Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 18

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_Hesperiphona vespertina._ Evening Grosbeak. Rare and irregular winter visitant. Reported from widely scattered localities throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _H. v. vespertina_ (Cooper); _H. v. brooksi_ Grinnell may occur in west.

_Carpodacus purpureus._ Purple Finch. Fairly common transient and winter resident in east; status in west not known.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. p. purpureus_ (Gmelin).

_Carpodacus mexica.n.u.s._ House Finch. Occurs in southwestern Kansas, reported common north to Hamilton County and east to Finney County. One record from Concordia, Cloud County, 2 or 3 birds seen from February 26 to March 6, 1954, Lillie and Ida Cook, J. M. Porter. Most records in winter; status in summer uncertain.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. m. frontalis_ (Say).

[_Pinicola enucleator._ Pine Grosbeak. One old record (possibly based on a specimen, but convincing details are lacking) and a few recent sight records from east. Placed in Hypothetical List in absence of an authentic specimen from state.]

_Acanthis flammea._ Redpoll. Rare and irregular winter visitant. Records from Cloud, Riley (specimen), Douglas (specimens), and Woodson counties, and Kansas City region.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. f. flammea_ (Linnaeus).

* _Spinus pinus._ Pine Siskin. Common but irregular transient and winter resident throughout state. Two breeding records: nest with 3 or 4 young, later successfully fledged, Onaga, Pottawatomie County, May 3, 1920, F.

F. Crevecoeur; nest with 3 eggs (young successfully fledged), 1 mile southwest of Concordia, Cloud County, observed from April 6 to 30, 1954, J. M. Porter.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. p. pinus_ (Wilson).

* _Spinus tristis._ Eastern Goldfinch. Common resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. t. tristis_ (Linnaeus).

* _Loxia curvirostra._ Red Crossbill. Irregular winter visitant throughout state, locally common at times. One nesting record: nest with one egg, Topeka, Shawnee County, March 22, 1917, A. Sidney Hyde. This nest later held three eggs, all hatched, three young fledged, and the family left the area in June.

Subspecies in Kansas (in approximate decreasing order of frequency): _L. c. benti_ Griscom, _L. c. bendirei_ Ridgway, _L.

c. minor_ (Brehm), _L. c. stricklandi_ Ridgway, _L. c. sitkensis_ Grinnell.

_Loxia leucoptera._ White-winged Crossbill. Rare and irregular winter visitant throughout the state. Only two specimens taken (Douglas and Ellis counties).

Subspecies in Kansas: _L. l. leucoptera_ Gmelin.

_Chlorura chlorura_ (Audubon). Green-tailed Towhee. Fairly common transient in west; rare winter visitant in east (Shawnee County, Wyandotte County).

No subspecies recognized.

* _Pipilo erythrophthalmus._ Red-eyed Towhee. Common transient and winter resident throughout state; uncommon summer resident in east, status in west in summer not known. No nest found, but recently fledged young reported in several counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. e. erythrophthalmus_ (Linnaeus) resident; _P. e. arcticus_ (Swainson) winter resident throughout state; _P. e. monta.n.u.s_ Swarth reported as transient only from Morton County.

* _Calamospiza melanocorys_ Stejneger. Lark Bunting. Common transient and summer resident in west, rare transient in east. Nesting in southwestern Kansas irregular; absent some years and present in other years. One nesting record from east, in Franklin County.

No subspecies recognized.

_Pa.s.serculus sandwichensis._ Savannah Sparrow. Common transient and rare winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. s. savanna_ (Wilson), _P. s. nevadensis_ Grinnell, _P. s. oblitus_ Peters and Griscom.

* _Ammodramus savannarum._ Gra.s.shopper Sparrow. Common transient and local summer resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. s. perpallidus_ (Coues).

_Ammodramus bairdii_ (Audubon). Baird Sparrow. One record: male? (U. S.

Natl. Mus. 155884), Pendennis, Lane County, April 25, 1897, J. A.

Loring. This species probably occurs regularly in the state but is overlooked.

No subspecies recognized.

_Pa.s.serherbulus caudacutus_ (Latham). Leconte Sparrow. Common transient and irregular, locally common winter resident west at least to Lane County.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Pa.s.serherbulus henslowii._ Henslow Sparrow. Uncommon transient and uncommon, local summer resident in east, west at least to Cloud County.

Breeding records from Morris, Shawnee, Douglas, and Anderson counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. h. henslowii_ (Audubon).

_Ammospiza caudacuta._ Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Rare transient in east.

Specimens taken in Shawnee, Douglas, Woodson, and McPherson counties.

Supposed nesting reported by Goss probably erroneous.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. c. nelsoni_ (Allen).

_Pooecetes gramineus._ Vesper Sparrow. Common transient throughout state. May nest in northwest but no evidence available.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. g. gramineus_ (Gmelin) in east, _P. g.

confinis_ Baird in west.

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Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 18 summary

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