Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 6

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_Squatarola squatarola_ (Linnaeus). Black-bellied Plover. Regular transient throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Arenaria interpres._ Ruddy Turnstone. Rare transient. Several sight records from eastern part of state and two specimens: one killed at Topeka, Shawnee County, August 16, 1898, F. W. Forbes (location of specimen unknown); male, Hamilton, Greenwood County, October 1, 1911, G.

C. Rinker.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. i. morinella_ (Linnaeus).

* _Philohela minor_ (Gmelin). American Woodc.o.c.k. Uncommon transient west to Scott and Kearny counties. Probably does not occur farther west. One early nesting record: adult with several "at least one-fourth grown"

young, near Neosho Falls, Woodson County, May 25, 1874, Goss.

No subspecies recognized.

_Capella gallinago._ Wilson Snipe. Common transient and occasional winter resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. g. delicata_ (Ord).

* _Numenius america.n.u.s._ Long-billed Curlew. Transient and uncommon summer resident in west; occasional transient in east. Female and two downy young (KU 11607, 8, 9) taken 1 mile from Spring Creek, Morton County, June 27, 1927, W. H. Burt and L. V. Compton.

Subspecies in Kansas: _N. a. america.n.u.s_ Bechstein is the breeding form; _N. a. parvus_ Bishop occurs in migration (specimens from Riley, Lyon, and Douglas counties).

[_Numenius phaeopus._ Hudsonian Curlew. Reported by Goss, and one seen at Iatan Marsh, Atchison County, May 16, 1948, by Harold C. Hedges, but here placed in Hypothetical List until a specimen from Kansas is taken.]

_Numenius borealis_ (Forster). Eskimo Curlew. Formerly abundant transient in eastern Kansas; now extinct, or nearly so. One uns.e.xed bird (KU 6951) taken in Douglas County, May 6, 1873, by N. J. Stevens.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Bartramia longicauda_ (Bechstein). Upland Plover. Abundant transient and locally common summer resident in suitable habitat; most numerous in west. Nesting records from Johnson, Wabaunsee, Chase, Finney, and Kearny counties.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Act.i.tis macularia_ (Linnaeus). Spotted Sandpiper. Common transient and summer resident throughout state. Breeding records from Leavenworth County and Kansas City region.

No subspecies recognized.

_Tringa solitaria._ Solitary Sandpiper. Common transient throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _T. s. solitaria_ Wilson is most common in eastern part and _T. s. cinnamomea_ (Brewster) is most common in western part of Kansas, with much overlap of the two.

_Catoptrophorus semipalmatus._ Willet. Transient throughout state, usually uncommon, but sometimes locally common.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. s. inornatus_ (Brewster). _C. s.

semipalmatus_ (Gmelin) has been reported, probably erroneously; all specimens seen are of the western subspecies, _inornatus_.

_Tota.n.u.s melanoleucus_ (Gmelin). Greater Yellow-legs. Common transient throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Tota.n.u.s flavipes_ (Gmelin). Lesser Yellow-legs. Common transient throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Calidris canutus._ American Knot. Rare transient. Sight records from eastern and western Kansas; only one specimen preserved, Hamilton, Greenwood County, September 19, 1911, G. C. Rinker.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. c. rufa_ (Wilson).

_Erolia melanotos_ (Vieillot). Pectoral Sandpiper. Common transient through state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Erolia fuscicollis_ (Vieillot). White-rumped Sandpiper. Common transient throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Erolia bairdii_ (Coues). Baird Sandpiper. Common transient in east; abundant transient in west.

No subspecies recognized.

_Erolia minutilla_ (Vieillot). Least Sandpiper. Common transient throughout state, but less numerous in west than in east.

No subspecies recognized.

_Erolia alpina._ Red-backed Sandpiper. Rare or uncommon transient; reported only from eastern half of state, west to Cloud County. Few specimens have been preserved.

Subspecies in Kansas: _E. a. pacifica_ (Coues).

_Limnodromus griseus._ Short-billed Dowitcher. Rare or uncommon transient in east, status in west not known. One specimen: male (KU 29403), 3 miles east of Lawrence, Douglas County, May 14, 1946, R. L.

Montell. Dowitchers having noticeably short bills should be collected when possible.

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