Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 5

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* _Callipepla squamata._ Scaled Quail. Locally common resident in southwest, formerly north to Wallace County but now primarily south of Arkansas River, eastern limit not known. Breeding records from Hamilton, Kearny, Finney, Stanton, Morton, Stevens, and Clark counties, Marvin D.


Subspecies in Kansas: _C. s. pallida_ Brewster.

* _Phasia.n.u.s colchicus_ Linnaeus. Ring-necked Pheasant. Introduced.

Common in western two-thirds, gradually invading east where a few are now found in most counties.

Origin of North American stock obscure; no subspecies now recognized here.

_Meleagris gallopavo._ Turkey. Formerly common resident, west along streams at least to Riley County; now extirpated in Kansas. No known specimen from Kansas with authentic data. No definite nesting record.

Subspecies in Kansas: _M. g. silvestris_ Vieillot.

_Grus americana_ (Linnaeus). Whooping Crane. Regular transient, now rare. Probably most individuals go through east-central part of state.

Several early specimens from state and several recent sight records and one specimen: adult female (KU 31198), found crippled 8-1/2 miles south of Sharon, Barber County, October 31, 1952, Thane S. Robinson.

No subspecies recognized.

_Grus canadensis._ Sandhill Crane. Transient, rare in east, common to abundant in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _G. c. canadensis_ (Linnaeus) and _G. c.

tabida_ (Peters); comparative status of the two subspecies not known.

* _Rallus elegans._ King Rail. Transient and summer resident, locally common.

Subspecies in Kansas: _R. e. elegans_ Audubon.

_Rallus limicola._ Virginia Rail. Transient and summer resident, but breeding status poorly known. One breeding record: adult with six small, downy young, 8 miles south of Richfield, Morton County, May 24, 1950, Richard and Jean Graber.

Subspecies in Kansas: _R. l. limicola_ Vieillot.

* _Porzana carolina_ (Linnaeus). Sora. Common transient throughout state; status in summer poorly known. Two breeding records: Osawatomie, Miami County, prior to 1914 (no other details), record by Colvin, a careful observer; two nests, at least one with eggs, Finney County State Lake, August 21, 1951, Marvin D. Schwilling. Additional nesting records should be sought.

No subspecies recognized.

_Coturnicops noveboracensis._ Yellow Rail. Rare or generally overlooked transient. Records only from eastern part of state (west to Sedgwick County).

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. m. noveboracensis_ (Gmelin).

* _Laterallus jamaicensis._ Black Rail. Rare or generally overlooked summer resident. At least ten records, including at least seven specimens from widely scattered localities. Two breeding records: nest with eight eggs, Manhattan, Riley County, June, 1880, C. P. Blachly; nest with nine eggs, near Garden City, Finney County, June 6, 1889, H.

W. Menke.

Subspecies in Kansas: _L. j. jamaicensis_ (Gmelin).

_Porphyrula martinica_ (Linnaeus). Purple Gallinule. Rare and irregular summer visitant. Five specimens taken in April and June in Douglas, Sedgwick, and Riley counties. Several sight records from eastern Kansas.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Gallinula chloropus._ Florida Gallinule. Rare summer resident; status poorly known. Two breeding records: nest found "on a board," Coffey County, June (year not given), P. B. Peabody; nest (female, KU 27509, and two eggs taken), 3 miles northeast of Lawrence, Douglas County, May 22, 1945 (previously published as 1946), R. L. Montell.

Subspecies in Kansas: _G. c. cachinnans_ Bangs.

* _Fulica americana._ American Coot. Uncommon summer resident, abundant transient, and local winter resident in east and central parts; status in west poorly known. Breeding record: 3 newly hatched young (KU 16694-6), Little Salt Marsh, Stafford County, June 13, 1927, H. C.

Parker and W. H. Burt. The few other nesting localities include one in Finney County.

Subspecies in Kansas: _F. a. americana_ Gmelin.

_Charadrius hiaticula._ Semipalmated Plover. Regular transient throughout state, often fairly common.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. h. semipalmatus_ Bonaparte.

_Charadrius melodus._ Piping Plover. Rare transient. Three specimens from Douglas County, March and April, and a female (KU 15492) from Little Salt Marsh, Stafford County, July 16, 1925, T. E. White. Nests in Nebraska, south at least to Lincoln; observers in north-central Kansas should watch for possible breeding birds.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. m. circ.u.mcinctus_ (Ridgway).

* _Charadrius alexandrinus._ Snowy Plover. Summer resident on salt plains of Clark, Comanche, Stafford, Barton, and probably other counties. Breeding range in Kansas poorly known. One definite nesting record: adults with young, and one nest with 3 eggs, Comanche County, June 18, 1886, Goss. One female (KU 7787), from Lawrence, Douglas County, April 22, 1909, L. L. Dyche.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. a. tenuirostris_ (Lawrence).

* _Charadrius vociferus._ Killdeer. Common transient and summer resident throughout state. Occasional winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. v. vociferus_ Linnaeus.

* _Eupoda montana_ (Townsend). Mountain Plover. Summer resident in High Plains of western Kansas, but current status poorly known. Many specimens from west and one positive breeding record: two half-grown, partly downy males (KU 5512, 5513), 5 miles south of Tribune, Greeley County, June 21, 1911, Bunker and Rocklund.

No subspecies recognized.

_Pluvialis dominica._ Golden Plover. Regular transient in east, sometimes common; more common in spring than in autumn. Formerly abundant; status in west not known.

Subspecies in Kansas: _P. d. dominica_ (Muller).

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