Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 4

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* _Buteo platypterus._ Broad-winged Hawk. Fairly common transient and local summer resident in eastern Kansas. Breeding records only from Douglas, Leavenworth, and Johnson counties, where species nests regularly.

Subspecies in Kansas: _B. p. platypterus_ (Vieillot).

* _Buteo swainsoni_ Bonaparte. Swainson Hawk. Abundant transient in west, fairly common in east. Nests commonly throughout western two-thirds of state and at least occasionally in eastern portion.

Supposed winter records should be substantiated by specimens.

No subspecies recognized.

_Buteo lagopus._ Rough-legged Hawk. Winter resident, fairly common in east to common in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _B. l. s. johannis_ (Gmelin).

* _Buteo regalis_ (Gray). Ferruginous Rough-leg. Common transient and winter resident in west, rare in east. Rare summer resident in west. Two nesting records: nest with four young, south fork of Smoky Hill River, near Wallace, May 27, 1883, Goss; nest with three young, west of Russell Springs, Logan County, May 29, 1954, Marvin D. Schwilling.

No subspecies recognized.

_Parabuteo unicinctus._ Harris Hawk. Accidental. Two records: male, Wichita, Sedgwick County, December 14, 1918, LeRoy Snyder; female (KU 10752), 7-1/2 miles southwest of Lawrence, Douglas County, December 25, 1918, Fred Hastie.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. u. harrisi_ (Audubon).

* _Aquila chrysaetos._ Golden Eagle. Formerly common resident throughout state. Now common in winter in west to rare in east. One positive nesting record: a pair nested for several years (prior to 1891) in southeastern Comanche County on a high gypsum ledge, Goss.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. c. canadensis_ (Linnaeus).

_Haliaeetus leucocephalus._ Bald Eagle. Rare transient and winter resident in east; fairly common winter resident in west, where large numbers may gather to roost.

Subspecies in Kansas: _H. l. alasca.n.u.s_ Townsend. Previous students refer all Bald Eagles from the state to _H. l.

leucocephalus_ (Linnaeus) but specimens in the K. U. collection, all taken in winter, are large (three females, wing, 645, 655, 680 mm.) and are clearly of the northern subspecies.

_Circus cyaneus._ Marsh Hawk. Resident, common in winter, less common and local in summer.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. c. hudsonius_ (Linnaeus).

_Pandion haliaetus._ Osprey. Occurs irregularly throughout state but less frequently in west. Most records in spring and autumn but a few at other seasons. No definite nesting record.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. h. carolinensis_ (Gmelin).

_Falco rusticolus._ Gyrfalcon. Accidental. One specimen: Manhattan, Riley County, December 1, 1880, A. L. Runyan (specimen at Kansas State College).

Subspecies in Kansas: _F. r. obsoletus_ Gmelin.

_Falco mexica.n.u.s_ Schlegel. Prairie Falcon. Rare summer and fairly common winter resident in west; occasional transient and winter resident in east. No satisfactory breeding records.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Falco peregrinus._ Duck Hawk. Rare transient and winter resident, probably more common in west. Formerly nested but no nesting record since before 1900.

Subspecies in Kansas: _F. p. anatum_ Bonaparte.

_Falco columbarius._ Pigeon Hawk. Uncommon transient and rare winter resident in east; more common in migration in west but status there in winter not known.

Subspecies in Kansas: _F. c. columbarius_ Linnaeus is most frequent in eastern part, west to Reno County; _F. c.

richardsonii_ Ridgway is the common subspecies in west, occasional in east; _F. c. bendirei_ Swann is known in Kansas from one specimen (KU 4425) from Ellis County, October, 1875, taken by Dr.

L. Watson (identified by James L. Peters).

* _Falco sparverius._ Sparrow Hawk. Common resident and transient throughout state (but status in winter in northwest not known).

Subspecies in Kansas: _F. s. sparverius_ Linnaeus.

_Bonasa umbellus._ Ruffed Grouse. Formerly common resident in eastern part; now probably extirpated in state but observers in extreme east should watch for it. One authentic specimen (KU 31944), southeastern Kansas, between 1885 and 1910, Alexander J. C. Roese. No definite nesting record.

Subspecies in Kansas: _B. u. umbellus_ (Linnaeus).

* _Tympanuchus cupido._ Greater Prairie Chicken. Resident, but highly local; absent in southwestern quarter of state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _T. c. pinnatus_ (Brewster).

* _Tympanuchus pallidicinctus_ (Ridgway). Lesser Prairie Chicken.

Resident, but local, in southwestern quarter of state, north to Hamilton and Finney counties and east to p.a.w.nee and Barber counties. A few old records east to Anderson and Neosho counties in winter.

No subspecies recognized.

_Pedioecetes phasianellus._ Sharp-tailed Grouse. Formerly resident in western part of state; scattered old records from eastern localities.

Now extirpated, or nearly so, in Kansas; observers in northwestern counties should watch for it. No definite nesting record.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. p. jamesi_ Lincoln.

* _Colinus virginia.n.u.s._ Bob-white. Resident, common in east, less common and local in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. v. virginia.n.u.s_ (Linnaeus) in east, intergrading through central part with _C. v. taylori_ Lincoln in west.

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