Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 17

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* _Icterus spurius_ (Linnaeus). Orchard Oriole. Common transient and summer resident throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Icterus cucullatus._ Hooded Oriole. Accidental. One record: bird banded at Los Angeles, California, January 22, 1939, found dead by Dr. F. S.

Williams, 16 miles southeast of Garden City, Finney County, about August 5, 1939; foot of specimen preserved.

Subspecies in Kansas: _I. c. californicus_ (Lesson), on geographic grounds.

* _Icterus galbula_ (Linnaeus). Baltimore Oriole. Common transient and summer resident through most of state; hybridizes freely with Bullock Oriole in west. One winter record: immature male (KU 31988), Lawrence, Douglas County, December 25, 1953, H. B. Tordoff.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Icterus bullockii._ Bullock Oriole. Common transient and summer resident in west, rarely east to Stafford County (breeding?) and Douglas County (transient).

Subspecies in Kansas: _I. b. bullockii_ (Swainson).

_Euphagus carolinus._ Rusty Blackbird. Common transient and locally common winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _E. c. carolinus_ (Muller).

_Euphagus cyanocephalus_ (Wagler). Brewer Blackbird. Transient and local winter resident. Common in west, uncommon in east. Probably nests in northwest, but no satisfactory evidence of this.

No subspecies recognized.

_Quiscalus quiscula._ Bronzed Grackle. Common transient and summer resident throughout state; local winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _Q. q. versicolor_ Vieillot.

* _Molothrus ater._ Cowbird. Common transient and summer resident throughout state; local winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _M. a. ater_ (Boddaert) is breeding bird; _M. a. artemisiae_ Grinnell transient, common in west and possibly nesting in northwest.

_Piranga ludoviciana_ (Wilson). Western Tanager. Fairly common transient and perhaps summer resident in extreme west. Two males taken 4-1/2 miles west of Kendall, Hamilton County, May 20 and June 1, 1893, H. W. Menke; many seen and two males and a female (KU 31207) taken 8 miles south of Richfield, Morton County, May 6, 1950 (males) and September 4, 1952, Richard and Jean Graber.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Piranga olivacea_ (Gmelin). Scarlet Tanager. Fairly common transient in east and uncommon summer resident in northeast. Distribution in state poorly known; breeding records from Doniphan, Leavenworth, and Cloud counties.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Piranga rubra._ Summer Tanager. Common transient and summer resident, distribution poorly known. Recorded in migration (possibly breeding?) west to Morton County and breeding in Doniphan and Douglas counties. Not reported by Porter as nesting in Cloud County.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. r. rubra_ (Linnaeus).

* _Richmondena cardinalis._ Cardinal. Common resident in east, uncommon in west, rare in extreme southwest.

Subspecies in Kansas: _R. c. cardinalis_ (Linnaeus).

* _Pheucticus ludovicia.n.u.s_ (Linnaeus). Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Common transient and locally common summer resident in east. Reported in summer west to Rawlins County; probably absent in summer from southeast.

Distribution poorly known.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Pheucticus melanocephalus._ Black-headed Grosbeak. Common transient and summer resident in west, nesting east to Cloud and Harvey counties.

Occasionally occurs farther east in migration.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. m. melanocephalus_ (Swainson).

* _Guiraca caerulea._ Blue Grosbeak. Common transient and summer resident in most of state; locally common in summer in northeast.

Subspecies in Kansas: _G. c. caerulea_ (Linnaeus) in east, _G. c.

interfusa_ Dwight and Griscom in west; most specimens from state are intergrades.

_Pa.s.serina cyanea_ (Linnaeus). Indigo Bunting. Common transient and summer resident west to Finney County, status in extreme west not known but probably absent there.

No subspecies recognized.

_Pa.s.serina amoena_ (Say). Lazuli Bunting. Common transient and probably summer resident in extreme western Kansas. No breeding record. Rare in east in migration.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Pa.s.serina ciris._ Painted Bunting. Fairly common summer resident in east, west to Barber and north to Riley and Shawnee counties. One positive nesting record: nest with young, successfully fledged, Lawrence, Douglas County, spring and summer, 1918, Bessie D. Reed.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. c. pallidior_ Mearns.

* _Spiza americana_ (Gmelin). d.i.c.kcissel. Transient and summer resident throughout state; common in east, locally common in west.

No subspecies recognized.

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Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 17 summary

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