, so that he had forgotten the situation while making a thumbs up. However, he has no time to be an idiot forever. First the clothes which is a boys dream, then the skin and then the internal organs will be melted, which is a deadly way of death.

“Wait, I will help you!" 

While pulling out the sword, he takes care not to hit Ariane, before slas.h.i.+ng. However, only a thin sense of resistance like cutting water is felt. For a moment, the body of the slime that seemed to be slit stuck back to its original shape. Moreover, the cutting edge of the sword had melted as if it was exposed to acid.  

“This guy is really strong, isnt it!?" 

A gluttony slime is a monster that swallowed the opponent while disabling the physical attack with its liquid body. It was a danger reminiscent of creature and Shogos of Cthulhu mythology, also referred to as a source of slime.

(How do I defeat this?)

(Burn its body with 『Flames』)

(After all, it is fire, but, the heating power that I can put out......)


Although s.h.i.+nichi became an ordinary magician with rapid training, there is a doubt as to whether he can burn a giant slime as much as a sphere with a diameter of 3 m.

(It's possible for me now, and if possible, I don't want to hurt Ariane, just beat the slime......this is it!)  

Inspiration, s.h.i.+nichi applied his right hand to his side head while amplifying the image .


The memory that a person in question thinks that they had forgotten, it still remains in their brain but cannot be recalled because they don't connect it to the fact. From the Sea of memories that s.h.i.+nichi can never recall, he pulls out the information that he desired with magic.

“Guu......I found it"  

A tremendous load is applied to his brain and s.h.i.+nichi laughs through the agony. His greatest weapon is a despicable and willing idea, a vast knowledge gained only by the j.a.panese in the 21st century, which is the foundation that creates that idea. Deep knowledge strengthens the image, and the image which became clear gains substance by magic. s.h.i.+nichi grasping the porch of his waist poured all the magic of his.

“(C3H3NaO2) n, swallow everything and eat it, 『Atomic structure conversion』!"  

The food and potion that were in the pouch turn into clear, transparent grains. s.h.i.+nichi flung the pouch towards the slime. The pouch is swallowed by the slime and is digested. However, the liquid body that swallowed to the grain at the moment of touching, shrank rapidly.

“Ee......gehoo, gehoo......!” 

Suddenly liberated, Ariane looks at the slime body that boasted of softness like water, get absorbed more and more by the grain and solidifies like clay.

“Even if I say it's the raw material of a diaper that absorbs even a thousand times of water, a water-absorbent polymer──I don't know what you're talking about"   

While speaking, s.h.i.+nichi swings the sword down to the slime. The slime which lost its physically ineffective soft body was unable to endure even a blow of a sword and died.

(Brilliant, I guess that there is such a way to beat it)

(I never thought the day would come when I would defeat a slime with diapers) 

Returning a bitter smile to the demon king's praise, s.h.i.+nichi looked at the wreckage of water absorbing polymer.

(However, it is effective so far. Does the thing created by magic improve the ability still?)  

The fruit was too sweet beyond what it should have been. The acoustic grenade, the tear gas bullet and the vanilla essence that defeated Ariane also seemed to be more effective than the original. It may possibly be altered by s.h.i.+nichi 's image and magical power, which is completely different from the actual thing on earth.

(What is it that you create yourself, scary this magic)

(I'm just not accustomed to it now)

(I hope so......but I got it)

After carelessly talking to the Demon King, s.h.i.+nichi rushed over to Ariane.

“Are you okay!?”

“Gehoo......uh, thank you, s.h.i.+nichi is my life saver" 

Ariane looks up with a happy smile though she has teary eyes and is coughing. When s.h.i.+nichi saw her, he smiled.

“Thank you in various ways!"


s.h.i.+nichi looks happily staring at the front──Ariane also looked at her body and hardened. Due to the erotic slime solution, her clothes were melted more than half even her underwear and she is almost naked.


Naturally, Ariane screams and hides her body. Curling like an egg, with both hands, she holds her neck.

(Uh? Now that's......)  

It did not conceal the chest and the crotch, and the unnatural movement had drawn attention to itself. For a moment, s.h.i.+nchi saw it, and uses “Retrieval” on his brain again, tilting his neck anew.

“Ariane, emm───”

“Don't look, don't looookkk───!!" 

Even if he calls out, Ariane cries like a child and screams so much that he can’t talk.

“Oh, my, for now──"

“Why don't you apologize for dying?" 

Suddenly, a extremely cold voice that freezes even snow came from the back of s.h.i.+nichi.

“Uoo! Ce, Ceres-san?” 

The maid who was standing behind was supposed to have parted in front of the door of the rock. Ceres, with a very nice smile, looked at s.h.i.+nichi and the naked Ariane.

“I heard a scream, so I came to look, but it seems that I have disturbed the fun?"
“No, it's a misunderstanding! It's not like you're imagining an indecent act, right?"

To escape from the maid’s bloodl.u.s.t, s.h.i.+nichi desperately seeks help from Ariane behind, and the Demon King connected by thought. But──

“It was seen, it has been seen......"

(Well, I should return and read the picture book to Reno)  

The victim just cries and the witness withdrew.

“Wa, wait!" 

Whether she prepared a slime or not, s.h.i.+nichi 's shoulder trying to stop Ceres is penetrated by her nails.

“Still talking?"

“......Just one thing, okay?"

“Go ahead.”

Inspired by Ceres’ cold smile, s.h.i.+nichi grasping her shoulders told her that with a more serious face.

“You truly have big t.i.ts."

“I know, lowlife."

The maid kicks s.h.i.+nichi square in the crotch. It's not crushed, but his voice goes up a few octaves. Thank you for that! The boy was not an advanced player.

After explaining the circ.u.mstances and misunderstanding to Ceres, s.h.i.+nichi gained the magical Sword that had been melted and returned to the Boa Kingdom.

“Ah, I'm really tired"  

s.h.i.+nichi, who finally came back to the inn, lay down on the bed immediately, mostly from mental exhaustion than flesh. He kept thinking about the frightened Ariane, who has been silent since the slime incident.

“It was not a feeling of being disliked, but......" 

Although there was a little unexpected trouble,『My own self-made suspension bridge strategy』seems to have been successful. Just after the rescue from the slime, Ariane certainly had appreciation and goodwill. The problem is that s.h.i.+nichi has seen her naked, if you think from the usual girlfriend, even if they're shy, being silent is a little funny. Then, why did Ariane have a dark face and was depressed.

“s.h.i.+nichi, you got a second?"  

After his thoughts, Ariane came to visit. s.h.i.+nichi got off the bed and opened the door.

“It's okay, come in"
“Uh, thank you......”

When invited into the room, Ariane hesitated for a few seconds and then slowly came in with a sad face like a general who challenged the demon king.

“I don't have a chair, but sit down on the bed for now."

Ariane sits on the bed as told and s.h.i.+nichi sits beside her. Ariane could not complain even if she was suddenly knocked down, but it was a too defenseless att.i.tude and now she could not afford to notice such a thing.

“Emm, s.h.i.+nichi.”
“That, I......did you see?” 

s.h.i.+nichi dared not say anything. It was probably because there was a pleasant expectation that if it was not seen to be stare at naked so much, he could not finish with a joke. Of course, s.h.i.+nichi had seen through all the feelings of Ariane. On top of that, he will tell her clearly without doing anything wrong.

“I saw it, it was on your throat."  

s.h.i.+nichi points at Ariane's neck hidden with a red scarf with his right index finger. Then, like a prisoner who had been told her capital crime, Ariane turned blue and shook, but she finally removed the m.u.f.fler with a face that gave up everything. s.h.i.+nichi doesnt think that she is the hero who damaged the Demon King, with her thin white neck. On the center, a red color as vivid as blood and reverse pentagon-like fragments ── was growing scales.

“I'm sorry to deceive you, this is who I am.”
“Is that the scales of a dragon?"  

While apologizing with a face that seems to cry, Ariane admits with a nod.

“Yes, I'm a human who has dragon's blood, 『Half-dragon tribe』......"  

The expression of no confidence is because she does not know the dragon which is her father. It is said that she traveled by moving from town to the town with her mother since she was little.

“If the scales were found out or suspected, I couldn't be there anymore. I've been traveling for a long time, because my mother ruined her body, three years ago......”

Her mother herself strongly refused to ask the G.o.ddess’s priests for treatment and resurrection. I was free, but there seemed to be a personal reason or something more. However, the unknown reason remains as a thorn in Ariane's chest now.


To understand the pain of losing an important person only a little, s.h.i.+nichi can only do a nod.

“Therefore, in order to live by myself, I started work on demon extermination. Because I have dragon’s blood, my body was robust." 

It is needless to say how dangerous it was for a girl of twelve or thirteen years at that time to fight against demon beasts alone, though, Ariane laughed by saying so.

“When I did my best and got rid of monsters, everyone was pleased. Saying thank you, the kids gave me flowers, and grannies treated me to soup."
“You seem to be liked by children and old people.”


When s.h.i.+nichi said so, Ariane laughed only a little again and looked down with a dark face at once.

“But there were just as many people who looked frightened.”

It might be cruel indeed to mindless people. For a average person, a toothless demon, is easily killed by Ariane. So what if she's cutting the blade? It is a reason to understand as a child how she becomes.

“So, I could not stay long in one place and I was on a journey like before."  

It is trouble even if the ident.i.ty is known, and even if you exterminate monsters, the seeds of rice will also be gone.

“And one year ago, when I came to this kingdom of Boa, I was invited by bishop Hugh."

Will you be a G.o.ddess’s hero? At first Ariane refused. Because half dragon people like her thought that a monster could not receive the G.o.ddess’ consecration. But──

“When I became a hero, I thought that it is good even if I stay here that everyone admits me......”  

In fact, after becoming a hero, the people who feared Ariane decreased. The guarantee of a hero who the G.o.ddess, who everyone believes admires, was as powerful as that.

“But after all, I was a monster. I forgot about it, I was able to make friends, and it was cheerful......I'm really sorry”  

That said, Ariane once again lowered her head. Her usual brightness hides her weakness. A strong sense of justice is the development of a young approval request that someone wants to admit. Knowing the true nature of such a hero, what s.h.i.+nichi thought was──

“It’s a strange coincidence that there's a culture in this world where you lower your head and apologize."

That was a good thing.


Ariane didn't understand what was said and s.h.i.+nichi mysteriously tilted his neck to Ariane who had a stupid face.

“I understand the circ.u.mstances that you became a hero. But, why did you have a face like "Eternal Farewell" since a little while ago?"
“Emm, well, I'm a half dragon human."
“No, you don’t know that?" 

Obstructing her words that repeat as if she is impatient, s.h.i.+nichi asks a question.

“A hero who has dragon blood is super cool!"   

The air in the room froze somehow, though it were words of truth indeed.

“......Are you seriously saying that?" 

In the face of Ariane who asks incredible, the color of anger floats rather than amnesia.

“Ah, seriously, I'm serious. It is a ma.s.s of romance and existence that combines both  hero and dragon, the power of holy and evil!” 

It is likely to be ridiculed with two diseases in recent years, but the royal road is the royal road only because it receives it in the age of what time, and the cool one is good-looking. To s.h.i.+nichi which stresses so, Ariane involuntarily misunderstands.

“Lie! Evil dragon scales have grown, I'm a monster not different from demons, you have to feel bad!"
“Ah, I see." 

Looking at the way she gets angry, s.h.i.+nichi finally remembers one incident in the temple. The G.o.ddess hated the evil G.o.d the same as, or more than, the evil dragon which is an evil creature of death. Therefore, a half-dragon human who has the blood of a dragon would be abhorred as well. However, the value of this world does not necessarily agree with the sensitivity of s.h.i.+nichi.  

“Hey, you think you're feeling bad!"
“No, not at all" 

To Ariane shouting with a crying face, s.h.i.+nichi shakes his head sideways. He sees her throat again, but because he isn't familiar with it, he feels uncomfortable, but no fragments such as disgusting spirited up. Generally, it can be a l.u.s.t for a snake woman or a spider woman, which is rather insulting, for a male born in HENTAI powered j.a.pan thinking she is scary with scales.

“It is certainly scaly, but it is not very lively and glittering like beautiful gems"
“They’re beautiful, do not even say such a thing as a joke!"
“That's why I've only told you the truth."

s.h.i.+nichi is a cheat sprainmaker who can do whatever he wants for a purpose, but against a girl who is seriously troubled, he’s not so scarred as to deceive her with lies. It means, that s.h.i.+nichi did not have a technique, who could manipulate a woman so well. Even so, Ariane sticks to his words stubbornly.

“If you say so, try to touch my scales!"

Anyhow her feelings went wrong and immediately──Ariane's prediction broke down with a second.

“Eh, is it okay?”  

s.h.i.+nichi is rather full of joy and reaches for her throat. The red scales touched softly was a hard, slick texture, slightly colder than the surrounding skin.

“It's totally different from snakes and fish. It doesn't have a slimy feeling”

“Is this skin keratinized like a nail? Or is it tooth like enamel? Rather, it is the same calcium as bone......interesting"


Being driven by curiosity and touching without reserve, Ariane who blushed leaks a voice which bares something.

“Sorry, did it hurt?"
“It's alright......” 

In a hurry, s.h.i.+nichi let go of his hand, Ariane soon regained her calm, but her eyes seem to be reluctant to follow s.h.i.+nichi's fingers.

“More than that, I understood by this"  

Whatever, s.h.i.+nichi does not care at all. He intended to show it in his att.i.tude, but Ariane still waved herself to disappoint.

“No, no, I guess I was enduring......"
“Well then, what do you want me to do?"
“......Lick it"

“......Lick my scales with your tongue” 

That means that s.h.i.+nichi should kiss her neck.

“Are you serious?"

As being surprised to find out what to say, Ariane received it in a bad way, and faces down again with a dark face.

“You can’t do it, as I thought, it’s gross......"

“No, that's not it."
“Then, please lick it properly!" 

Ariane who desperately begs for a desperation with tears floating in her eyes. In a sense, it was a tremendously delicious situation, but it was naturally confusion rather than excitement that meets s.h.i.+nichi's head.

(What? Is licking the neck in this world a proof of truth or a mystery custom?)  

Perhaps, it is not such a custom. However, it is pleasant that s.h.i.+nichi touched the scales which are lumps of a complex in the proof of drawing blood of an abominable dragon, but it seems that the past sufferings seem to be lightly treated, but it became a nausea so s.h.i.+nichi guesses she just said that.

(Is it a child......) 

s.h.i.+nichi sighs deeply in his heart. The small body of Ariane was holding as though worried only a little by the balance of various problems originating by it’s own shame and the thing which refused.


“You have a surprisingly troublesome personality."

As he said that, s.h.i.+nichi sucked on the neck of Ariane like a blood-hungry vampire.

“Haa, uhhh!!”

When his wet tongue crawled on the surface of the hard scale, Ariane shakes her body like having bathed in an electric shock. However, when she retired here, s.h.i.+nichi drove himself and made his tongue dance without mercy. Licking, Chewing, Sucking.


Seeing that Ariane trembled even more, s.h.i.+nichi released his lips.


Ariane flushed, squirted her breath, looked up with luscious eyes, her usual energetic childish impression disappeared and she had a glossy woman's face.


The voice calling his name is more sweet than the candy ball produced by magic. It scratches s.h.i.+nichi's brain and burns down the calm part that remained a little.


s.h.i.+nichi silently pushed Ariane on the bed and also closed his eyelids without saying anything. Then, the two faces approach, and his lips which had touched the scales were about to kiss Ariane's lips now.

『s.h.i.+nichi-sama, is it okay just a minute?』

On the verge of touch, they were interrupted by the visit of Ceres.

“Wh, what shall I do? "
“Oh, calm down, there is something else, something else......"

『Oya? It's noisy, but can I come in?』 

The k.n.o.b of the door is slowly being turned around so that it flies apart and hurriedly chases down s.h.i.+nichi.

“Ee, uu......I'm sorry!”  

Ariane which was cornered suddenly opens the window of the room and has jumped from there.

“Hey, this is the second floor!"

The worry of s.h.i.+nichi was also empty and the hero of the G.o.ddess who landed gloriously ran away somewhere faster than a horse, raising an annoying loud voice in the middle of the night.

“No, don't run away......"
“It's a girl's heart, isn't it?" 

From the side of s.h.i.+nichi who was taken aback, the hand of Ceres who had entered unexpectedly stretched and closed the window. The door was also locked and unexpectedly chanted "silence" magic covered walls and floor, the soundproofing was perfect. The room was completely closed. In other words, no matter what kind of folding is done, neither scream nor help will reach outside.

“You know what I want to say, don’t you?"  

To the golden pupil about which it questions closely, s.h.i.+nichi agrees to all love affairs with Ariane. It’s said that neither deception will permit, and a will that was harder and colder than steel stayed.

“Did you see with 『See through』 magic......?"
“Of course, my job is to monitor and protect you" 

Even though the possibility was low, it might be a natural correspondence because Ariane had the danger of harming s.h.i.+nichi, too.

“s.e.xual hara.s.sment is not included in the content of my job, therefore it means that I'm not allowed to see female copulation with you"
“Wait, mating, that is──"
“You can absolutely say that you wouldn’t do it?"


s.h.i.+nichi looked away silently.  

“Haa~, it is necessary to carry out the retreat of the Maou and Reno like to the dog which attached this in the prime……”
“Have I been treated as a brute already?" 

All men are wolves──the counter-argument is swallowed, because it's just a waste.

“However, although it seemed to be a little overdoing, it seemed likely to make a mistake in adjustment, but to obtain favor of Ariane──"
“You want to say, for strategy? I know." 

Ceres obstructs s.h.i.+nichi's words of excuse.

“So, I'm not angry about that. Well, whether you are a pervert dog by licking a female throat and estrus, I do not feel anything at all."

The voice is flat as usual, but it is strongly a.s.serted. When he heard it, s.h.i.+nichi knew that it was a land mine, but he had thought about it.

“Ceres, maybe......Are you jealous?”

Self-consciousness is excessive, guesses──scolding along with magic attacks that won’t kill. Contrary to such expectations, Ceres told s.h.i.+nichi to stand down after a brief silence.

“......even though I want you to say you love me.”
“──Or so I said, you have been tricked.”

“I was played!"

From turning over the reaction, she was aiming for a full smile, and s.h.i.+nichi cursed her foolishness who seriously moaned.

“Well, keep the comic dialogue to this much."
“Ceres-san, do you like comedy with a cool face?"
“I do not mind dropping the hero by a love affair. But are you not being dropped by the hero?"


A sore spot is pierced and s.h.i.+nichi cannot issue reb.u.t.tal words. The person in question was conscious of the mummy taking becoming a mummy.

“To be honest, I did not expect Ariane to be such a person."

The Hero of justice chosen by the G.o.ddess tries to exterminate the evil Demon King. The Hero of such a folklore story became a real person, at first, it looked so.

“She loves justice, hates evil, pure and straight and strong──in other words, a childish and bigoted person who does not recognize other values. If that were the case, I would have failed without mercy."

However, the actual Ariane was completely different. Because she is a half dragon and lived while deprecating herself for a long time, continued to fight without any other way of gaining sustenance, she was a pitiful girl who could not appreciate her value only by being brave enough to defeat evil.

“If you do not look down, you may get angry, I thought she was sorry. I wanted to help if I could."
“Is it because she is a cute girl?"

“Of course, that's the most important point!" 

Taking the joke of Ceres, s.h.i.+nichi powerfully swears. After all she's a saint, not a genie nor a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Ariane isn't motivated to save all mankind, but those who are loyal to their desires to help them with all her might.  

“Also, she was a bit like an old acquaintance"

Ceres does not ask what kind of person it is. For the first time s.h.i.+nichi came to realize that he was no longer on Earth and had cloudy eyes.

“That's why I want to help Ariane"

A half-dragon is a trivial thing, so don't suffer from suffering. After all, s.h.i.+nichi is not an ally of justice, but a staff of evil who serves the Demon King. Let's ruin the girl's complex under the name of self-satisfaction.

“You're the one who really is──"

Ceres held his mouth in her hand. It is because she was able to see him with a gentle smile.


“I understand the situation well.”

To the dubious s.h.i.+nichi, Ceres returns to her usual effrontery and reports.

“But I don't want you to forget the original purpose of trying to subdue the enemy who will harm Maou-sama."
“Ah, I'm not about to lose sight of that."

If there is no need to be careful, s.h.i.+nichi nods deeply.

“If I were to eliminate Ariane, I would have already had the cards."

He only has to spread the ident.i.ty of half dragon to this country. Still, s.h.i.+nichi does not care at all, and the close person like the shopkeeper here will touch without worrying. But many others do not.

“I will discriminate under the justice of saying that the G.o.ddess is evil"

The root is the black feeling that everyone has as a human. Fear for those who are stronger than yourself, envy to a successful person named hero, a feeling of evasion to a different thing called half-dragon. Moreover, if the other party is young and lovely girl, predominance men and women who grudge the beauty will just beat her up.

“People's misfortune is a taste of honey, it’s fun to hit someone under the name of justice."

Unfortunately, even in the 21st century Earth, this kind of discriminating sentiment has not disappeared, and perhaps even in the distant future where mankind has left for the outer universe it won't disappear.  

“I'm not sure. That hero is strong, right. Isn't that all?”
“That simple idea of a demon, I like it"

s.h.i.+nichi continues talking with a bitter smile to Ceres who twists her head unable to understand.

“Anyway, if I spread that she is a half dragon, it is possible to eliminate Ariane. Furthermore, it will be easy to make friends if gently comforting the depressed Ariane."
“But you do not want to do that?"

s.h.i.+nichi returns a nod to the question of Ceres and thinks silently. The conclusion was put out.

“I want to talk to the Maou."


According to his request, Ceres sends a speech to the Maou in the castle. However, it was the voice of a pretty girl that echoed in the head of s.h.i.+nichi.

『Onii-san, what's wrong this late at night?』

“Reno-chan, is the Maou not there?”

『Dad is right next to me. He was just reading a book"』

『Umu, what's wrong s.h.i.+nichi』
“No, I wonder what's wrong......”

It was like an amateur radio and s.h.i.+nichi was surprised that Reno had a natural thrust, or that he was worried about the need for eavesdropping measures. However, there is no time to occupying such a trivialities now.

“Just listen to me, Reno-chan."

In Reno's wish to eat the delicious food of the human world, the Demon King moves and s.h.i.+nichi is summoned to the present. Contrary to her will, that it would fall, is preposterous. s.h.i.+nichi did not conceal his idea and the desire to the Maou. The probability that the future strategy succeeds, the disadvantage when it fails, and the insurance of the accident are not concealed. The answer was indeed simple though two people silently heard it, and the demon king opened his mouth first of all.

『s.h.i.+nichi, I left it to you. Then, you should do whatever you like』

The success and failure of the va.s.sal, the king doesn’t hesitate to take it all.

“.....Really, you are the Maou."

He narrowed his eyes to laughter, and while knowing that he could not convey it in a sense, he lowered his head deeply. The Maou is a brain muscle, but s.h.i.+nichi admires from the heart that power and magnanimity are definitely that of a king. Followed by her great father, the little daughter opens her mouth.

『I'm not sure it's difficult for Reno to tell you what Onii-san is doing』

Even though Reno is a rare intelligence sect in the brain muscle tribe, it might be a little cruel for this young child as the appearance to be ten to understand the complex society of human and s.h.i.+nichi and guesses scheme which abused it. But──

『I want to help Ariane-onee-san, too. She's all alone』

Just listening to the story, Reno worried about the girl who she didn't know the face, and wished to reach out to her.

“......Reno-chan, you truly are a angel”

『Hue? Angel, what's that?』

“In this world, there is a G.o.ddess but there is no angel…...well, I mean, you're super cute! "


s.h.i.+nichi doesn't know if it's just a reminder, but imagine Reno, who probably has a bright red face, s.h.i.+nichi floats a smile. It changed feelings after the attention story was finished and nothing more was said by a demon’s foolish parent.

“Alright, concerns have disappeared with this."

More than the Demon King and Reno, who entrust everything to s.h.i.+nichi to carry out the strategy in full. If the operation is a great success, Ariane will become an ally. On the other hand, if it fails, the truth will die, but insurance will eliminate the hero. At the very least, obligation to the demon's people come true. So he leaves his selfish and puts his best to a low-odds bet.

“I am the one who hands out the bills, but that's why I choose a waste tag. Well, what will you cut?" 

It is not s.h.i.+nichi to determine the fate of the Kingdom of Boa and the Demon tribe. It will be the hero of the G.o.ddess with a secret and the bishop.

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Hero Blessed By The Demon King, The Largest Human Traitor!? Volume 1 Chapter 6 summary

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