Hero Blessed By The Demon King, The Largest Human Traitor!? Volume 2 Prologue

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Another continent of the three already existing continents in this different world, was Europa. The huge town that was built almost in the center of the continent, was the only holy city without a ruler claiming to be king or emperor. There was only one existence ruling this city. The G.o.ddess, Erezonia, She has built this town after her first landing on this planet, and she was at the top of the organization, which now had more than 10 million followers, The Great Temple. The large temple, made of pure white marble, s.h.i.+ned dazzlingly under the light of the sun. This was the symbol of the G.o.ddess and a shrine of divinity spreading it’s heavenly aura. However, in the deepest part of such an awe-inspiring great temple, a fishy trial was being held.  

"From now on, I will pa.s.s on the judgment"

Four elders openly spoke, sitting before the statue of the first pope who carved the world imagined by the G.o.ddess. They were the cardinals who supervised the great temple on behalf of the current pope who was sick. Under the cold gaze of the four elders was an accused youthful man who was in his thirties. He was Bishop Hugh who once had control of the Boa Kingdom.

“The defendant, Bishop Hugh, attacked the hero Ariane like a wicked wolf, not only did he anger the G.o.ddess Erezonia, he also destroyed the temple in the Boa Kingdom. This is an unforgivable sin"
“Please wait, as I have said many times beofre, that was──”  

Although Hugh tried to make an excuse in a desperate manner, the priest who stood behind him hit him with a spear as Hugh was silenced immediately. His clumsy appearance has already been seen, and the four cardinals boldly made their judgment without mercy and disdain in their eyes.

“Therefore, Defendant Hugh, will be deprived of his rank of Bishop, and will be punished with a prison sentence in the dungeons for ten years"

Hugh who had just been told his judgment, became numb as his blood stopped still and with his now pure, white face, talked, with a voice full of despair. Not only was he deprived of his position and honor, which he had built up as a follower of the G.o.ddess for decades, he had also been sentenced to live in the dark dungeons for the remaining future.

“Mercy, have mercy!!” 

The voice that returned from the cardinal was now much colder, colder than a river that had frozen in winter. Although Hugh was constantly hit by the priest he still shouted desperately.

“Considering your past achievements, this is your mercy"
“That's right. It hurts to lose a promising hero, but the crime that caused the G.o.ddess's temple to collapse is heavier than anything else"
“And it is a crime that caused us to lose our credibility in the Boa kingdom"
“I'm saddens me to say this, but if we don't punish you, we can't show ourselves to others"  

The Cardinals had a disappointed facial expression while standing towards the young person who had climbed up to the rank of Bishop rapidly, but in their hearts there was confusion. However, even if this was subtracted, the crime of Hugh who had scratched their majesty, their G.o.ddess, this would never be permitted.

“In prison, pray to G.o.ddess Erezonia and compensate for your sins"
“Please listen to me! Everything is a plan of that evil man, I´m not at fault!!"
“......Alright, let's go”

Two priests took Hugh on both of his sides and dragged him away with force, while he still resisted.

“By apostateee───!!”  

Was this the resentment directed to the black haired boy? Who had turned him down, or was it directed to the cardinals who punished him? Hugh was dragged out of the room, and the heavy door closed, as it ended without anyone knowing it.

“Well well, young people really don't have any self-control"
“That's right. There is no point in any instruments that can not recognize their own failure"
“He was blessed with talent and he climbed up to the top without knowing his failure, so we had no choice"
“He has already been judged, so we don't need to blame him any further"  

The four old men began to sigh with tiredness and soon returned to the face of a stern cardinal.

“However, we can't leave the demons that appeared in the valley of the Boa kingdom alone"
“That's right. If we leave those wicked demons alone, then the prestige of the G.o.ddess´s teachings will fall”
“However, the demon who appeared was claiming to be the blue devil king, I heard that even Ariane couldn’t scratch him before she escaped"
“It is horrible to imagine that that girl who defeated the gigantic black wolf, who not even our warriors could defeat, lost so strongly......" 

Even though the cardinals were old, they were extraordinary magicians and immortal heroes who received the G.o.ddess's blessings. They were veterans who had eliminated demonic beasts since they were young. Cold sweat was floating on their foreheads by sensing the abilities of the Blue Devil King.

“If we use all the forces of the Great Temple, it wouldn't be impossible to defeat them”
“That's right. But that is impossible"
“I have no idea what kind of calamity would be caused if we vacate here"
“Sadly, we are not monolithic either” 

A sharp light ran in the cardinal's seemingly gentle eyes like a blade. The Pope, who stood at the top of the G.o.ddess, was about to be called to heaven in the near future by a disease which couldn’t be cured by magic. Then, one of the four cardinals would be elected as the next pope. The apex of the G.o.ddess’ teachings, with more than 10 million followers, was equal to the ruler of this continent, Europa. Although the motives of the individual were different, such as a faith or another honorable desire, the four of them who climbed up to the cardinal rank were strong, upward-minded people. Naturally, the sparks were sprinkled violently under the surface of the next pope's position. For them, the conquest of the Blue devil king, which suddenly appeared, was a dangerous and bottomless swamp that could turn out to be  the greatest opportunity to reach get an advantage and claim the role as pope. It was a mighty demon, who even the hero, Ariane, who was known by the name of『Red』 couldn't defeat. If one succeeded in this subjugation of the demon king and was one the G.o.ddess's blessed, then that person would undoubtedly be elected as the next pope. However, if the authority was lost, if they failed, they would end like Hugh. In the meantime, if they leave The Great Temple for too long, believers under their control would be pulled out and the ground may be greatly sc.r.a.ped away. For the Cardinals, the Doggu valley had turned into a chestnut in a fire that was delicious but inexhaustible.

“For now, let's not stop, but proceed"
“That's right. If the Cardinals move lightly, it will make us feel uneasy"
“Nonetheless, is there no hero superior to Ariane?"
“Even those who are somewhat inferior, shouldn’t we create a party?" 

When the only female cardinal proposed so, the three old men had a difficult face.

“It is a good idea, but a hero has many difficulties with character, as a person who has some ability, they act only with a few companions......”
“That's right. That's why Ariane was our hope for the future"
“Bishop Hugh really did a good thing" 

Unfortunately, the cardinals were relieved, too. Because, Hugh did not belong under any of the four of them, and he was aiming to be a cardinal. It is undesirable that Ariane, who was under him in rank took too much credit too. Unfortunately none of the 4 cardinals could put Ariane under them now because of Hugh´s scandal.

“There is no way to rely on those who are not there. So, I think I'll try to Sanctine”

The proposal came from the eldest Cardinal, the man who was closest to the Pope, Crancrum, the other three people said "I thought so".

“Do you want to take out Lord Crancrum's treasure, the Saint Sanctine?"
“If she and warrior priests team up, they certainly might be able to slaughter the demon king"
“Then, let's do that” 

The other three cardinals accepted the proposal of Crancrum surprisingly obediently. If nothing else occurs, he would be chosen as the next pope, so it would be better if he failed here and tainted his already too good reputation. In addition, if they sabotaged the poor Crancrum here, they were afraid of his revenge when he became the pope after subduing the demon king. It might have been with the antic.i.p.ation of the proposal pa.s.sing from such a calculation. Crancrum nodded with a smile and spoke out toward the outside of the room.

“I agree with you. Sanctine, please come in"
“Yes, Crancrum-sama” 

With a lovely reply like a bell, the door opened and a girl came in. Clear white skin and a transparent, platinum blond, long haired girl that would be reminiscent of the sun. The beautiful girl said to have the same image as G.o.ddess Erezonia was The Saint Sanctine.

“Cardinals, it's been a long time"  

The three other Cardinals murmured with admiration, instinctively, to the appearance of Sanctine who bowed gracefully by lifting the hem of her white priestess cloth.

“You have become more beautiful, Sanctine-sama"
“Besides, your magic power seems to have been brilliantly polished, too" 

Ironically, Crancrum´s doll acted properly. Sanctine was a product of gold and power, created by Cardinal Crancrum. Crancrum seeked out beautiful and talented people who he put under his wings and raised them with his money, letting them learn magic. Among them, was the strongest hero. He who was the best magician, who thoroughly imprinted the belief of the G.o.ddess’ religion, was but a faithful p.a.w.n to Crancrum. It was Saint Sanctine. The brainwas.h.i.+ng education and the genetic screening was no longer insane.

“Sanctine, you will go with them to attack and eliminate the demon king in the Doggu Valley"
“Yes, Crancrum-sama. No matter what the sacrifice is, I will definitely destroy the G.o.ddess’ enemy" 

Sanctine would take care of cardinal Crancrum's orders without fear, because she was raised to be like a daughter to him. With a pure smile worthy of a saint, she believed in the justice and love of the G.o.ddess, Erezonia.

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Hero Blessed By The Demon King, The Largest Human Traitor!? Volume 2 Prologue summary

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