Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 16

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Subspecies in Kansas: _D. p. palmarum_ (Gmelin).

* _Seiurus aurocapillus._ Oven-bird. Fairly common transient throughout state; local summer resident in northeast. Brumwell reported one pair nesting in June, 1939, and in 1940, at Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth County. His report is lacking in details but no other nesting records are available.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. a. aurocapillus_ (Linnaeus) throughout state, _S. a. cinereus_ A. H. Miller taken in Cheyenne County.

_Seiurus noveboracensis._ Northern Water-thrush. Fairly common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. n. notabilis_ Ridgway.

* _Seiurus motacilla_ (Vieillot). Louisiana Water-thrush. Fairly common transient and summer resident in east, uncommon transient in west.

Approximately 11 breeding records, all from Miami and Linn counties.

Summer distribution in state inadequately known.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Oporornis formosus_ (Wilson). Kentucky Warbler. Common transient and summer resident in east. Nests west to Riley County, but not reported from Cloud County by Porter.

No subspecies recognized.

_Oporornis philadelphia_ (Wilson). Mourning Warbler. Locally common transient in east, west rarely to Sedgwick and Cloud counties. Sight records supposedly of Connecticut Warblers (_Oporornis agilis_) may, at least in part, refer to this species. No specimens of _O. agilis_ known from state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Oporornis tolmiei._ Macgillivray Warbler. Common transient in extreme western Kansas, accidental in east. Specimens from Morton, Hamilton, and Marshall (1) counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _O. t. monticola_ Phillips.

* _Geothlypis trichas._ Yellow-throat. Common transient throughout state; common summer resident in east, less common in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _G. t. brachidactyla_ (Swainson) breeds in east; _G. t. occidentalis_ Brewster breeds in west. Distribution in Kansas of these subspecies and ident.i.ty of transients poorly known.

* _Icteria virens._ Yellow-breasted Chat. Common transient and summer resident, perhaps less common in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _I. v. virens_ (Linnaeus) in east, _I. v.

auricollis_ (Lichtenstein) in west, intergrading through most of state.

_Wilsonia citrina_ (Boddaert). Hooded Warbler. Formerly common summer resident in east, now rare and perhaps no longer nests in state. No satisfactory breeding record. Three males from Leavenworth County, May 9, 1871, and one from Shawnee County, May 17, 1871, taken by J. A.

Allen, are now at Harvard.

No subspecies recognized.

_Wilsonia pusilla._ Wilson Warbler. Common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _W. p. pusilla_ (Wilson) in east, _W. p.

pileolata_ (Pallas) in west; precise distribution in migration unknown.

_Wilsonia canadensis_ (Linnaeus). Canada Warbler. Uncommon transient in east, reported west to Sedgwick and Cloud counties.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Setophaga ruticilla._ American Redstart. Common transient and local summer resident in east; probably only transient in west but breeding range in state poorly known. Few definite nesting records: Brumwell reported nesting at Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth County; J. M. Porter found a nest in Republic County, May 22, 1940.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. r. ruticilla_ (Linnaeus) is breeding form; _S. r. tricolora_ (Muller) occurs in migration.

* _Pa.s.ser domesticus._ English Sparrow. Introduced. Common resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. d. domesticus_ (Linnaeus).

* _Dolichonyx oryzivorus_ (Linnaeus). Bobolink. Transient, uncommon in east and rare in west in spring; rare in east and absent in west in fall. In 1940, several pairs remained until July 21 near Jamestown State Lake, Cloud County, and two pairs were seen feeding fledglings on June 25 (J. M. Porter). No other good evidence of breeding.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Sturnella magna._ Eastern Meadowlark. Common transient and resident in eastern part. Nests locally west to Jewell County in north and Barber County in south. Less common in winter.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. m. magna_ (Linnaeus) in northeast, _S.

m. argutula_ Bangs in southeast.

_Sturnella neglecta._ Western Meadowlark. Common transient and resident in western part. Nests commonly east to Flint Hills, irregularly and uncommonly in east. Largely replaces Eastern Meadowlark in east in winter.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. n. neglecta_ Audubon.

* _Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus_ (Bonaparte). Yellow-headed Blackbird.

Transient, common in west and uncommon in east, and uncommon, local summer resident. Breeds more frequently in west; nesting records from Meade, Wallace, Barton, Stafford, Doniphan, and Douglas counties. One winter record, Riley County.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Agelaius phoeniceus._ Red-wing. Common transient and summer resident throughout state, less common winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. p. phoeniceus_ (Linnaeus) breeds in most of state; _A. p. fortis_ Ridgway may nest in west and occurs in migration; _A. p. arctolegus_ Oberholser occurs in migration.

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Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 16 summary

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