Rebirth of the Super Thief Chapter 4

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After s.n.a.t.c.hing 2 elite Demon Cat, Bai Song level have finally reach Lv 2. But he is still far from reaching Lv 3. leveling in the earlier level is still considered easy, but the higher your level the harder it gets.

Killing elite monster allows fast leveling, but it is still slower that Bai Song kill stealing method.

Bai Song watches another elite Demon Cat gets pull over and was not impatient. When they have finally hit the monster till it was red blood, the bald guy shouted loudly:" Block!"

Only to see that the ­elite Demon Cat back was surrounded by two people trying to use collision to block Bai Song. But from behind the elite Demon Cat still appears a crit damage, causing it to collapse onto the ground and die.

"I be d.a.m.n, what did I just saw?"

"That guy just threw his dagger to kill steal the Demon Cat?"

"What the heck, this game without learning throwing skills can still throw?"

The crowd of people were shock. There were even people trying to copy Bai Song's action, throwing out their weapon in their hand. But their accuracy is very bad, some weapons even flew towards their own teammates. Even though there is no damage, but during a fight, suddenly being stab is still very uncomfortable.

Those that were stabbed turned around and scold their teammates.

Bai Song was not bothered by this bunch of people, instead turn around to look for more targets. After repeating for a while, he have finally reached Lv 3.

"When you reached Lv 10 every time I see you, I will kill you once."

"d.a.m.n you, you this evil hearted person, can't you go and kill a monster yourself, come here to kill steal a monster is what kind of ability?"

At the beginning everyone is cursing him, but after a while of cursing, everyone do not dare to curse anymore. Because from the beginning till now every time he kill steal he have never missed. Especially the guy who swear to kill Bai Song every time he see him. He have already hid in a corner to kill monster, afraid of Bai Song seeing him.

"Young master Bai, this person is an expert. The early leveling time is very precious, why don't we change the leveling area." The bald guy is embarra.s.sed, trying to find a way to escape. Furthermore, they are originally a leveling party not an elite member.

When Bai Cheng heard it, he was very p.i.s.sed. When had he Bai Cheng suffer such kind of grievance? His monster got kill steal, stolen to the point where he had to change his leveling area. Such kind of this have only happen in the past where he kill steal other people till they left. Now when the roles was swap, he was very sullen/

There was a saying: If our roles were swap, I will let you know what the meaning of cruel is.

After listening finish to the bald guy, Bai Cheng have some hesitation. This stage of leveling spot, only killing Demon Cat gives more experience, furthermore if they have to move to change leveling spot, the coming and going will inevitably waste a lot of time. But if they do not change the leveling area, all the elite Demon Cat will be stolen by Bai Song, how they can compete.

Suddenly Bai Cheng with a flash of insight, shouted:" Guys all not fight first, he is only Lv 3, he is alone and unable to kill the Demon Cat."

When the crowd heard this and find that it is reasonable, hence all of them stop fighting. All of them were very angry about Bai Song kill stealing from them, hence when push comes to shove, all of them decided to waste time with Bai Song.

Bai Song glace at Bai Cheng with interest, originally thinking that he is a person who uses his parent's money to play this game suddenly grew a brain. Bai Song considers for a moment, now that he is Lv 3, and with 8 free stats point1, Bai Song add all of them into agility.

Seeing that almost everyone is not fighting with the monster anymore, only those that are quite a distant away from him are still fighting, and there are even people who just walk off. If talking about wasting time, he alone making so many person waste their time is definitely now a loss, but Bai Song objective in entering this game is to earn money. Not to have grudge with others.

Beside that, Bai Song is originally kill stealing from them, if this bunch of player have a grudge with him and posted this situation up onto the forum, he will become famous overnight. This is also the point that Bai Cheng have thought of, hence he dare to speak up.

Bai Song without look back, walk towards the deeper parts of the forest, leaving behind a bunch of people looking at each other is confusion.

He left just like that?

In the deeper parts of the Demon Cat Forest, a horrifying cat meowing continuously comes from all around him.

In the previous life, Bai Song have come to this Demon Cat Forest a lot of times, hence he knew of a route to avoid the Demon Cats. The deeper he travel, the quieter the surrounding becomes, and the cat meowing have all disappeared.

Originally, he have 3 points in agility, plus every time he level up by 1, all his attributes will +1. Just now one of the elite Demon Cat have drop a white equipment which is for the arm which add +2 agility. Other than the +1 in all attributes every time he level up, he have also gain 4 free stats points, which he have added into agility.

Which means that Bai Song have 15 points in agility.

If Bai Song have added his points according to the usual stats that a thief adds, 1 into strength, agility and life, he will need to be at least Lv 6 to get to 15 points in agility . At this time, Bai Song have 15 points in agility, although there is a small deviation in stats, he will still be able to skillfully fight deeper in the forest.

Bai Song thought: "Just need one more level and it should be more relax."

But that is only a thought. Kill stealing this situation doing it occasionally is still okay. Doing it too many time, will result in him becoming the public enemy. At the beginning he does not want to kill steal, but thinking about him entering the game later than others as well as some of the special items are already hard to try and collect or have already been taken by other people.

Hence as a last resort, he have to start from those that are the hardest to collect. If his attributes are too low, it be too hard to accomplish.

Thinking till this point, Bai Song suddenly bend down his body, because he realize that on the tree that is in front of him have an item. Bai Song hides in the gra.s.s, stealthy stole a look.

Only to see a beautiful face, the beauty is lying elegantly on the tree, on her head is a pair of lovely cat ears. Looking at that young maiden like face, if Bai Song did not know about her historical story, he would have thought that she is a 17 years old girl wearing a cat ear.

The young maiden in front is the newbie forest strongest BOSS, Cat Maiden.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew by.

"Meow, oh it is a human, how did you get pa.s.s my personal guards?" Cat Maiden looks at Bai Song with a gullible look. Underneath the cute look, her cat claws flashes it's sharp edges:"Meow ~ peeking at other people sleeping is a bad habit ah~meow~"

"n.o.ble Queen of the Cats, this humble warrior greets you, this one have no intention of peeping at beauty." Bai Song saluted with a warrior etiquette.

Cat Maiden toys with the dagger that was on Bai Song waist: "A dagger wielding warrior, that is hardly seen eh ~ meow~"

Furthermore, Bai Song face did not redden nor does his heartbeat quickens, not giving off the signs of a person that shy towards beautiful ladies. At the same time the Cat Maiden's heart is beating every fast like the speed counting of an abacus, Cat Maiden looks at Bai Song not speaking. At first she was somewhat curious about how Bai Song despite being such so weak is able to enter this area, but thinking off continuing her sleep, she slashes towards him to end the fight in seconds.

Just when the sharp claw is about to hit Bai Song body, he says: "I can help you kill Wind Sprout Village Mayor."

The sharp claws stopped in midair. Cat Maiden's face turns serious: "You have succeeded in saving your life, I am interested, continue speaking in detail."

Bai Song look at the Cat Maiden's reaction and knew that he have succeeded. Hence unhurriedly asked: "If you can enter the village and under the condition that the Mayor is poison, what is your chances of escaping after killing off the Mayor?"

After the Cat Maiden heard finish, her tail was lifted straight up: "Meow? You say that you can let me enter the village without letting the guards know as well as poisoning the Mayor?"

Bai Song was relieved, the history was correct after all. Wind Sprout Village Mayor when he was young, drools over Cat Maiden's mother beauty, invited a few friends to setup and capture her. Originally Cat Maiden's mother is able to escape, but to allow Cat Maiden to escape, she with a few others enter the trap and fought to buy time, in the end they suicided.

"Inside Endless Abyss grows Form Changing Gra.s.s2, at that time you have to change in to a pet, then I have bring you into the village. As for poisoning the mayor, I have another idea."

"Why should I trust you?" Cat Maiden looks at Bai Song frostily.

Bai Song Shrugged: "If you don't believe me, I also have no other methods."

As for helping Cat Maiden to kill the mayor, Bai Song have a general idea on how to trigger this event. But for the specific details to trigger this event, he have no idea. If the Cat Maiden does not believe him, he have no idea what to do as well. Hence he is betting, betting on the fact that the Cat Maiden's hatred toward the village mayor is very deep.

After a long time.

Cat Maiden let out a sign. Shaking her head and ask: "You this low human, you win. Tell me what I need to do?"

1 The original value is 6 free stats points but reading onwards, I realise that base on the what is stated later on in the chapter, every time he level up, he gains 4 free stats points which make sense to get 15 agility point by Lv 3 < 3base+="" 2levelup+8free="" +2="" equipment=""> but if anyone can come up with a reason for it to be 6 free points please let me know ^.^

2 隐息草 let me know if you have a better name for it.

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Rebirth of the Super Thief Chapter 4 summary

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