Xiling Empire Chapter 7

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(Ch.7) Formidable Little Sister

So, Pandora moves into my home.
Although there's still a lot of things about her ident.i.ty that couldn't be
explained, but Jing doesn't seem to care. She is already treating Pandora as
her real sister. She is supersaturated with sympathy she couldn't even imagine
how terrifying an unknown organism the "poor girl" in front of her is.

I was still kind of worried about her ident.i.ty regarding citizens.h.i.+p and records, but I was completely speechless after she showed me her certificate……

"Information processing in this world is very simple and outdated." She calmly regard the technology human are proud of as garbage.

If everything continues like this, it's really not that bad, the only difference is an extra disobedient sister. But I soon realize this is obviously not the only trouble she can bring me……

"Pandora, are you sure you want to go to school with me?" On the way to school, I am holding her transfer papers, which is giving me a headache. I really don't want this instability to be around human - although I want her to fit into human, I still don't feel comfortable to let her be alone. Not that she'll be bullied, I'm more worried
about her persecuting others……

"As the only guardian of Emperor in this world, I need to be around you whenever possible." Still emotionless, but I can hear the determination in her voice.

"Fine…… but you need to remember what I told you……"

"Jun!!" A voice from behind interrupted our quiet conversation. I turn around, Qian Qian is running towards us.

"Jun, why aren't you at school yesterday? You didn't even sign out……em? Who's this girl?"

"Lily Pan, my sister."

"Your sister?" Qian Qian looks surprised. She knows my background, this sister that popped out from nowhere really surprised her. "You have a sister!?!?"

"Ya…I didn't even imagine."

So, I repeated what I told Jing, and said, "So that's it. We are both adopted, we don't even know our last name, so I didn't tell her to change her last name. Her last name is Pan, but she is absolutely my sister."

"Ah…"Qian Qian's mouth opens widely. Things like this is too dramatic, usually only happens on television, but when it actually happens around her, she doesn't know how to react.

"It's really……unbelievable. Congratulations….."

Qian Qian bends down and touches Pandora's face while asking me, "your sister, she really can't see anything?"

"Yes," I said, patting Pandora's face, at the same time pulling her a bit backward. Although she is pretending to be blind as I wanted her to, I still worry Qian Qian will realize something if they are too close.

"There's nothing wrong with her eyes, but because of severe mental stimulation, she couldn't see anything……"

I'm not lying, she actually can't see anything with her eyes, but she has 132 more different ways of explore her surroundings.

"But, she should be going to blind school, why is the transfer paper in her hands to our school?"

I would be very happy if she would stay at home…… But obviously, I couldn't say that.

"Yes, but Lily insists to stay with me, so I agreed. And she can take good care of herself, although it might be a bit hard, she could definitely go to a normal school."

Realizing that the topic might hurt the little girl, Qian Qian switches the topic, and my whole body relaxed. If Qian Qian keep asking about Pandora, I really can't answer perfectly.

"Ok," at the school entrance, Qian Qian is holding Pandora's hand, "this is your school from now on. What do you think? Do you like it?……Oh, sorry, I forgot that you can't see……"

"I don't mind. " Pandora said indifferently, then slightly moves toward me, as if she doesn't like to talk to strangers.

At the same time, her robotic voice appears in my mind, "175 meters to the left-front, there is a dangerous carbon-based organism. He obtains primitive weapon, threat level low, do you wish to eliminate it now?"

"What?" At first I was confused, didn't know how to react. At the same time, we heard a gunshot to our front-left, and a group of students ran out from Canglan High school right beside us, the student at the front is yelling, "Run! They have guns!!"

School Shooting? No way!

And yet, we are "lucky" enough to run into this kind of stuff. More exactly, a normal student from public school runs into a school shooting at private school.

With a bunch of frightened yells, three tall strong men runs out from the school, each holding a gun! The strongest middle man is holding a student, and judging by she blood on his pants, he is obviously the victim of the gunshot we just heard.

Three men run toward a white car nearly, dragging the hostage, and randomly firing while they are running. Maybe because they are nervous, their bullets didn't harm anyone, but there are still students falling down with fright after bullets pa.s.sed right beside them - if this continues, students could be killed any time!

I have no time to worry about the story behind this shooting, there's only one thought left in my mind: "stop the three men! Otherwise anyone here could be harmed!"

It's impossible for me, if it happened two days ago, the only thing I would do is run away as fast as I can, but now I have another choice.

"Pandora, didn't you said that all Healing Apostles are natural soldiers? Can you solve this situation?"

"Receiving external commends……a.n.a.lyzing blurry commends……execute!"

Followed by horrifying low rumbles, the sky soon turns dark red. Numerous golden lines appear above us, eventually forming a golden clock covering the sky. As the clock appears, everything abruptly stops. Students running away become statues, flying dusts suspend in the air, so do flying pieces of paper and garbage. From far away, it looks like an old picture with uneven exposure, forming uneven dots.

I scan through Pandora, who is now wearing a tight alloy armor. Somehow, a sentence pops out of my mouth, "As I thought - hasn't gone through p.u.b.erty yet……"

First time seeing crazy things like this in real life, and I managed stay this calm, should I say I really have incredibly strong nerves?

Pandora didn't pay attention to my comment, she kept looking coldly forward.

The only things I can say is that this is just too science fiction…….way to science fiction

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Xiling Empire Chapter 7 summary

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