Boku wa Chiisana Maou-sama Chapter 25

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The first village Dirkhert has visited, has approximately 100 residents.
Naturally, it has only one single Inn. After greeting the villagers, the three people went to the inn at once.

「The three of us would like to stay, do you have a room?」

The curious Dirkhert who is exploring the inn is left to Meluerina and Volsung calls out to the woman behind the counter.

「Welcome. Three customers, is it? We have a vacant room. How many nights?」

Saying that, the woman takes out the Inn register. The woman asks while writing Volsung’s name down.

「When does the carriage to Lease comes again?」
「In two days」
「Two days……」

He turns around to look at Meluerina, and she comes to the counter as she was listening to the conversation.

「Two days is a little bit short. How many days it will take for the carriage after that to arrive?」
「That will be five days later」
「Five days is just perfect. We will stay for five nights」
「I understand. Adults are charged 4 Copper coins per night and children are charged for 2 Copper coins per night. Since it’s two adults and one child for five nights……」
「Five silver!」

Dirkhert answers before the woman could say the price.

「…… That’s correct. Oh my, you are quite a smart child, aren’t you?」
「He’s the master we are serving, after all」

Meluerina takes out five Silver coins while saying that.
In the meantime, Volsung fills the name of the three in the inn register.

「Nee, nee, Vol, what are you doing since a while ago?」

Dirkhert tries to look at the counter, but he’s unable to see because of his height. He can’t see while tiptoeing and he can’t see even after jumping.

「I’m filling our names into the inn register」
「Dirk can write Dirk’s name himself!」

He must be excited visiting an inn for the first time. He’s been actively moving all over since a while ago. That behavior is rare for the usually shy little Maou-sama. Isn’t this a good thing?Volsung thinks.
Not being able to reach the counter, Dirkhert takes the Volsung climb route.
He climbs up on Volsung’s body.

「Hey, Dirk-sama, that’s dangerous, you know!」

He wanted to stop him somehow, but Dirkhert somehow managed to climb on his back before that. Dirkhert looks at the Inn register from a top of Volsung’s broad shoulders.
But, Dirkhert gets disappointed after seeing that all their names are already written in the inn register.

「Vol you stupid…… name, I wanted to write it myself」
「Hahaha, what a lively young master」

The woman says and pats Dirkhert’s head over the counter.
Where did the vigor from just a little while ago disappear to? Dirkhert’s body suddenly stiffened, and he became docile. He descends from Volsung’s back and hides behind Meluerina.

「…… Ara?」

At his sudden change, the woman starts worrying if she did something wrong. But, hearing Meluerina’s words「He’s just shy」.
The woman nods in consent and comes out of the counter. She approaches Dirkhert, crouches down, and matches his eyes. And then, with a smiling face.

「Obachan is called Tris. Nice to meet you」

And then, she gently pats his head again.

「…… h.e.l.lo」

He says in a little voice.
The woman’s…… Tris’ smile became even more gentle and warm.

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Boku wa Chiisana Maou-sama Chapter 25 summary

You're reading Boku wa Chiisana Maou-sama. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Bokko. Already has 792 views.

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