Color Key to North American Birds Part 102

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Bull. N. O. C., V, pp. 11-20; 86 species.--1881. HATCH, P. L. A List of the Birds of Minnesota. Ninth Ann. Rep. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv.

Minn., for 1880, 1881, pp. 361-372; 281 species.--1881. ROBERTS, T. S.

The Winter Birds of Minnesota. 9th Ann. Rep. Geol. and N. H. Surv.

Minn., for 1880-1881, pp 373-383; 52 species.--1883. BRACKETT, F. H.

Ornithological Notes from Minnesota. Quart. Journ. Bost. Zool.

Soc. II, pp. 47-49; III, pp. 7-16; 134 species.--1890. CANTWELL, G. C.

A List of the Birds of Minnesota. Orn. and Ool., XV, p, 129-139. (See also p. 156 and XVI, p. 157); 295 species.--1892. HATCH, P. L. Notes on the Birds of Minnesota. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn. 8vo, 487 pp.; 302 species.--1904. CURRIER, E. S. Summer Birds of the Leech Lake Region, Minn. Auk, XXI, pp. 29-44; 117 species.--1907. ROBERTS, T. S. List of Birds of Becker Co., Minn., Pioneer Hist. of Becker Co.

(Pioneer Press, St. Paul), pp. 159-190; 262 species.--1911. HONYWILL, A. W. JR.--Notes on some Summer and Fall Birds of the Crooked Lake Region. Ca.s.s and Crow, Wing Counties, Minn. The Auk, XXVIII, pp. 229-237; 86 species.


1905. STOCKARD, C. R. Nesting Habits of Birds in Mississippi. Auk, XXII, 1905, pp. 146-158, 273-285; 83 species.--1906. ALLISON, A. Notes on the Winter Birds of Hanc.o.c.k Co., Miss., Auk, XXIII, 1906, pp. 44-47; 51 species. Also Ibid., p. 232.--1907. ALLISON, A. Notes on the Spring Birds of Tishomingo County, Miss. Auk, XXIV, pp. 12-25.


1879. SCOTT, W. E. D. Notes on Birds Observed During the Spring Migration in Western Missouri. Bull. N. O. C., IV, pp. 139-147; 148 species.--1884. HURTER J. List of Birds Collected in the Neighborhood of St. Louis, Mo. Orn. and Ool., IX, pp. 85-87, 95-97. (see also p. 128); 265 species.--1896. WIDMANN, O. The Peninsula of Missouri as a Winter Home for Birds. Auk, XIII, 1896, pp. 216-222.--1907. WIDMANN, O. A Preliminary Catalogue of the Birds of Missouri. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, XVIII, pp. 1-288; 383 species--1908. WOODRUFF, E. S. Birds of Shannon and Carter Counties, Missouri, Auk, XXV, pp. 191-213; 172 species.


1876. GRINNELL, G. B. Report of a Reconnaissance from Carroll Montana Territory on the Upper Missouri, to the Yellowstone National Park, and Return, made in the summer of 1875 by William Ludlow.... Birds, pp. 72-92; 139 species.--1894. RICHMOND, C. W., and KNOWLTON, F. H.

Auk, XI, pp. 298-308; 111 species.--1895. THORNE, P. M. List of Birds observed in the Vicinity of Fort Keogh, Montana, from July 1888, to September 1892. The Auk, XII, pp. 211-219; 139 species.--1901.

CARY, M. Birds of the Black Hills. The Auk, XVIII, pp. 231-238; 91 species.--1901. SILLOWAY, P. M. Summer Birds of Flathead Lake. Bull, No. 3 Univ. Mont. 8vo. 83 pp., 16 plls.; 123 species (see also, Ibid, No. 6, pp. 289-308).--1903. SILLOWAY, P. M. The Birds of Fergus County, Montana. Bull. No. 1, Fergus Co. Free High School, Lewiston, Mont. 77 pp., 17 ppls.; 179 species.--1907-8. CAMERON, E. S. The Birds of Custer and Dawson Counties, Montana. The Auk, XXIV, pp. 241-270; 389-406; XXV, pp. 34-56; 192 species.--1911. SAUNDERS, A. A.... A Preliminary List of the Birds of Gallatin County, Montana. The Auk, XXVIII, pp. 26-49; 198 species.--1912. SAUNDERS, A. A. Some Birds of Southwestern Montana. The Condor, XIV, pp. 22-32; 152 species.


1878. AUGHEY, S. Notes on the Nature of the Food of the Birds of Nebraska. First Ann. Rep. U. S. Ent. Com. for the year 1877.

Appendix II, pp. 13-62; 252 species.--1883. HALL, A. Spring Birds of Nebraska. Forest and Stream, XX, pp. 265, 266, 284; 114 species.--1888. TAYLOR, W. EDGAR. A Catalogue of Nebraska Birds ... Ann. Rep. Nebr. State Board of Agric., for the year 1887, pp. 111-118; 314 species.--1888-89. TAYLOR, E. W., and VAN VLEET, A.

H. Notes on Nebraska Birds. Orn. and Ool., XIII, pp. 49-51, 169-172; XIV, pp. 163-165; 137 species.--1896. BRUNER., L. Notes on Nebraska Birds. Rep. Neb. State Hort. Soc., 1896, pp. 48-178; 415 species.--1901. BRUNER, L. Birds that Nest in Nebraska. Proc. Nebr.

Orn. Union, 1901, pp. 48-61; 212 species.--1904. BRUNER, L., WALCOTT, R. H., and SWENK, M. H. A Preliminary Review of the Birds of Nebraska, 1-116+5 p.; 406 species. Klopp and Bartlett, Omaha, Nebr.--1909.

WALCOTT, R. H. An a.n.a.lysis of Nebraska's Bird Fauna. Proc. Neb. Orn.

Union, IV, pp. 25-55.


1877. HENSHAW, H. W. Annual Report upon the Survey West of the One-Hundredth Meridian. Being Appendix N N of the Annual Report of Engineers for 1877. Report on the Ornithology of Portions of Nevada and California, pp. 1303-1322.--1877. RIDGWAY, R. Report of Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Clarence King, Geologist, in charge. Vol. IV, Part III, Ornithology, 4to, pp. 303-670. Mainly limited to that portion of the Great Basin included between the thirty-ninth and forty-second parallels and extending from the Sierra Nevada to the Wasatch Mountains; 262 species.--1880. HENSHAW, H. W.

Annual Report upon the Geog. Surv. of the Terr. west of the 100th Meridian ... App. O. O. of the Ann. Rep. of the Chief of Engineers for 1879. App. L. Ornithological Report from Observations and Collections made in portions of California, Nevada, and Oregon; pp.

282-335; 184 species.--1881. HOFFMAN, W. J. Annotated List of the Birds of Nevada. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geograph. Survey of the Territories, VI, 2, pp. 203-256; 250 species.--1903. HANFORD, F. S.

The Summer Birds of Washoe Lake, Nevada. The Condor, V, pp. 49-52; 48 species.--1912. TAYLOR, W. P. Field Notes on Amphibians, Reptiles and Birds of Northern Humboldt County, Nevada. Univ. Pub. Zool. VII, 10, pp. 319-436; 103 species.


1877. GOODHUE, C. F. The Birds of Webster and Adjoining Towns. Forest and Stream, VIII, pp. 33, 49, 96, 113, 146; 151 species.--1872.

MAYNARD, C. J. See Maine.--1887. CHADBOURNE, A. P. A List of the Summer Birds of the Presidential Range of the White Mountains, N. H. Auk, IV, pp. 100-108; 47 species.--1888. FAXON, W., and ALLEN, J. A. Notes on the Summer Birds of Holderness [65 species], Bethlehem [50 species], and Franconia, N. H. [87 species]. Auk, V. pp. 149-155.--1889. ALLEN, F. H. Summer Birds at Bridgewater, N. H. Auk, VI, pp. 76-79.--1882.

KNOWLTON, F. H. A Revised List of the Birds of Brandon, Vt. The Brandon Union, February 10, 1882; 149 species.--1899. DEARBORN, N.

Preliminary List of the Birds of Belknap and Merrimac Counties, N. H.

New Hamps.h.i.+re College, Durham, 8vo, 34 pp.; 175 species.--1900.

BATCHELDER, F. W. and FOGG, E. H. Preliminary List of Birds... of Manchester, N. H. Proc. Manchester Inst. Arts and Sci., I, pp.

123-138; 132 species. (See also Proc. for 1901, 1902.)--1900 DEARBORN, N. The Birds of Durham and Vicinity. Cont. Zool. Lab. N. H. College Agric. and Mech. Arts, VI, 121 pp., map.--1904. ALLEN, G. M. The Birds of New Hamps.h.i.+re. Proc. Manchester Inst. Arts and Sciences, IV, pp. 23-222; 283 species.--1904. COMEY, A. C. A Partial List of the Summer Birds of Holderness, N. H. Wilson Bull., XVI, 5-9 pp.; 94 species.


1885. BARRELL, H. F. Birds of the Upper Pa.s.saic Valley, New Jersey.

Orn. and Ool., X, pp. 21-23, 42, 43; 149 species.--1887. THURBER, E.

A List of Birds of Morris County, New Jersey. True Democratic Banner (newspaper), Morristown, N. J., Nov. 10, 17, 24; 205 species.--1894.

STONE, W. The Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 8vo, 185 pp. Del. Valley Orn. Club, Phila.; 346 species.--1894. STONE, W.

Summer Birds of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Auk, XI, 1894, pp. 138-140; 90 species.--1897-1910. STONE, W., Editor. Numerous Notes on Birds of Chiefly Southern New Jersey. Proc. Del. Valley Orn. Club, Phila.--1901. BABSON, W. A. The Birds of Princeton, N. J. Bull. Bird Club, Princeton Univ. I, pp. 7-28; 230 species.--1906. CHAPMAN, F. M.

(See New York.)--1907. HOLMES, L. K. Birds Found within a Radius of 12 Miles of Summit, N. J. Wilson Bull. XIX, pp. 21-27; 201 species.

See also list of Summer Birds, _Ibid._, XVII, pp. 8-12; and Hann, List of Summer Birds, _Ibid._, pp. 117-122.--1909. STONE, W. The Birds of New Jersey. Ann. Rep. N. J. State Museum for 1908, pp. 11-347, 409-419; plls. 1-84.--1909. BAILY, W. L. Breeding Birds of Pa.s.saic and Suss.e.x Counties. Ca.s.sinia, pp. 29-36; 94 species.


1853. WOODHOUSE, S. W. (See Arizona)--1859. HENRY, T. C. Catalogue of the Birds of New Mexico as compiled from Notes and Observations made while in that Territory during a residence of Six Years. Proc. Acad.

Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, pp. 104-109; 198 species.--1885-6. HENSHAW, H.

W. List of Birds Observed in Summer and Fall on the Upper Pecos River, New Mexico. Auk, II, pp. 326-333; III, pp. 73-80; 80 species.--1892.

ANTHONY, A. W. Birds of Southwestern New Mexico. Auk, IX, pp. 357-369; 129 species.--1898. MITCh.e.l.l, W. I. The Summer Birds of San Miguel County, New Mexico. The Auk, XV, pp. 306-311; 85 species. (See also, Bailey, _Ibid._, XXI, 1904, pp. 443-449).--1904. BAILEY, F. M.

Additional Notes on the Birds of the Upper Pecos. The Auk, XXI, pp. 349-363; 93 species.--1906. HUNN, J. T. S. Notes on Birds of Silver City, New Mexico. The Auk, XXIII, pp. 418-425; 112 species.--1908. GILMAN, M. F. Birds on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. The Condor, X, pp. 146-152; 108 species.--1912. BERGTOLD, W. H.

October Birds of the Headwaters of the Gila River, New Mexico.

The Auk, XXIX, pp. 327-336; 76 species.


1844. GIRAUD, J. P., JR. The Birds of Long Island ... New York, vol. V, 8vo, 397 pp.; 286 species.--1844. DE KAY, JAMES E. Zoology of New York. Part II, Birds. Albany. 1 vol., 4to, xii+380 pp., 141 col. plls.--1876. FOWLER, H. G. Birds of Central New York.

Forest and Stream, VI, pp. 180, 233, 284, 337, 402; VII, pp. 36, 52, 84, 230. Also Additions _Ibid._, p. 180; 170 species.--1877. ROOSEVELT, T., JR., and MINOT, H. D. The Summer Birds of the Adirondacks in Franklin County, N. Y. 8vo, 4 pp.; 97 species.--1879. RATHBUN, FRANK R. A Revised List of Birds of Central New York. (Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca, Wayne, and Yates Counties, Auburn, N. Y.) 44 pp. See also Orn.

and Ool., VII, 1882, pp. 132, 133; 14 additions.--1879-80. MEARNS, E. A.

A List of the Birds of the Hudson Highlands. Bull. Ess.e.x. Inst., X, pp. 166-179; XI, pp. 43-52, 154-168, 189-204; XII, pp. 11-25, 109-128; XIII, pp. 75-93. (See also Auk, VII, 1890, pp. 55, 56); 214 species.--1880. GREGG, W. H. Revised Catalogue of the Birds of Chemung County, New York, Elmira, N. Y., O. H. Wheeler; 217 species.--1881-84.

MERRIAM, C. H. Preliminary List of Birds Ascertained to Occur in the Adirondack Region, Northeastern New York. Bull. N. O. C., VI, pp.

225-235; and Addenda VII, 1882, pp. 128, 256, 257. Auk, I, 1884, pp.

58, 59; 211 species.--1882. BICKNELL, E. P. A Review of the Summer Birds of a part of the Catskill Mountains, with prefatory remarks on the faunal and floral features of the region. Trans. of the Linn. Soc.

of New York, I, pp. 115-168; 90 species.--1885 ... HOLLICK, A.

Preliminary List of the Birds Known to Breed on Staten Island.

Proc. Nat. Sci. Staten Island. Extra No. 4, December. 67 species.--1886.... BARNUM, M. K. A Preliminary List of the Birds of Onondaga County, N. Y. Bull. of the Biol. Lab. of Syracuse. 8vo, pp.

1-34; 204 species.--1886. RALPH, W. L., and BAGG, E. An Annotated List of the Birds of Oneida County, N. Y., and Its Immediate Vicinity.

Trans. Oneida Hist. Soc., III, pp. 101-147; 224 species. (See also _Ibid._, VII, 1890, pp. 2, 29-232.) Orn. and Col. XIII, 1888, pp. 58, 59. Auk, XI, 1894, pp. 162-164.--1886. WOODRUFF, L. B., and PAINE, A. G., JR. Birds of Central Park, New York City. A Preliminary List.

Forest and Stream, XXVI, pp. 386, 387, 487; 121 species.--1889.

BERGTOLD, W. H. A List of the Birds of Buffalo and Vicinity. Bull.

Buffalo Nat. Field Club, 1, 7, pp. 1-21; 237 species.--1889. DAVISON, J. L. Birds of Niagara County, New York, Forest and Stream, x.x.xIII, pp. 164, 183, 303; 190 species.--1892. CLUTE, W. N. The Avifauna of Broome Co., N. Y. Wilson Quart., pp. 59-64; 106 species.--1896. SHORT, E. H. Birds of Western New York. F. H. Lattin, Albion, N. Y. 20 pp.; 229 species.--1901. EATON, E. H. Birds of Western New York. Proc.

Roch. Acad. IV, 64 pp.; 299 species.--1901. EMBODY, G. O. Birds of Madison County, N. Y. Bull. Dep't. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. 8vo, 36 pp.; 191 species. (See also Maxon, Auk, XX, p. 263.)--1904. CHAPMAN, F. M. An Annotated List of the Birds Known to Breed within 50 Miles of New York City. Guide Leaflet, No. 14, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31 pp., 13 ills.--1906. CHAPMAN, F. M.

The Birds of the Vicinity of New York City. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Guide Leaflet, No. 22, Rev. Ed., 96 pp. Numerous ills.; 353 species.--1907.

BRAISLIN, W. C. A List of the Birds of Long Island, N. Y. Abst. Proc.

Linnaean Society, N. Y., 1907, pp. 31-123; 364 species. (See also Auk, 1909, pp. 314-316.)--1910. REED, H. D., and WRIGHT, A. H. Vertebrates of the Cayuga Lake Basin. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XLVIII, pp. 370-459; 257 species.--1910. WRIGHT, A. H. and ALLEN, A. A. The Increase of Austral Birds at Ithaca. Auk, XXVII, pp. 63-66.--1910. EATON, E. H.

Birds of New York. I, Water and Game Birds. 4to, pp. 1-501, col. plls.

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