Devoured Book 2 - Page 53

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After I drag on a pair of jeans and a white tee s.h.i.+rt with leather shoulders, I drive downtown. I loop the nearby area twice before I resign myself to parking in a paid lot several blocks away from The Beacon. I pay for my parking ticket at the automated machine, slide it onto my dashboard and grab my bag from the front seat.

I don’t hear someone coming up behind me, so I jump when I turn around to find a tall, lanky guy standing next to the front of my car. His face is worked into a pinched, angry scowl, and instinctively, I take a step back.

His nostrils flare. “You’ve. f.u.c.ked up. Everything.”

Backing up a few more steps, I shake my head quickly, darting my gaze around the empty parking lot in panic. “I think you’ve got me mistaken for—”

“Sienna? The b.i.t.c.h that’s going to ruin Lucas’s life? No, I don’t have you mistaken.” Seething, he moves closer towards me, reaching deep into his pocket for something.

My chest constricts and I struggle to find my voice. When I do, it’s small, barely audible. “No, I think you have me mixed with someone else, I—”

“I followed you from your house, you lying b.i.t.c.h,” he yells. And this—this is when the true fear sets in. I try to take off in the other direction, but he tackles me to the ground, knocking me onto my back. My head hits the ground with a sickening thud, and the air whooshes out of my body.

As the man sits on top of me, I struggle to breath. To think. To fight.

“Get off of me,” I wheeze.

When I open my mouth to scream, his fist slams into my stomach—once, twice. The only thing that stops the third hit is that I guard my belly with my hands, and then, the blow catches my wrist. Burning pain shoots through my arm. The next time I try to scream, his hands close around my throat.

This guy could kill me.

This guy could kill me, and he knows where I live.

My hands fly up to his arms, pus.h.i.+ng and scratching. I my fingernails into his skin, dragging roughly as my head starts to spin and my vision clouds. He lets out a howl, moving his hands from my throat to the sides of my face where he squeezes hard.

It’s the worst physical pain I’ve ever felt.

But it’s not cutting off my ability to make a noise.

This time, when I scream, it comes out. Hoa.r.s.e. Broken. Dripping with fear.

His palm crashes into my face, making me dry heave.

Reaching out, I drag my fingers over the ground as I try to find something, anything that will help me fight this man off. When my fingertips tangle into my key chain, I grasp it and jab it up at the man’s face.

My car key makes contact with his cheek, and he falls off of me with blood rus.h.i.+ng down his face. I stumble to my feet, trying to gather my bearings just long enough to run. In the distance, I can hear someone yelling, but I’m not sure from where.

“Come here, b.i.t.c.h,” the man growls, lunging towards me.

I don’t think.

I act.

My thumb closes down on the pepper spray Sinjin gave me, and I hold it until the man crumbles to the ground, screaming and grasping at his face.

I don’t release the trigger until two men come racing into the parking lot.

Because when I do let go, I lose consciousness altogether.

Chapter 20


“You’re drinking, Luke.” Arching her eyebrows, Kylie stirs the tip of her finger around her own drink—cranberry juice and Sprite. “A lot. You should call her.”

I down the rest of my beer, my seventh or eighth since coming backstage. “Jesus, I haven’t missed your nagging,” I say. Kylie’s mouth drops open, but I stare straight ahead to where Cal’s grinning for pictures with Brady and a pet.i.te brunette. “Five minutes ago you were saying how amazing you thought the show was.”

Sitting her drink on the floor, my sister rests her elbows on her knees and c.o.c.ks her head, her dark hair falling to one side. “It was amazing. But now you’re getting drunk, and I’m getting worried.”

She’s been saying she was worried since she met up with us in Atlanta this morning. She was worried after talking to Sienna this morning and after we had lunch with our mom and dad. And then again when I missed the sound check late this afternoon.

n.o.body had asked where I was, but my sister wore that disappointed, straight face when I ran into her backstage right before going on to perform. She knew I went to Sam, but I didn’t tell her that my ex was nowhere to be found or how I discovered that she really has moved—there are new occupants in that fancy a.s.s apartment I used to pay for. And I sure as f**k wouldn’t tell Kylie that the reason I went to see Sam had nothing to do with money.

After all this time, she wouldn’t have bought it anyway.

“I’m ready for this s.h.i.+t to be over,” I say, dropping my head back against the couch.

“The tour?”

The tour. This lie I let myself crawl deeper inside. “Yeah.” I release a bitter laugh. “The tour.”

“Ugh. There are so many things I want to say to you—”

“Have I heard them before?”

Kylie is quiet, and I lift my head to challenge her eyes. She lifts her shoulders and then drops them. “Some of it, yes.”

“Then I’m not f**king interested. I get it. I know where I f**ked up.”


I nod at Wyatt who’s talking to two female reporters and ignore the way the quick movement gives me a headache. “You flew here to see your husband, not to babysit me.”

Her cheeks are sucked in as she slides off of the couch, and her brown eyes are hard as she stares me down. “Trust me, babysitting your stubborn a.s.s is the last thing that was on my schedule for tonight.” She stalks off, and when she reaches Wyatt, he glances over her head at me, his expression grim. He places his mouth against the top of her hair for a few moments, and when he looks back up again, he mouths something. A threat.

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Devoured Book 2 - Page 53 summary

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