Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 15

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_Vermivora ruficapilla._ Nashville Warbler. Common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _V. r. ruficapilla_ (Wilson).

_Vermivora virginiae_ (Baird). Virginia Warbler. Transient in extreme west. Known in Kansas only from 8 miles south of Richfield, Morton County: five birds seen, two collected, May 4 to 10, 1950, Richard and Jean Graber.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Parula americana_ (Linnaeus). Parula Warbler. Fairly common transient and local summer resident in eastern Kansas. Nesting records from Riley, Doniphan, Douglas, and Woodson counties; western limit of breeding distribution unknown.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Dendroica petechia._ Yellow Warbler. Common transient and summer resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. p. aestiva_ (Gmelin) breeding in all except southwestern Kansas; _D. p. sonorana_ Brewster probably breeding in extreme southwest (specimens from Morton County); _D.

p. rubiginosa_ (Pallas) transient, probably throughout state.

_Dendroica magnolia_ (Wilson). Magnolia Warbler. Uncommon transient throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica tigrina_ (Gmelin). Cape May Warbler. Rare transient in east.

Several sight records but only one specimen from state: immature male (KU 31644), Lawrence, Douglas County, December 6, 1954 (abnormally late date), Mary Edith Kizer.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica caerulescens._ Black-throated Blue Warbler. Rare transient, more records from west than from east.

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. c. caerulescens_ (Gmelin).

_Dendroica coronata._ Myrtle Warbler. Common transient throughout state, rare winter resident. (See also Audubon Warbler.)

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. c. coronata_ (Linnaeus) and _D. c.

hooveri_ McGregor.

_Dendroica auduboni._ Audubon Warbler. Common transient in west, rare in east, specimens taken east to Trego County. Hybrids between this species and Myrtle Warbler common in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. a. auduboni_ (Townsend).

_Dendroica nigrescens_ (Townsend). Black-throated Gray Warbler. Common transient in extreme western Kansas. Several sight records and four specimens from 8 miles south of Richfield, Morton County, May 8 to 13, 1950, Richard and Jean Graber.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica townsendi_ (Townsend). Townsend Warbler. Transient in extreme western Kansas. Five records: all from 8 miles south of Richfield, Morton County, May 3 (female collected), 11, and 20, 1950, September 3 and 5 (immature female, KU 31206), 1952, Richard and Jean Graber.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica virens._ Black-throated Green Warbler. Transient, uncommon in east and rare in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. v. virens_ (Gmelin).

_Dendroica cerulea_ (Wilson). Cerulean Warbler. Uncommon transient and possibly summer resident in east, but status poorly known. No definite nesting record. Only five specimens on record.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica fusca_ (Muller). Blackburnian Warbler. Transient, uncommon in east, rare in west.

No subspecies recognized.

[_Dendroica dominica._ Sycamore Warbler. A few sight records from east and possibly breeds in southeast but placed on Hypothetical List until a specimen from state is obtained.]

_Dendroica pensylvanica_ (Linnaeus). Chestnut-sided Warbler. Transient, fairly common in east, uncommon in west. Only three specimens from state, two from Shawnee County, one from Morton County.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica castanea_ (Wilson). Bay-breasted Warbler. Uncommon transient throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Dendroica striata_ (Forster). Black-poll Warbler. Common transient in east, uncommon or rare in west.

No subspecies recognized.

[_Dendroica pinus._ Pine Warbler. Probably rare transient in east where several have been reported seen, but placed in Hypothetical List in absence of a specimen from Kansas. Linsdale reported taking a Pine Warbler in Doniphan County, September 13, 1923, but the specimen is actually a Cerulean Warbler.]

* _Dendroica discolor._ Prairie Warbler. Known to occur regularly only in Wyandotte and Johnson counties, where locally common transient and summer resident; newly fledged young have been found. One specimen: male (KU 32376), 2 miles west of Lake Quivira, Johnson County, May 3, 1942, Harold C. Hedges.

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. d. discolor_ (Vieillot).

_Dendroica palmarum._ Palm Warbler. Uncommon transient in east, west at least to Cloud County. Western limit of occurrence in migration not known.

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