Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 19

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* _Chondestes grammacus._ Lark Sparrow. Common transient and summer resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. g. grammacus_ (Say) east of Flint Hills, _C. g. strigatus_ Swainson in west; the two subspecies intergrade in central Kansas.

_Aimophila ruficeps._ Rufous-crowned Sparrow. Two records: male (KU 29222), Schwarz Canyon, Comanche County, June 7, 1936, C. W. Hibbard; one seen near Point Rock, Morton County, May 21, 1950, Richard and Jean Graber.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. r. scottii_ (Sennett).

_Aimophila aestivalis._ Pine-woods Sparrow. One specimen: male (KU 32377), Lake Quivira, in Wyandotte County, April 26, 1948, Harold C.

Hedges. One seen, Lake Quivira, in Johnson County, April 24, 1949, Harold C. Hedges.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. a. illinoensis_ (Ridgway).

* _Aimophila ca.s.sinii_ (Woodhouse). Ca.s.sin Sparrow. Common summer resident in southwestern Kansas, known north to Hamilton County and east to Finney County. One nesting record: nest with two young and one pipped egg, one mile south of Garden City, Finney County, May 24, 1954, Marvin D. Schwilling.

No subspecies recognized.

_Amphispiza bilineata._ Black-throated Sparrow. One record: specimen of unknown s.e.x (KU 31356), 4 miles north and 3 miles east of Garden City, Finney County, November 25, 1952, Marvin D. Schwilling.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. b. deserticola_ Ridgway.

_Junco aikeni_ Ridgway. White-winged Junco. Fairly common transient and winter resident in western Kansas. Specimens from Wallace, Ellis, Hamilton, and Morton counties.

No subspecies recognized.

_Junco hyemalis._ Slate-colored Junco. Common transient and winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _J. h. hyemalis_ (Linnaeus), _J. h.

cismonta.n.u.s_ Dwight.

_Junco orega.n.u.s._ Oregon Junco. Common transient and winter resident in west, uncommon in east.

Subspecies in Kansas: _J. o. monta.n.u.s_ Ridgway, _J. o. mearnsi_ Ridgway.

_Spizella arborea._ Tree Sparrow. Common transient and winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. a. arborea_ (Wilson) common in east; _S.

a. ochracea_ Brewster common throughout state.

* _Spizella pa.s.serina._ Chipping Sparrow. Common transient and summer resident in east, less common in west. Only two actual nesting records: occupied nest at Lawrence, Douglas County, May, 1954, James S. Findley; nest with 4 large young, 6 miles south of Atchison, Atchison County, May, 1934 or 1935, Homer A. Stephens (photographs taken of nest and adult).

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. p. pa.s.serina_ (Bechstein) in east, _S.

p. arizonae_ Coues in west.

_Spizella pallida_ (Swainson). Clay-colored Sparrow. Common transient throughout state. Possibly breeds in northwest: male (KU 31950) with greatly enlarged testes (9 6 mm.), 1 mile north of St. Francis, Cheyenne County, June 12, 1954, H. B. Tordoff.

No subspecies recognized.

_Spizella breweri._ Brewer Sparrow. Common transient in west. Five specimens known: four males, Morton County, April 8 to May 1, 1950, Richard and Jean Graber; one specimen (s.e.x?), Finney County, May 3, 1954, Marvin D. Schwilling.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. b. breweri_ Ca.s.sin.

* _Spizella pusilla._ Field Sparrow. Common transient and summer resident and uncommon winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. p. arenacea_ Chadbourne, intergrading in east with _S. p. pusilla_ (Wilson).

_Zonotrichia querula_ (Nuttall). Harris Sparrow. Common transient and winter resident in east, uncommon in west.

No subspecies recognized.

_Zonotrichia leucophrys._ White-crowned Sparrow. Common transient and winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _Z. l. leucophrys_ (Forster) common in east, uncommon in west; _Z. l. gambelii_ (Nuttall) common in west, fairly common in east.

_Zonotrichia albicollis_ (Gmelin). White-throated Sparrow. Fairly common transient, uncommon winter resident west at least to Cloud and Sedgwick counties. Status in west poorly known; not reported at Garden City by Marvin D. Schwilling.

No subspecies recognized.

_Pa.s.serella iliaca._ Fox Sparrow. Fairly common transient and uncommon winter resident in east; probably occurs in west but status there poorly known.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. i. iliaca_ (Merrem); other subspecies may be found in west when specimens become available.

_Melospiza lincolnii._ Lincoln Sparrow. Common transient and uncommon winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _M. l. lincolnii_ (Audubon) throughout state; _M. l. alticola_ (Miller and McCabe) in extreme west.

_Melospiza georgiana._ Swamp Sparrow. Common transient and uncommon winter resident in east. Western limit of range in Kansas not known (rare transient in Cloud and Finney counties--Porter and Schwilling).

Subspecies in Kansas: _M. g. georgiana_ (Latham), _M. g.

ericrypta_ Oberholser.

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Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 19 summary

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