Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 11

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See Chapter I. as to this picture, which I cannot accept as a work of Perugino. It is painted in oil upon an unprepared panel.

_Bought in Rome in 1894 for 400._

=The Adoration of the Shepherds.= Fresco transferred to canvas. 82 x 195. [1441.]

In the centre the infant Christ lies, supported by a cus.h.i.+on on a purple drapery on the open ground. Behind is a shed surrounded by a fence, within which cattle are lying. On the right and left kneel the Holy Virgin and St. Joseph, and behind them the shepherds approach with offerings. An angel is on either side in the sky.

This fresco was removed from the church at Fontignano in 1843, and is said to be the last work of the painter.

_It was purchased by the South Kensington Museum in 1862 from Mr. W.

B. Spence of Florence, and is now lent to the National Gallery._


=Study for the figures of Tobias and the Angel.= Brown and green.

=Study for the Head of a bearded Saint or Prophet.= Black and white on brown.

=Study for a Virgin and Child.=

=Study for an angel playing on a Violin.=

=Study of a Female Saint kneeling with clasped hands= (and draperies).

Her head-dress is twisted, and there is embroidery on her robe.

Brown heightened with white.

=Study for an Adoration of the Magi.=

=Study for a Pieta.=

There are two other drawings labelled Perugino which I cannot accept, and one in the Malcolm collection which is of Perugino's school.


A large finished pen drawing representing the =Deposition of Our Lord=, in the Pitti Gallery 164.

=A Study of an Archer.=

A bistre pen drawing for the St. Sebastian at Panicale.

=A Study for the Archangel and Tobias=, in the picture No. 288 in the National Gallery.


=Study for a figure of the Sleeping Disciple=, in the Mount of Olives picture in the Accademia, Florence.

A pen drawing in bistre.

=Study for the figures of two Sleeping Disciples= for the same picture.

A pen drawing in bistre.

=Study of a Female Head.=

Bistre heightened with white.

=Study for the Armour of the figure of St. Michael=, in the picture No.

288 in the National Gallery.

=Study of a Female Head.=

Attributed to Perugino.

=Study for the Fresco= in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican of the Delivery to St. Peter of the keys.


=The Resurrection.= Panel. 10 17. Old Masters, 1892. No. 154.

Christ standing upon the open tomb bearing a banner in his left hand.

Around, four soldiers, three sleeping and the fourth moving away in an att.i.tude of surprise.

_From the Dudley Collection._


=Virgin and Child.= Panel. 19 13.

The Virgin is seated, having the divine Child, who is nude, erect upon her knees.


=St. Sebastian and St. Jerome.= Two Panels each. 17 7. Old Masters, 1886. No. 197.

St. Sebastian is bound to a tree, and St. Jerome stands erect with a stone in his hand, and behind him is a lion.

_From an altar-piece._

=L. HARDY, Esq., M.P.=

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Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 11 summary

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