The Corner House Girls Part 5

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"Of course, that was only the old wind," whispered Tess, at last.

"Ye-es. But the wind wasn't ever like that at home in Bloomingsburg,"

stammered Dot. "I-I don't believe I am going to like this big house, Tess. I-I wish we were home in Ess.e.x Street."

She actually burst out crying and ran to Ruth, who chanced to open the dining-room door. Agnes was with her, and the twelve year old demanded of Tess:

"What's the matter with that child? What have you been doing to her?"

"Why, Aggie! You know I wouldn't do anything to her," declared Tess, a little hurt by the implied accusation.

"Of course you haven't, dear," said Ruth, soothing the sobbing Dot.

"Tell us about it."

"Dot's afraid-the house is so big-and the doors rattle," said Tess.

"Ugh! it _is_ kind of spooky," muttered Aggie.

"O-o-o!" gasped Tess.

"Hus.h.!.+" commanded Ruth, quickly.

"What's 'spooky'?" demanded Dot, hearing a new word, and feeling that its significance was important.

"Never you mind, Baby," said Aggie, kissing her. "It isn't anything that's going to bite _you_."

"I tell you," said Ruth, with decision, "you take her out into the yard to play, Tess. Aggie and I will finish here. We mustn't let her get a dislike for this lovely old house. We're the Corner House girls, you know, and we mustn't be afraid of our own home," and she kissed Dot again.

"I-I guess I'll like it by and by," sobbed Dot, trying hard to recover her composure. "But-but it's so b-b-big and scary."

"Nothing at all to scare you here, dear," said Ruth, briskly. "Now, run along."

When the smaller girls had gone for their hats, Ruth said to Aggie: "You know, mother always said Dot had too much imagination. She just pictures things as so much worse, or so much better, than they really are. Now, if she should really ever be frightened here, maybe she'd never like the old house to live in at all."

"Oh, my!" said Aggie. "I hope that won't happen. For I think this is just the very finest house I ever saw. There is none as big in sight on this side of the parade ground. We must be awfully rich, Ruth."

"Why-why I never thought of that," said the elder sister, slowly. "I don't know whether we are actually rich, or not. Mr. Howbridge said something about there being a lot of tenements and money, but, you see, as long as Uncle Peter's will can't be found, maybe we can't use much of the money."

"We'll have to work hard to keep this place clean," sighed Aggie.

"We haven't anything else to do this summer, anyway," said Ruth, quickly. "And maybe things will be different by fall."

"Maybe we can find the will!" exclaimed Aggie, voicing a sudden thought.


"Wouldn't that be great?"

"I'll ask Mr. Howbridge if we may look. I expect _he_ has looked in all the likely places," Ruth said, after a moment's reflection.

"Then we'll look in the unlikely ones," chuckled Aggie. "You know, you read in story books about girls finding money in old stockings, and in cracked teapots, and behind pictures in the parlor, and inside the stuffing of old chairs, and--"

"Goodness me!" exclaimed Ruth. "You are as imaginative as Dot herself."

Meanwhile Tess and Dot had run out into the yard. They had already made a tour of discovery about the neglected garden and the front lawn, where the gra.s.s was crying-out for the mower.

Ruth said she was going to have some late vegetables, and there was a pretty good chicken house and wired run. If they could get a few hens, the eggs would help out on the meat-bill. _That_ was the way Ruth Kenway still looked at things!

The picket fence about the front of the old Corner House property was higher than the heads of the two younger girls. As they went slowly along by the front fence, looking out upon Main Street, they saw many people look curiously in at them. It doubtless seemed strange in the eyes of Milton people to see children running about the yard of the old Corner House, which for a generation had been practically shut up.

There were other children, too, who looked in between the pickets, too shy to speak, but likewise curious. One boy, rather bigger than Tess, stuck a long pole between two of the pickets, and when Dot was not looking, he turned the pole suddenly and confined her between it and the fence.

Dot squealed-although it did not hurt much, only startled her. Tess flew to the rescue.

"Don't you do that!" she cried. "She's my sister! I'll just give it to you--"

But there came a much more vigorous rescuer from outside the fence. A long legged, hatless colored girl, maybe a year or two older than Tess, darted across Main Street from the other side.

"Let go o' dat! Let go o' dat, you Sam Pinkney! You's jes' de baddes'

boy in Milton! I done tell your mudder so on'y dis berry mawnin'--Yes-sah!"

She fell upon the mischievous Sam and boxed both of his ears soundly, dragging the pole out from between the pickets as well, all in a flash. She was as quick as could be.

"Don' you be 'fraid, you lil' w'ite gals!" said this champion, putting her brown, grinning face to an aperture between the pickets, her white teeth and the whites of her eyes s.h.i.+ning.

"Dat no-'count Sam Pinkney is sho' a nuisance in dis town-ya-as'm! My mudder say so. 'F I see him a-tantalizin' you-uns again, he'n' me'll have de gre'tes' bustification we ever _did_ hab-now, I tell yo', honeys."

She then burst into a wide-mouthed laugh that made Tess and Dot smile, too. The brown girl added:

"You-uns gwine to lib in dat ol' Co'ner House?"

"Yes," said Tess. "Our Uncle Peter lived here."

"Sho'! I know erbout him. My gran'pappy lived yere, too," said the colored girl. "Ma name's Alfredia Blossom. Ma mammy's Petunia Blossom, an' she done was.h.i.+n' for de w'ite folks yere abouts."

"We're much obliged to you for chasing that bad boy away," said Tess, politely. "Won't you come in?"

"I gotter run back home, or mammy'll wax me good," grinned Alfredia.

"But I's jes' as much obleeged to yo'. On'y I wouldn't go inter dat old Co'ner House for no money-no, _Ma'am_!"

"Why not?" asked Tess, as the colored girl prepared to depart.

"It's spooky-dat's what," declared Alfredia, and the next moment she ran around the corner and disappeared up Willow Street toward one of the poorer quarters of the town.

"There!" gasped Dot, grabbing Tess by the hand. "What does _that_ mean? She says this old Corner House is 'spooky,' too. What does 'spooky' mean, Tess?"


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The Corner House Girls Part 5 summary

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