Common Diseases of Farm Animals Part 29

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THE DIRECT CAUSE.--The direct cause of tuberculosis is Koch's _Bacillus tuberculosis_. This is a slender, rod-shaped microorganisms (Fig. 88) occurring in the diseased tissues, feces and milk of a tubercular animal.

It belongs to that small group known as acid-fast bacteria. The tubercle bacillus is not really destroyed by external influences, and it may retain its virulence for several months in dried sputum if protected from the light. Its vitality enables it to resist high temperatures, changes in temperature, drying and putrefaction to a, greater degree than most non-spore-producing germs. Direct sunlight destroys the germ within a few hours, but it may live in poorly lighted, filthy stables for months. A temperature of 65260 C. destroys it in a few minutes.

Animals that, have advanced or open tuberculosis may disseminate the germ of the disease in the discharge from the mouth, nostrils, genital organs, in the intestinal excreta and milk. The germs discharged from the mouth and nostrils are coughed up from the lungs and may infect the feed. Milk is a common source of infection for calves and hogs. Allowing hogs to run after cattle is sure to result in infection of a large percentage of them, if there are any open cases of tuberculosis in the herd.

PREDISPOSING CAUSES.--Any condition that may lessen the resistance of the body or enable the tubercle bacillus to survive the exposure outside the body favors the development of the disease and the infection of the healthy animals. Crowded, poorly ventilated, filthy stables lower the disease-resisting power of the animal, and favor the entrance of the germs into the body. Under such unsanitary conditions, tuberculosis spreads quickly among dairy cattle, and a large percentage of the animals develop the generalized form of the disease. Sanitary stables and yards do not prevent the spread of the disease among animals that live in close contact with one another. Fresh air and sanitary surroundings only check the spread and r.e.t.a.r.d its progress.

INTRODUCTION OF TUBERCULOSIS INTO THE HERD.--The common method of introducing tuberculosis into the herd is through the purchase of animals having the disease. Such animals may be in apparent good health at the time of purchase, and be affected with generalized or open tuberculosis.

_A source of infection_ is by unknowingly buying cows that have reacted to the tuberculin test. The indiscriminate use and sale of tuberculin are largely responsible for the large number of reacting animals that have been placed on the open market. This dishonest practice has resulted in the rapid spread of the disease in certain localities. For years a large percentage of the breeding herds have been infected, and the writer has met with several herds of dairy and beef cattle that became tubercular through the purchase of tubercular breeding animals.

SYMPTOMS.--There is no one symptom by which we may recognize tuberculosis in cattle and hogs. None of the symptoms shown by a tubercular animal are characteristic, unless it is in the late stage of the disease. In a well-cared-for animal, the lymphatic glands in the different regions of the body, the lungs, liver and other organs, may be full of tubercles without causing noticeable symptoms of disease (Fig. 89).

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 89.--A tubercular cow. This cow was, to all appearances, in good health, but showed generalized tuberculosis on post-mortem examination.]

_Tuberculosis may attack any organ of the body_, and in the different cases of the disease the symptoms may vary. Enlargement of the glands in the region of the throat, and noisy, difficult breathing are sometimes present.

The udder frequently shows hard lumps scattered through the gland. Bloating may occur if a diseased gland in the chest cavity presses on the oesophagus and prevents the usual pa.s.sage of gas from the paunch. Chronic diarrhoea may occur. If the disease involves the digestive tract, the animal is unthrifty and loses flesh rapidly. Coughing is not a characteristic symptom, and we should not place too much emphasis on it. If the lungs become tubercular the animal usually has a slight, harsh cough. The cough is first noticed when the cattle get up after lying down, when the stable is first opened in the morning and when the animals are driven. If the chest walls are thin, soreness from pressure on the ribs may be noted. By applying the ear to the chest wall and listening to the lung sounds, absence of respiratory murmurs and abnormal sounds may be distinguished, due to consolidation of the lung tissue, abscess cavities and pleural adhesions. In a well-advanced case the hair is rough, the skin becomes tight and the neck thin and lean. The animal may breathe through the mouth when it is exercised. Weakness may be a prominent symptom.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 90.--Tubercular spleens.]

Breeding animals that are well fed and cared for may live for several years before showing noticeable symptoms of tuberculosis. The disease progresses more rapidly in milch cows, especially if given poor care. Calves allowed to nurse a tubercular mother that is giving off tubercle bacilli frequently develop enlarged throat glands and the intestinal form of the disease.

Hogs develop a generalized form of tuberculosis more quickly than cattle, but an unthrifty, emaciated condition is seldom noted in hogs under ten months old.

POST-MORTEM LESIONS.--The effect of the tubercle bacillus on the body is to irritate and destroy the tissues. Lumps or tubercles form in the lymphatic glands, liver, lungs, spleen (Fig. 90), serous membranes, kidneys and other body organs (Figs. 91 and 92). The tubercles may be very small at first, but as the disease progresses they continue to enlarge until finally a tubercular ma.s.s the size of a base-ball, or larger, is formed (Figs. 93, 94, 95 and 96). Lymphatic glands may become several times larger than normal and the liver and lungs greatly enlarged. The pleura and peritoneum may be thickened and covered with tubercles about the size of a millet seed, or larger. Pleural and peritoneal adhesions to the organs within the body cavities are common.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 91.--The carca.s.s of a tubercular cow. Note the condition of the carca.s.s, and the tubercular nodules on the chest wall, showing that the disease was well advanced.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 92.--A section of the chest wall of a tubercular cow showing a better view of the diseased tissue.]

The tubercle usually undergoes a cheesy degeneration. Old tubercles may become hard and calcareous. Sometimes the capsule of the tubercle is filled with pus. A yellowish, cheesy material within the capsule of the tubercular nodule or ma.s.s is typical of the disease.

THE TUBERCULIN TEST.--The only certain method of recognizing tuberculosis is by this test. There is no other method of recognizing this disease that is more accurate than the above test.

The substance used in testing animals for tuberculosis is a laboratory product. It is a germ-free fluid prepared by growing the tubercle bacillus in culture medium (bouillon) until charged with the toxic products of their growth. The culture medium is then heated to a boiling temperature in order to destroy the germs. It is then pa.s.sed through a porcelain filter that removes the dead germs. The remaining fluid is tuberculin.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 93.--A very large tubercular gland that had broken down in the central portion.]

_There are two methods of applying_ the tuberculin test. The subcutaneous test consists in injecting a certain quant.i.ty of tuberculin beneath the skin, and keeping a record of the body temperature of the animal between the eighth and eighteenth hours following the injection. Tubercular animals show an elevation in temperature that comes on about the eighth or twelfth hour of the test. In the _intradermal test_, a small quant.i.ty of a special tuberculin is injected into the deeper layer of the skin. The seat of the injection in cattle is a fold of the skin on the under side of the base of the tail. In tubercular animals the injection is followed by a characteristic local swelling.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 94.--A tubercular gland that is split open.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 95.--Caul showing tuberculosis.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 96.--Foot of hog showing tuberculosis of joint.]

The control of tuberculosis is largely in the hands of the breeder and dairyman. This is a disease that requires the cooperation of stockmen and sanitary officers in the application of control measures. If there are several open cases of tuberculosis in a herd of cattle, the application of the tuberculin test, removal of the reacting animals and disinfection of the premises are not sufficient to eradicate the disease. It is necessary to repeat the tuberculin test within six months, and later at twelve-months intervals, until none of the animals that remain in the herd react.

The most practical method of disposing of dairy cows that react to the tuberculin test is to slaughter them. Unless a large percentage of the herd is tubercular, it is not advisable to practise segregation and quarantine.

This may be advisable if the reactor is a valuable breeding animal, unless visible symptoms are shown. The milk from reacting cows may be used if it is boiled or sterilized. Whenever a calf is born of a reactor, it should be separated from the mother and fed milk from a healthy cow.

The separation of the tubercular from the healthy cows must be complete.

Separate buildings, yards and pastures that do not join the quarters where the healthy animals are kept should be provided. The person attending the reactors should not attend the healthy animals, and separate forks, shovels, pails and other utensils should be provided for the two herds.

The best method of controlling tuberculosis in hogs is to slaughter all reactors, disinfect yards and houses and move the herd. If the old quarters are free from filth and carefully disinfected, the hogs may be returned without danger of infection after six months. A retest of the herd should be made before returning them to the permanent quarters and the reactors slaughtered.


1. Give the history of the early experimental work in tuberculosis; give the common methods of spreading the disease.

2. What are the symptoms and post-mortem lesions in tuberculosis?

3. Give the method of controlling tuberculosis.



SEPTICAEMIA AND PYAEMIA.--The term commonly used in speaking of simple septicaemia and pyaemia is blood poisoning.

These infectious diseases are _caused_ by several different species of bacteria that gain entrance to the tissues by way of wounds. The bacteria that cause pyaemia are transferred by the blood stream to different organs and produce multiple abscesses. In septicaemia, the bacteria may occur in immense numbers in the blood and produce a general infection of the tissues, causing a parboiled appearance of the liver, heart, voluntary muscles and kidneys, and enlargement of the spleen. The two forms of infection are often present at the same time.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 97.--_Staphylococcus pyogenes_.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 98.--_Streptococcus pyogenes_.]

_The forms of bacteria_ that may cause blood poisoning are the _Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus_ and _albus_ (Fig. 97), _Streptococcus pyogenes_ (Fig. 98), _Bacillus pyocyaneus_, _Bacillus coli communis_, and the bacillus of malignant oedema (Figs. 99 and 100). The latter is included with the bacteria that produce blood poisoning because it is a frequent cause of wound septicaemia. Subcutaneous, punctured, lacerated, contused and deep wounds without suitable drainage are the most suitable for the development of and infection of the tissues with the above germs. Wound infection is most common during hot weather.

_The symptoms are both general and local_. The tissues in the region of the wound become swollen and painful. In malignant oedema the swelling pits on pressure, and if the wound is open, the surface becomes soft and may slough. The body temperature may be several degrees above the normal, the appet.i.te is impaired or the animal stops eating and acts sleepy. A small amount of highly-colored urine may be pa.s.sed. Nervous symptoms, such as muscular twitching, excited condition, delirium and paralysis, may be noted.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 99.--Bacillus of malignant oedema, showing spores.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 100.--Bacillus of malignant oedema.]

_The prognosis is unfavorable_. In pyaemia the animal may live from a few days to several months. Septicaemia usually terminates fatally in from two to ten days.

_The treatment is largely preventive_. Wounds should be given prompt attention. They should be freed from all foreign substances and washed with a disinfecting solution. A contused-lacerated wound should not be sutured if this interferes with the cleansing of it, and the escape of the wound secretions. All punctured wounds should be enlarged so as to permit of treatment and drainage.

HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA.--An acute infectious disease of ruminants and swine, characterized by hemorrhages in the different body tissues that appear as small red spots or blotches.

_The specific cause of this disease_ is the _Bacillus bovisepticus_ (Fig.

101). This bacillus probably enters the body tissues by way of the lining membrane of the intestinal and respiratory tracts. In the northern States, cattle pasturing on marsh lands and swampy pastures are more often affected with the disease in the late summer and fall than at other seasons of the year.

The drinking of contaminated surface water that collects in muddy pools and ponds may cause the disease. Cattle pasturing in stalk fields sometimes become infected in this way. Dusty sleeping quarters and small, crowded, muddy yards seem to favor the development of the disease in hogs. Exposure, insufficient exercise and careless feeding are the predisposing factors.

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Common Diseases of Farm Animals Part 29 summary

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