Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 10

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Mr. Thompson's ma.n.u.script is in perfect order, and is a most beautiful work. I have no hesitation in accepting it as a genuine work of Perugino, and the very folds of the drapery, when compared with the same arrangement in other pictures, will be found to ratify the attribution.

Comparison with the Perugia fresco (6), will give the probable date of the ma.n.u.script, and will afford a striking example of the readiness with which Perugino used over and over again the same theme, treated in the same manner, varying each representation in some slight, characteristic way, and yet preserving the same general effect which had pleased him so much in days gone by.




=The Baptism of Christ.= Panel. 029 022 = 11 in. 8 in. [24.]

St. John Baptist is pouring water from a sh.e.l.l upon the head of Our Lord, who stands with His feet in the river Jordan. Near by are two kneeling figures.

This closely resembles the same scene in the cathedral at Citta della Pieve, and is probably a copy.

_From the collection of the Archduke Sigismond at Innsbruck._

=St. Jerome.= Panel. 030 023 = 1 ft. 9 in. [25.]

The saint is kneeling before a crucifix. In his right hand he holds a stone, by his side is the lion, and on the ground a cardinal's hat.

_From the same collection._

=Madonna and Child.= 186 144 = 6 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 9 in. On paper.


The Madonna is on a throne holding the divine Child on her knees. On the right stand St. Jerome and St. Peter, and on the left St. John the Baptist and St. Paul.


_Purchased in 1796._

=Madonna and Child.= 085 062 = 2 ft. 10 in. 2 ft. [32.]

The divine Child, who is on the Virgin's knees, is in the act of imparting a benediction. Behind the Madonna are two female saints.

The picture is signed: =PETRVS PERVSINVS PINXIT.=



A Tondo of the Virgin kneeling before the divine Child, who is seated upon a sack and supported by an angel. Signed: =PETRVS PERVSINVS P.=

This closely resembles the picture in the Pitti.



=Madonna, Christ and St. John.= Oval, 069 060 = 2 ft. 3 in. 2 ft.


The Virgin is seated upon a stone bench and holds on her knees the infant Christ, who is turning toward St. John.

_This picture was at one time in the collection of the Princes of Conti in Florence. It was sold in 1850 to M. P. Vellati of Rome, and from him purchased with two pictures by Crivelli for the Gallery in 1862._



=Virgin and Child and St. John.= Panel. 2 ft. 2 in. 1 ft. 5 in. [181.]

The divine Child stands erect on a stone supported by the hands of the Madonna, who is by =His= side, and playing with a lock of her hair. St. John stands on the ground and has clasped hands and gazes in adoration at the Christ.

_This picture, which is painted in tempera, was obtained by the late Mr. Beckford in Perugia, and purchased of him for the Gallery in 1841._

On the hem of the mantle of the Virgin is inscribed: =PETRVS PERVGINVS.=

=The Virgin adoring the Divine Child.= Panel; centre 21 42. Side panels, each 110 42. [288.]

The left panel is inscribed below: =PETRVS PERVSINVS PINXIT.=

These three panels were originally in the Certosa di Pavia.

_These three panels were purchased from the Certosa by one of the Melzi family in 1786, and bought of Duke Melzi of Milan for the Gallery in 1856._

=The Virgin and Child and two Saints.= Panel. 60 x 411. [1075.]

This picture was ordered of Perugino by the testamentary executors of Giovanni Schiavone, a master carpenter of Perugia, in 1507, and was executed within that year, when it was placed over the altar of their chapel in S. Maria Nuova (de' Servi) in an elaborate carved but ungilt framework, said to be designed by Pietro himself. After the demise of the executors and their heirs the chapel reverted to the Frati Serviti, owners of the church, who subsequently sold the chapel with its contents to the Cecconi family, at whose extinction it was inherited by the family della Penna.

In 1822 Baron Fabrizio della Penna removed the picture to his palace in Perugia, leaving the frame _in situ_, in which at the same time was inserted a copy on canvas executed by a young Perugian painter, Giuseppe Carattoli.

_The picture was purchased for the National Gallery from the Baron della Penna in 1879._

=The Baptism of Our Lord.= Panel, 10 111. [1431.]

St. John the Baptist in the centre of the picture is pouring water from a cup on the head of the Saviour, who stands with His feet in the river. Two angels kneel to the right and two to the left, and behind them again stand four of the disciples, two on either side.

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Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 10 summary

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