Rebirth of the Super Thief Chapter 12

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Look at the way Bai Cheng methodically command his group members to kill the purple Demon Cat, Bai Song can only applauded his tactics in his heart. It looks that that guy not a dandy boy but a person who have some abilities.

The purple Demon Cat is an agility type BOSS, but under Bai Cheng commands, he have shrink the moveable empty s.p.a.ce for the purple boss the move. Despite the fact that with every swipe the purple Demon Cat can kill a person, it is still unable to suppress the crowd. When the front row dies, the back row rushes forward immediately.

The purple Demon Cat was surround and unable to leave the area. The archers and mages from the back row let loss their arrows and fireball at the BOSS. Although the damage is not high, but under the ma.s.sive amount of attacks, the purple Demon Cat is starting to look haggard.

The non-guild players slowly creeps closer, but compare to the beginning, the number of players is significantly lesser. After all the non-guild players levels are not really high, removing Bai Song and Fermented Beancurd these two low level who are pulling down the average, most of them are around level 5 or 6.

Under Peaceful mode, no one is able to PK below Lv10, but now at this BOSS fighting zone, two rows of archers stood orderly preparing their bows, a party of crack troops prepare their weapons and eyes the scattered solo players.

"Wait, where are you going?" Fermented Beancurd who was about to slip down the tree was caught by Bai Song like a mother cat carrying a kitten. Bai Song is holding onto the back of Fermented Beancurd s.h.i.+rt.

"Hey, Brother Song let go of me. I want to go and steal the gold equipment." Fermented Beancurd who is hanging in mid-air wave his arms like a tortoise padding in the water. "If late, the BOSS will drop already."

Fermented Beancurd just finish saying and heard a "bang". Fermented Beancurd falls on the ground harshly. Bai Song smiles apologetically at Fermented Beancurd. All his points is added into agility, hence his strength is not enough to pull Fermented Beancurd up.

"Sorry." Bai Song smiles in apologises at Fermented Beancurd. Originally about to say somethings but after thinking, the two of them after all strangers who have just meet. And his warning might cause Fermented Beancurd to create suspicion about him.

"Really……" Fermented Beancurd patted away the dirt on his body. After walking a few step and realises that Bai Song did not follow him and turn around and ask: "Brother Song, why are you not coming down. Let's go and see if we can s.n.a.t.c.h the equipment is also good."

"I will not go." Bai Song shakes his head, rejecting Fermented Beancurd idea.

[System notice: Player "Fermented Beancurd" send a request to add you as friend]

Fermented Beancurd waves his hand towards Bai Song: "Brother Song let's be friend. Later if I succeeded in s.n.a.t.c.hing the equips I will let you know.

Bai Song smiles and accepted the request.

"The BOSS is about to die, hurry up and s.n.a.t.c.h the gold equipment."

When Fermented Beancurd sees that he is unable to break in, without fear that the world in not in chaos, starts shouting.

In the face of gold equipment, those solo players immediately starts to get restless. After all this is not the real world. If it is in the real world, facing those with power, these people might bow their head. But this is a game, hence dying once does not mean anything.

Of cause, solo players do not dare to fight against the large guild, as if they really offend the large guild, the large guild might just slaughter you till you goes back to Lv0. But now in such a large crowd, does Glorious Guild dares to hunt down all of them?

But solo players are in the end non-guild member. Under the cooperation between the Glorious Guild members, find it very hard to get past their blocks. As for repelling the solo players, Bai Cheng pa.s.s this task to One Blade, letting One Blade bring along a thousand of his underlings to hold them back.

Although One Blade is not satisfied with Bai Cheng, but since he was tasked to hold them back, he will do his best. He is this kind of person, if he does not want to do it, even if you hold him at knife point, he will not do it. But if he is decided to do it, he will put in his 100% even if he is not happy about it.

The solo players trying to attack but were ineffective. The other guild have also send players, but they belong to those small guilds that are unable to affect the situation. All the big guild have their own plans, while they have not gotten any precise information, they will not change their plans easily.

Not sending any group over does not mean that they do not send in some people to track the situation. In fact all of the large guilds have send in people who are specialise in investigation, all of them are thief that have learn Stealth.

"Boss, Glorious Guild is killing a high level BOSS, the BOSS level is currently unknown, and Identify skill is all question marks."

"What is the current progress?"

"Looking at the situation, it is about to drop soon……"

"Idiot, why are you still talking rubbish with me! Quick go and steal the drops."

This conversation occurs with all almost all the spies and their guild leader conversation.

Bai Song stood on the tree, to occupy the high ground to observe the situation. Suddenly he notice behind the solo player's party, there is few players that looks like a thief disappear from his view. Bai Song despite having opened his perception awareness, and his body ability to clearly identify the situation around him base on his hearing which was brought to the boundary of perfection, due to the fact that there is too many people underneath him, and his perception only have one point is unable to detect the location of those thief.

Even if it is the big bother of Seven Freaks of Jiang Nan1, a blind man whose surname is Ke, who depends on his hearing to determine his position for tens of years will be at wit's end with the disruption caused by the sound waves. Of cause, if Bai Song perception increases, he will gain the ability to be able to block out certain sound wave whenever he like.

One Blade preserve with great toughness, not letting any solo players to get pa.s.s his post, at this time, a underling whose task is to observe the situation said: "Boss, a few thieves have disappear at the back."

"Young Master Bai, a few thieves have slip past the blockage, we are unable to block them. Please take note." One Blade said finish and cut the chat, personally join the formation to fight off the solo players.

In the early stages, regarding those thieves who have learn the Sneak skill, there is especially good method to find them, hence Bai Cheng have never expected One Blade to be able to block them. Furthermore in Bai Cheng eyes, One Blade is a person who is an expert in guard, but for offence, he is inadequate. Hence he does not have any hope of him bringing him any surprises.

"Pour the oil." Bai Cheng mouth edges lift slightly, and gave the order to those players who have yet to take action through the group chat.

Those players took out a barrel of oil from their back pack and looks towards each other. After making sure there is no errors, they pour the oil onto the floor. After they have finish pouring, the oil just nice form a circle and reported back to the chat channel in sequence "completed".

After Bai Cheng hear it, he shouted loudly: "Disperse! Contract!"

After shouting the orders, all of the close combat players regardless of what weapon they are using, all close in on the purple Demon Cat. While, all of the range player, retreated out of the oil circle.

After making sure that all of the party is in position, Bai Cheng did not give out and order, instead, personally cast a fireball at the oil circle, causing the entire oil circle to go up in a fiery flame.

"Why didn't I heard of this person in the previous incarnation?" Bai Song looks at Bai Cheng face with suspicion. In his memories, not only does he have no impression of his name, he also does not have any impression of his face. Sign: "His command is clear and knows how to collect oil to create a firewall effect, to guard against thief. He is considered to have some abilities."

1江南七怪 is a group of martial artist from which is the book one of the Condor Hero series. For more information, you can follow this to learn more about them. By the way just a side note, the reason why I love wuxia stories is due to watching this three book series. Especially the second book Return of the Condor Hero.

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Rebirth of the Super Thief Chapter 12 summary

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