Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 14

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No subspecies recognized.

_Lanius excubitor._ Northern Shrike. Winter resident, rare in east, uncommon in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _L. e. borealis_ Vieillot in east, _L. e.

invictus_ Grinnell in west (most specimens from Kansas are intermediate between the two).

* _Lanius ludovicia.n.u.s._ Loggerhead Shrike. Common resident and transient throughout state, but may leave north-central and northwestern parts in winter.

Subspecies in Kansas: _L. l. migrans_ Palmer in extreme east, _L.

l. excubitorides_ Swainson in west, east to Norton, Ness, and Clark counties; birds from rest of state mostly intermediate.

* _Sturnus vulgaris._ Starling. Introduced. First appeared in early 1930's, now common transient and resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. v. vulgaris_ Linnaeus.

* _Vireo atricapillus_ Woodhouse. Black-capped Vireo. Summer resident in Comanche and possibly other south-central counties. Status poorly known.

Goss collected three pairs in southeastern Comanche County, May 7 to 18, 1885, and found a nest under construction on May 11, 1885. Sight records from Manhattan, Riley County, June 18, 1953, by Scott Searles, and Halstead, Harvey County, May 16, 1951, by Edna L. Ruth.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Vireo griseus._ White-eyed Vireo. Locally common transient and summer resident in east. Status poorly known. Nesting records from Doniphan County (Linsdale) and Kansas City region; specimens taken in summer from Douglas, Montgomery, and Labette counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _V. g. noveboracensis_ (Gmelin).

* _Vireo bellii._ Bell Vireo. Common summer resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _V. b. bellii_ Audubon.

* _Vireo flavifrons_ Vieillot. Yellow-throated Vireo. Uncommon transient and local, uncommon summer resident throughout state. Goss reported two nests, one with 1 Cowbird and 3 vireo eggs, at Neosho Falls, Woodson County, May 9, 1877, and one under construction at Topeka, Shawnee County, May 18, 1883. T. W. Nelson found a nest at Topeka in 1947 (date approximate). R. F. Miller found an occupied nest 3 miles north of Baldwin, Douglas County, May 6, 1947.

No subspecies recognized.

_Vireo solitarius._ Solitary Vireo. Fairly common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _V. s. solitarius_ (Wilson) in east, _V. s.

plumbeus_ Coues and _V. s. ca.s.sinii_ Xantus in west.

* _Vireo olivaceus_ (Linnaeus). Red-eyed Vireo. Common transient and summer resident throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Vireo philadelphicus_ (Ca.s.sin). Philadelphia Vireo. Uncommon transient in east (often overlooked); reported west to Harvey County but western limit of migration in Kansas not known.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Vireo gilvus._ Warbling Vireo. Common transient and summer resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _V. g. gilvus_ (Vieillot).

* _Mniotilta varia_ (Linnaeus). Black and White Warbler. Common transient throughout state, local and uncommon summer resident in east.

Breeding distribution in state poorly known. Nests reported in Douglas and Leavenworth counties.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Protonotaria citrea_ (Boddaert). Prothonotary Warbler. Locally common transient and summer resident in eastern Kansas. Nesting records from Doniphan, Leavenworth, Johnson, Douglas, Shawnee, and Woodson counties.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Helmitheros vermivorus_ (Gmelin). Worm-eating Warbler. Rare transient (specimens from Doniphan, Douglas, and Woodson counties) and summer resident in east. Linsdale saw a singing bird on July 11, 1923, in Doniphan County. Hilton (Wilson Bull., 32, 1920:85-86) reports finding a newly-fledged young bird with an adult at Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, on June 7, 1919 (some of Hilton's records seem highly improbable, but the one in question is convincing to me).

No subspecies recognized.

_Vermivora chrysoptera_ (Linnaeus). Golden-winged Warbler. Rare transient in east. Several sight records and one specimen: female (KU 12700), 3 miles south of Lawrence, Douglas County, May 2, 1921, E. R.


No subspecies recognized.

_Vermivora pinus_ (Linnaeus). Blue-winged Warbler. Uncommon transient in east. Possibly nests rarely but no definite evidence.

No subspecies recognized.

_Vermivora peregrina_ (Wilson). Tennessee Warbler. Common transient in east, uncommon transient in west.

No subspecies recognized.

_Vermivora celata._ Orange-crowned Warbler. Common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _V. c. celata_ (Say) throughout state, _V.

c. orestera_ Oberholser in west.

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