Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 13

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Subspecies in Kansas: _T. r. rufum_ (Linnaeus) in east, _T. r.

longicauda_ Baird in west.

_Oreoscoptes monta.n.u.s_ (Townsend). Sage Thrasher. Rare transient in west. Two uns.e.xed specimens (KU 31941, 31942), 1 mile south of Holcomb, Finney County, September 20 and October 2, 1954, Marvin D. Schwilling.

A third individual seen in Morton County, September 27, 1954, and a fourth in Kearny County, March 23, 1955, by Schwilling.

No subspecies recognized.

* _t.u.r.dus migratorius._ Robin. Common transient and summer resident; locally common winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _T. m. migratorius_ Linnaeus breeds in most of state but birds in southeast are intermediate toward _T. m.

achrusterus_ (Batchelder); _T. m. propinquus_ Ridgway occurs in west, at least in migration, and irregularly in other parts of state in winter.

_Ixoreus naevius._ Varied Thrush. Accidental. One record: specimen (present location unknown) taken at Garden City, Finney County, October 17, 1891, H. W. Menke.

Subspecies in Kansas: Probably _I. n. meruloides_ (Swainson), on geographical grounds.

* _Hylocichla mustelina_ (Gmelin). Wood Thrush. Common transient and summer resident in east, absent in west, western limit of breeding in Kansas not known (nests, but uncommonly, in Cloud County).

No subspecies recognized.

_Hylocichla guttata._ Hermit Thrush. Transient throughout state, usually uncommon. Rare in winter in east.

Subspecies in Kansas: _H. g. faxoni_ Bangs and Penard in east, _H.

g. sequoiensis_ (Belding) in west.

_Hylocichla ustulata._ Olive-backed Thrush. Common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _H. u. swainsoni_ (Tschudi).

_Hylocichla minima._ Gray-cheeked Thrush. Fairly common transient in east; probably does not occur in west but western limit in migration in Kansas unknown (rare in Cloud County, three records by J. M. Porter).

Subspecies in Kansas: _H. m. minima_ (Lafresnaye).

_Hylocichla fuscescens._ Veery. Transient, rare in east, fairly common in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _H. f. salicicola_ Ridgway.

* _Sialia sialis._ Eastern Bluebird. Common resident and transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. s. sialis_ (Linnaeus).

[_Sialia mexicana._ Chestnut-backed Bluebird. Said to be winter resident at Coolidge, Hamilton County, by Shanstrum. Reliably reported from southeastern Colorado. Placed in Hypothetical List in absence of a specimen from Kansas.]

_Sialia currucoides_ (Bechstein). Mountain Bluebird. Common winter resident in west; occurs regularly east to Cloud and Barber counties and irregularly farther east (to Douglas and Anderson counties). Bunker and Rocklund took a full-grown juvenal female (KU 5900) on June 20, 1911, near the Colorado line northwest of Coolidge, Hamilton County.

No subspecies recognized.

_Myadestes townsendi._ Townsend Solitaire. Winter resident in small numbers in west; irregular in winter in east.

Subspecies in Kansas: _M. t. townsendi_ (Audubon).

* _Polioptila caerulea._ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Common transient and summer resident in east, probably transient only in west but status there poorly known. Nesting records from Doniphan, Douglas, and Barber counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. c. caerulea_ (Linnaeus).

_Regulus satrapa._ Golden-crowned Kinglet. Common transient throughout state; uncommon winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _R. s. satrapa_ Lichtenstein.

_Regulus calendula._ Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Common transient throughout state; rare winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _R. c. calendula_ (Linnaeus).

_Anthus spinoletta._ Water Pipit. Common transient throughout state, more numerous in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. s. rubescens_ (Tunstall).

_Anthus spragueii_ (Audubon). Sprague Pipit. Transient throughout state, perhaps more common in central or western parts; status poorly known.

Specimens known from Trego, Cloud, Greenwood, Woodson, and Anderson counties.

No subspecies recognized.

_Bombycilla garrulus._ Bohemian Waxwing. Rare winter visitant throughout state. Few specimens on record, from Riley, Shawnee, Jefferson, Greenwood, and Sedgwick counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _B. g. pallidiceps_ Reichenow.

* _Bombycilla cedrorum_ Vieillot. Cedar Waxwing. Common transient and irregular winter resident throughout state; rare summer resident in northeast. Breeding records: four nests found at Lake Quivira, Wyandotte County, July 22, 1947 (nestling collected, KU 32374), July 3, 1949 (young in nest), July 4, 1950, July 10, 1952 (young in nest), Harold C.

Hedges; nest found in Topeka, Shawnee County, June 16, 1953, Cliff Olander and T. W. Nelson.

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